C H A P T E R 28

41 6 0

Harvey's POV,

Well that escalated quickly. Why is Dean so smart? Why is he suddenly figuring things out? It's making me really nervous.

I need to keep my journal far way from him because if he does, then I'm finished. I hid it in my underwear drawer because I figured no one would go there. Well at least if he's not a pervert.

I needed to clear my head so I pulled my phone out and put Total Drama All stars because it's like the best of all Total Drama Island seasons.

~They ask me what I wanted to be
I guess it's all clear for you to see           I wanna be F A M O U S.
Na na na na na na na
I wanna be , I wanna be
I wanna be famous.~

~Total Drama theme song~

This show gets me but I don't think it's actually for kids even though it made up my childhood.

"That's why you turned out like this" A voice in my head said. My mind went to Luke, I still feel bad for turning him down. I know, I will surprise him tomorrow.

I'm gonna go to his house and prepare something for him and all that. He's going to be so surprised. I went to bed while thinking of Luke.

Luke's gate keepers we're so nice so they let me in without any problem but his maids were the real deal. They wanted a phone call from Luke but I tried to make them understand that I was Luke's girlfriend who wanted to surprise him with a meal.

Ok I over did it with the girlfriend thing but it kind of did the trick. I showed them a photo I took of Luke and I at the park. The finally opened the door after what seemed like hours. I went to his kitchen with all of the groceries I got.

My pasta is like really good so I made some pasta and meatball sauce. I sliced tiny sausages and mixed it with some coleslaw. It formed something edible and I ended up adding celery and mayonnaise just to make it look like a sausage salad. I ended up putting it in between two buns and it turned into a really good sandwich.

I bought a farm fresh orange juice to finalize the delicacy. I went up to Luke's study and cleared out his table. He doesn't let any of his staff near his desk and it was pretty messed up. I worked a little Harvey magic and that seemed to do the trick.

I don't know why but I'm suddenly tempted to see his room. I want to know what it looked like. I asked one of the staffs and she directed me to his room. It was the exact opposite of Dean's room. It was white, plain white. Wait, no Dean moved out of the black room to a gold and black one. Dean's room was gorgeous but Luke's own too is mind blowing.

I really just have to be involved with three stinky rich guys. I just want a normal life but here I am. I came out of Luke's room and closed the door. I looked up and came face to face with Luke.

"Oh, hi Luke" My heart skipped a beat.

"Someone's obsessed with me" Luke smirked at me.

"I'm not obsessed with you so you can wipe that stupid smirk off your face" I pushed him away and started walking downstairs.

"Really but you were just in my room and you're in my house"

"I came around to surprise you with this" I raised up the food tent and showed him everything I prepared.

Luke looked at me and smiled. I pointed to a seat and he sat down.

"It tastes really good, you're a really great cook" He said with a mouth full of pasta. I joint him and we had our lunch.

After Lunch, we both cleared out the dinning table. We were currently in the kitchen, I was finishing up the dishes while Luke was just there looking at me.

"You look so beautiful when you're working, your new hair really suites you"

"Thank you" I didn't scare him a glance and continued what I was doing. I was still doing the dishes when someone suddenly dragged the rope of my apron. I collided with a really hard chest.

Luke hugged me from behind and his breath was tickling my neck.

"Stop working and look at me" Luke spun we around so that I was facing him directly.

"But I have to finish up the dishes"

"There's more than enough maids to finish it up" Luke smiled at me.

Luke's lips starting descending on mine. When our lips connected, euphoria rushed through my blood. It was slow and steady at first but it soon became really passionate.

My insides melted like his lips were acid. He bit and sucked on my lower lip. I attached my fingers in his hair and ran it through his hair. He sucked my lips and my knees were getting weak. As if he knew that I was going to faint. He pulled away leaving us panting for air.

"Is this your idea of the right time?" I remembered what he said.

"No, I just couldn't wait any longer" With that our lips locked again. This time, he lifted me up and placed me on the counter. This kiss was hotter than the first one. His tongue wrestled with mine for dominance. I felt like a slave under his touch.

He dragged my bottom lip and bit on it then used his tongue to soothe away the pain. I was a hot mess of euphoria.  His lips detached from mine and I felt empty immediately. He kissed the point that connects my neck to my shoulder. I hate that I'm not wearing a off the shoulder top.

He figured he couldn't get much from my neck, so he came back up to my lips and sucked on harder.


Whoa there!!!

I'm getting hot, is it hot in here.

Finally a kiss scene.

I really wanted her first kiss to be with Dean but oh well.

See you next time.


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