C H A P T E R 47

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Dean's POV,

Last night was amazing. I have never felt anything like this before. Is this what it feels like to be in love? A few years ago, I was a mess and now, I have this flawless woman in my arms and I have no plans of letting her go.

She completes me and she's the missing half of me that I've been looking for. I ran my fingers through her silky hair. How is that she fits perfectly in my hands?

She shifted a bit and her bare chest rubbed against my own. I started feeling a tingling sensation from the lower part of my body. I can't get enough of her and she does a lot of crazy things to my body.

When I heard she went back to Vegas, I was heartbroken. She didn't even say goodbye. That was so unlike Harvey. I wanted to go see her but I wanted to leave Vegas with my girl.

I love her and I can't see myself with any other woman. If I can't marry her then I'll stay a bachelor till I get married.

As if she could feel my eyes on her. She stirred a bit before her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning beautiful, I thought you'd never wake up" She chuckled.

"Or you wish I wouldn't wake up?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been awake for about ten minutes and you've been watching me"

"No I haven't" I said

"Really, it didn't seem like you weren't from my point of view"

"You're imagining things"

"Oh so now I'm delusional, alright" She picked up my shirt and threw it on.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To take a shower"

"Can I join? You know, we could save a lot of water for the Eco system"

"You and I that you don't care about the Eco system. You only care about pleasure" She opened the door.

I came down from the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Whatever, I want to take a shower with you"

She opened the door widely as a welcome gesture. I was about stepping in.

"Oh wait, you're delusional" She slammed the door in my face. I stood there looking at door. Well played Davidson, well played.

She opened the almost immediately and I thought she was going to let me in but she threw my shirt on my face and slammed the door again.

Harvey's POV,

"I just need to get my stuff and we can go. Pierson has already gone by the way" Dean pulled up in front of my old house. Since I'm probably not coming back here again, I think I will put it up for sale.

We used Dean's private jet to go back to New York. I decided that we should tell the others about the engagement.

I didn't need to because apparently everyone else was in on his plan except from me.

"She said Yes, Pierson told me but now I just confirmed it" Hailey said after she saw the diamond encrusted ring on my finger.

"That's right, she's my property now" Dean swung his arm around my shoulders.

I pushed his hand away and went to hug my sisters.

"Does this mean I'll be a two aunty?" Hannah asked


"No, what you mean to say Hannah is that you will have two nieces soon" Harley said

"Two nieces?" I'm not even married yet or pregnant and they are already talking about two kids.

"Actually um Harvey, I went to the doctor because I wasn't feeling too good" Pierson said


"We're having a baby" Luke rubbed Pierson's stomach.

"Wow, Really? I'm so happy for you Pierson" I hugged her tightly.

"Has anyone heard from Liam? I heard he moved back to Vegas" I asked

"Nope, he's been unreachable. He doesn't return our calls anymore" Luke said

"I feel sad for him, he said something about failing to get what he came to Brooklyn for" Hailey said

Deep down, I knew he was referring to me. I was that something that he came to get.

"We have two weddings to plan" Handy squealed

"Two? Are Pierson and Luke also engaged?" I asked


"Whoa, how long was I in Vegas?" I asked and everyone laughed.

"I can't still believe you're mine" Dean held my waist and stared into my eyes. We were in his room because he decided that all of us should stay at his until the wedding. He said something about there not being enough rooms and that I should move to his room.

That was a very rotten lie because this house could pass off as a hotel.

"You better start believing because I'm going nowhere" I wrapped my arms around his neck. I tiptoed and kissed the side of his mouth.

He wanted to turn this to a make out session but I had to talk to him about something.

"Dean, wait I have to ask you something" I pushed his chest when he started kissing my neck.

"Can't it wait?"


"Fine" He held my hand and guided me to the bed. "What is wrong Sunshine?"

"It's just, your surgery. You need to do it soon and this time, the success rate isn't important because your life is more important" I said

"I know but can't it wait? I can do the surgery after we have our first child"

"No way, we have to do it before the wedding"

"Ok, I will do the surgery a week before our wedding. Happy?"


"Now, where were we?" He lifted me up and carried me to his side of the bed. Then he lay on top of me and captured my lips that has been longing for his touch since I got home.

Home. That seemed nice.

This is my home now.

Somehow, it feels like home unlike when I first got here.

It now has the warmth of a home.


Thank you for this chapter.

Keep supporting me and I love you.


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