E P I L O G U E - C H R I S T M A S

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Seven years later,

"I don't want to share my pancakes with Dylan" Hunter, my seven year old son complained.

"Like I want your pancakes, they have cooties" Dylan snapped at her brother.

"Mummy! My doll fell into the pool" Dillion, my four year old daughter started crying.

This is what I go through every day. It's been ten years since that incident. I have four kids and I really love them. Hunter, Dillion and Delia love their big sister Dylan a lot.

It feels like a party everyday in this house. A very annoying party to be precise.

"Ok fine, Hunter you can have your pancakes and some brownies. Dylan go help Dillion get her doll"

"Ok mommy" They all yelled in unison. Pierson came into the kitchen with Delia on her hips.

"I think she wants you to carry her" Pierson handed her to me. I carried her and went out of the kitchen.

We moved to a bigger house and Pierson, Luke and their kids moved in with us. They have three kids, Alexa, Sophia and Nirvana. They only had girls but they love her a lot.

Larry and Avery also had a beautiful set of twins, Ian and Dixie. Liam was released few months ago and he went for therapy. He fell in love with his german therapist and he recently moved back to Germany with her.

I quit my job in Dean's company so that I can take care of my kids. I started volunteering at Charity fundraisers and all those stuffs.

I made a lot of contribution to the neighborhood and because of that, I was given the honour to plan the annual Christmas party. The kids also helped in the decoration and today is the party.

Since it didn't snow this winter, I got the Cyprus brothers to hook us up with some Snow machines.

Luke and Dean worked this out and now they're stronger than ever. Liam comes to visit sometimes but he doesn't feel free around us anymore.


Pierson and I ran out of the kitchen when we heard a crash. We saw Nirvana holding broken pieces of Dean's mom's favorite vase.

She was such a cutie that she didn't realize what she was doing.

"What are we going to do with all this kids?" Pierson looked at me in frustration.

I'm glad that she's the one who Luke fell in love with. Now, I have my best friend and cousin with me forever.

"Harvey!" Hailey hugged me.

"I missed you Hailey" I kissed her cheek.

Hailey is now twenty eight, she got married to that her boyfriend. He actually turned out to be very rich and successful. They have a son together.

"Hello aunty" Dave, Hailey's son hugged me. Harley, Handy and Hannah were in college. Harley is in her last year and is already engaged.

They grow up so fast don't they?

My mom came in with a walking stick and gave Pierson and I a kiss before sitting on the couch with her grand children.

Since it was Christmas, they came as usual. We all got ready for the party very quickly. I called Dean while Pierson called Luke and they said that they were in a meeting but they would meet us at the party.

"You look lovely" I felt a very familiar masculine energy and I turned around to see Dean. I hugged him and pecked his lips.

"You're late"

"If I get a kiss even when I'm late then I don't mind being late" I pushed him away and went to talk to some of the guests.

"Good evening everyone, I just want to say a big thank you to the Cyprus family especially Mrs Harvey Cyprus for planning this amazing party. We love you" The head of the Charity associations, Mrs Leigh  said

"Daddy I want to go see Santa" Sophia told Luke. Luke took Sophia to go and meet Santa Claus and I made Dean take the others too.

Pierson and I enjoyed our free time together. We chatted, ate and danced.

"We need someone to sing a Christmas song for us" Mrs Leigh said

"Let Mrs Cyprus sing it" Pierson yelled. Does she realize she's also a Mrs Cyprus?

"Yes Mommy, sing for us" Dylan said

"Sing, sing, sing" The crowd chanted for me to sing.

"Ok fine, I'll sing" Everyone applauded as I took the microphone. Mrs Leigh sat on the piano while I scrolled through the Carol book.

"We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy new year .

Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a
Happy, happy new year"

The crowd applauded.

I looked at the stars through the window with All I want for Christmas cueing in the background.

The END.



And that's a wrap. A big thank to you for supporting me. Thank you for reading The Last Summer.

It's been quite the heck of a journey and I really love you all.

Thank you so much.

The last summer

Started: 1st of June 2020
Finished: 7th of July 2020

Special thanks to all of my readers.

Now the time has come to say good bye.

Till we meet again.

The Last Summer(Wattys 2021)Where stories live. Discover now