C H A P T E R 4

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Harvey's POV,

"With all due respect ma'am, I don't think you're in any state to make such accusations. You should take better care of your master if you want him to get any better and not leave him alone in this dangerous world. This is the second time that I'm meeting him and he's been left unattended to both times" I spat in anger.

She was speechless and said no more. I bid Dean farewell and went to look for my sisters.

I have a feeling that somehow, somewhere, Dean will reappear in my life again. I just feel like I will be the one to cure him but then that's just crap because he's nanny doesn't even like me to begin with.

"We really should move to a bigger house" Harley exhaled deeply and collapsed on the sofa. We were back in Vegas and although it was only a week, I got to rest without thinking of going to work but now my life goes back to normal.

I was considering quiting my job at the registry but why would I start from looking for a new job. I figured that I'd stay for another year then look for a job that requires my business school certificate maybe a secretary or something like that.

I decided to go see Mom after dropping the girls off at school. It has been two weeks since we got back  from New York. My mom has been in a comma for seven years now and the doctors say that she'll either wake up or die this year but it can't exceed this year.

"You are never going to believe what happened in New York" I rubbed my mom's lifeless hand as tears dropped from my eyes.

"I met a really handsome man, he's very rich and he's the type of person you'd love me to marry but he's mentally unstable. He lost eighteen years of his memory and so he thinks he's only ten. It's funny how the soul of a ten year old lives in the body of a handsome twenty eight year old. A rude woman also thought that I was a bimbo trying to take advantage of him" I wiped my tears.

"I feel for him because some desperate girls can do something stupid just to carry his heir and claim all his money as he has no sense to put her in her place" I laughed at myself for talking to an unconscious woman.

"I am probably never going to get married right? No I will and you must walk me down the aisle" I pinched her cheek and went on the other side to water the special plant that I got her for her birthday.

I sat on the couch in the hospital and pulled out my phone to read a book. I decided to continue reading The upside of falling.

I fell asleep along the line and when I checked the time it was already noon. I decided to go to the registry.

"Hey you, you went on vacation and didn't even invite any of us" Dina, my colleague scolded me.

"It was out of the blue and my sisters practically dragged me there" I laughed to relieve the awkwardness and soon she shut up and left me alone.

I went to my desk and went through my files of newly engaged couples who's wedding were in a few months time and started booking appointments to get their marriage registered.

"You always register others marriage, when will you register yours?" A tiny voice in my head scolded me.

"When I'm ready" I replied the voice. I must seem crazy that I'm now communicating with voices in my head but believe it or not, it calms me down.

"She's probably never going to get married. She's never been in love, people like her are born to be single forever" Another different voice which was thick said.

"She will give her time, I see a handsome man at the end of this tunnel" The tiny voice replied.

"Will she at least stop thinking so much?" A girly voice said

"Nope, that's her nature" An extremely thick voice replied.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I grabbed my head and yelled.

I opened my eyes to find everyone staring at me like I was crazy. Shit! Did I say that out loud?

Everyone started whispering and I grabbed my bag and decided to just go home.

"I think she needs therapy, she seems to have a loose screw"Dina said despite my presence in this room.

I don't need therapy, I'm perfectly fine and there's absolutely nothing wrong with me.

"So you think" The first voice said. Nope, not again. I decided not to listen to the voices in my head so I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Spotify then I put Supalonely by Benee just to clear my mind.

🔊Supalonely- Benee🎤

🎵I Know I f****d up,🎵
🎵 I'm just a loser🎵
🎵  Shouldn't be with you🎵
  🎵  Guess I'm a quitter🎵
    🎵While you're out here drinking🎵
  🎵 I'm just here thinking about where I should have been🎵
   🎵I've been lonely🎵

This song really hits differently. As I was walking, a car stopped in front of me and someone came down from the car. A very familiar person, it was that woman who insulted me in the park.

"Hello dear, we meet again" She bent her hat as a form of greeting and I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"How may I help you?" I tried my best not to be rude.

"Not me but Dean" She noticed my hostility.

"What happened to him?" I was starting to get really worried.

"He needs you Harvey, Dean needs you"


What will happen now? Will she go to New York to be with Dean or ignore the young man?

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