C H A P T E R 2

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Harvey's POV,

"Wow Harvey, New York is so pretty" My sisters gushed as we got out of the airport and were waiting for a taxi.

"Yes, it really is" I have to admit, it is very beautiful but I still think Vegas is prettier because of all the fancy casinos and all the good stuff.

"It's because it's the city of love" Hannah said with so much confidence.

"No you moron, that's Paris" Handy yelled at Hannah. "Stop that you two" Harley pinched both of them.

I can't even with this two right now. They have issues, infact all my sisters do. We got into a taxi and went to the suite where we will be staying.

The suite had only two beds but we made it work. We joined the two beds and there was more than enough room for all of us. I decided to use this vacation to spend time with my sisters.

We have been in New York for two weeks now and it seems the same to me. We carried out our daily routine and did everything we normally did. I got bored and it's not because I am a workaholic.

We were watching Netflix and chilling when there was a knock on our door.

"Who could that be?" Hailey asked me in confusion. I shrugged my shoulder as I had no idea. "Maybe a staff" I suggested.

We decided to check who it was and the corner of my lips went upwards when I saw who it was.

"Liam?" I smiled at the figure in front of me.

"Uncle Liam" Hannah and Handy ran to him and give him a big hug. "Did my cuties miss me?" He asked like he didn't know the answer.

"Of course they missed you but why did you come all the way to New York?" I asked him.

"So you're saying that you didn't miss me?" He gave me a mischievous smile.

"Can you shut up and come in?" My cheek flushed in embarrassment.

"I know you guys are bored because Harvey is very boring so I decided to invite you guys for a function that I have to attend tonight" Liam explained as he took a sip of the coffee that Harley served him a while ago.

"So we're going to a partyyy?" They all squealed in happiness then Hailey stopped when she realized something "We don't have anything to wear for the function" She complained to Liam.

"I figured so I got you something but it's in my car. Here take my key and go get it" Hailey collected the key and went down with the others leaving Liam and I alone.

"Why are you doing all this? They're only going to eat bad food and complain of a stomach ache" I grabbed my head that recently started aching.

"You know that I only have your best interest at heart. I'm doing this to show you how much I care about this family. You're like the family that I  never had. My reaction softened on hearing this words. I know that Liam is from a dysfunctional family but it hurts hearing him talk about it.

"Thank you" I smiled as I pinched his cheeks. "No problem" He took my palm and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"This way, no no lower, perfect" Hailey and Harley just finished styling my hair and doing my makeup.

"Can I look now?" I was eager to see if I looked like a Barbie doll or the Grinch.  "Sure have a look" They spun my chair around and I touched the mirror just to make sure it was actually my reflection or the mirror was playing a prank on me.

I looked stunning, I haven't looked this good in years. My dried out brunette Bob was glossy and shiny. My eyebrows were perfectly carved and my eye liner was on fleek. My blush matte went perfectly with my cream colored spaghetti strap slit dress.

"Do you like it?" Harley asked with unsure eyes knowing that I was very hard to please.

"Of course I do, I love it" I helped everyone and get ready. There was a knock on the door. Handy opened the door and let Liam in.

"Come on Harvey or we'll be late" Hailey yelled as I was the only one left. When I walked out of the bathroom, I swear I heard Liam curse under his breath. He scanned me head to toe and I blushed profusely.

"You look stunning" He complimented me and I blushed even harder. It's hard to believe that someone who blushes this much doesn't know what love is.

"Did I tell you that you're pretty?" Liam whispered in the my ear as I took a sip of my cherry fruit wine.

"Only for the hundredth time" I smiled back. We arrived at the party an hour ago and I must say it was glamorous. It's one of those fancy functions you only see in movies and anyone who throws such functions must sleep on bundles of cash.

"I need to use the toilet, I'll be right back" I excused myself from Liam and was on my way to the toilet when I saw a man, he was really strange.

He looked so wealthy, his suit alone will possibly pay our house rent for nine months. He was sitting on the floor and was crying. I found this sight very amusing because how many times do you see such?

I went to meet him to check if he was crazy or has a loose screw. "Hey, what's wrong sir?"

When he looked at me, my breath hitched, I know him but from where?

"I'm looking for Jaxson" He told me and I wondered why a grown man will be crying because he can't find his friend.

"Where was the last place you saw him?"

"In my pocket"

Ok is he mad?

"Who is he to you?"

"He's my toy"


Who's this man?

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