C H A P T E R 36

38 7 0

Harvey's POV,

"No, this is Liam Wilson and Luke Chandar not your brothers" I agued with Dean.

"Actually Harvey, I am Dominic but I changed my name and so did Liam" Luke said.

No, this can't be. I was ok with being in a love rectangle with strangers but brothers? I think I'm loosing my mind. I don't know what to think again.

"Harvey, how do you know them?" Dean asked.

"She's my girlfriend and also my date" Luke said.

"No, she's my best friend and date" Liam said.

"What are guys whining about? Harvey is my date" Dean said.

They started arguing and I felt really bad for coming between brothers.

"The truth is, I'm here with all three of you because you guys asked me out on the exact same day and I didn't want to let anyone down" I bent my head down.

"This is all so very confusing but we are wise enough to know that we're causing a scene so you all should come to my place tomorrow" Luke said.

"Why would I come to your place? My place is better" Dean said.

"I have no plans of entering either of your houses. My hotel room is perfect"

"How about my place?" I asked. They seemed to like the idea.

Oh dear this is not going to be easy.

I woke up a little earlier than I normally do because I needed to prepare for the three brothers coming over.

I still can't believe that they're brothers. A few weeks ago, I just saw them as love interests and now that I know that they're brothers, it's makes it more difficult.

I cleaned up the kitchen and the living room. I decided to cook something for them but I really didn't know what I could possibly cook that will all three of them will like.

I was contemplating whether or not to order some takeout when there was a knock on the door. Are they here already?

My hands started trembling as I gripped the door handle. I twisted it and it was Pierson. My shoulders dropped in relief.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack" I hit her back.

"Ouch, What was that for? I'm not the one who asked you to invite them over" She yelled

I turned around and continued cleaning up.

"Anyways, I got you some Chinese food. I figured you wouldn't cook for them so I bought it on my way back" She tossed a bag on the table. I opened it and was greeted my the warm and sumptuous aroma of the wet noodles.

I set them down on the table before going up to have a shower and change my clothes. It was like they planned this thing because they showed up at the exact same time.

I ushered them in and we all sat down in a really akward silence. I cleared my throat and decided to take the lead.

"I'm sorry you guys, it's just that I care about you a lot and didn't want to hurt any of you" They digged into their noodles and paid very little attention to me

"Are you guys even listening?" I asked

"Of course but what you did was so crazy. What gave you the idea that it would succeed?" Dean said

"I don't know, I've seen in movies a lot" I scratched my head

"In case you haven't noticed, this is real life" Luke said

"I know and I'm truly sorry you guys" I said

"Ok but you will have to choose which one of us you're going to keep seeing because you can't get all three of us" Liam said

"Yes totally, I just need to time" I said

"Why waste time? You love me, we've kissed quite a number of times" Luke said

"Wait what? I thought I was your first kiss" Liam said

"Wait a minute, you mean you kissed me with the same lips you used to kiss them" Dean used a chopstick to point at them

"I can explain, it's not what it looks like"

"You know what, I'm out of here" Dean threw his chopsticks and stormed off. Liam and Luke followed behind him.

What just happened?


Thanks for this chapter.

Love you


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