C H A P T E R 21

42 6 0

Harvey's POV,

"What was that about?" I just saw Liam off and promised to meet up with him later. I rushed up to Dean's room to yell at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why the hell did you yell at my guest like that?"

"You're not the boss of me, so stop asking me questions"

"I am your babysitter"

"I don't need a babysitter and this is my house and I can do whatever I damn please"

"This is also my house"

"Since when?"

"Since the day you became my responsibility" For a moment there was akward silence that if a pin had dropped, it would have been heard.

"Dean, you can't just go around doing whatever you please, you're only twelve and shouldn't act this way"

It felt so weird calling a man that was way taller than me twelve years old. Dean looked he was feeling bad for what he did because he didn't say anything after that. He just lowered his head and went into his bathroom.

I didn't really feel like eating dinner, I don't know why. The thought of food made me feel like throwing up and I had a runny nose. I suspect that I am coming down with a fever.

I had a warm bath then put on a hoodie and PJs underneath. I turned up the heat and took some warm milk before going to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I felt like I was hit by a bus.

My body was numb, my lips were chapped and my eyes felt heavy. I checked my temperature and it was hotter than Dean.

(Get it...... nevermind)

I tried to get up but I was too tired to move. I was about to dial Gina's number on my phone when my door swung open slowly and Dean's head popped in.

"Listen Harvey, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for being a complete jerk and........are you ok? You don't look too good"

He placed his palm on my head to check my temperature.

"Whoa, you're so hot" I know he was referring to my temperature but a part of me wanted to think otherwise.

Stupid Harvey and her perverted thoughts.

Gina came upstairs after a while to check my temperature and all sort.

"Well it appears that she's pregnant"


"I'm kidding, you have a fever" That is not funny, I nearly had a heart attack.

"Harvey needs absolute rest, nobody will disturb her" Dean told Gina who nodded her head in agreement.

After I had an energy drink and a soda cracker, I was able to get up. I managed to take a short shower because my legs were weak. I was walking to my bed when the room started spinning and I fell on the floor.

My head hurts, I think I passed out. Am I dead? Is this silent place heaven?
No way Harvey, if you die you're going below because he have so much perverted thoughts.

I opened my eyes and I was in a room but it wasn't my room or Dean's own. It was a white and gold room. It was really bright and all the lamps where gold. What is this place?

The door opened and Dean came in with a tray. My mind flashed back to when Luke brought me a tray of food too.

"What is this place?"

"What do you mean? It's home and your new room"

"My new room?"

"Yeah, I hated the other one and Gina told me that you didn't like it either"

"You freaking designed that" I wanted to yell that out but my lips wouldn't move.

"Here's some Chicken noodle soup" What is this? Is this supposed to be Deja Vu?

I put a spoon of the noodle soup in my mouth and took a minute to relish the taste.

"Magnificent" This is the best noodle soup I've ever tasted.

"Really? So you like it?"

"I love it?" I wasn't lying this time. "Wait a minute, did you make this?"

He nodded his head and smiled at her. Something about that smile warmed my heart. He's cute, he's still sweet. Dean made sure I finished the soup then he gave me some pain killers. He also used hot water and a towel to massage my head. Sleep soon took over my body.

A strong and pleasant aroma passed through my nostrils and I couldn't resist it. You know like in Tom and Jerry when they smell something nice and the smell carries them, that was exactly what was happening.

My heart melted at the extra rare sight in front of me. Dean Cyprus, The Dean Cyprus was cooking up a meal while swaying his hips to the music that his head phones were supplying.

I leaned on the wall for support and admired the view. Oh my goodness, this is so cute. I think I have been watching him for half an hour now but he hasn't realized that. He was too busy making sure his salted potatoes and curry chicken was perfect.

Dean turned around to grab a know when he caught me admiring him. He removed his head phones and his cheeks flushed. Is he really blushing?

"H..h..how long have you been there?"

"Long enough"

I walked into the kitchen to look at what he has made so far. This is amazing for a twelve year old. When will Dean stop surprising me?

Dean pushed me out of the kitchen and told me to wait at the dinning table. I called Gina and Susan to join Dean's special dinner.

I took a potato and put it in my mouth. Oh my, so good.

"How is it?"

I raised up a finger indicating for Dean to shut up. I took a drumstick from the chicken and ate it. This is good stuff.

"Wow Dean this is really good" Gina complimented him. Susan gave him a thumbs up. I looked up at Dean and he kept on giving me this 'I want your opinion look '

"Is my eating not enough for you to know how superb this is?" I threw my fork away and started using my hand.

Who knew hot guys could cook?

"Dean, If I may ask, why have you been cooking so much?"

"I've been practicing my cooking because I want to cook for someone special"

Who is he referring to?

"Who is this special person?" Gina asked.

"My mom"

Oh no!


Thanks, thanks.

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