C H A P T E R 22

39 6 0

Harvey's POV,

No, he thinks that his mom is coming back. This is exactly what we were all afraid of and now it has happened.

"My mom's coming back home tomorrow, isn't she?"

"Um...um..Yes" I was really struggling to lie to Dean's face.

"Well I really miss her and want to prepare her something really nice"  Oh Poor Dean. How are we ever going to tell him the truth? He's going to be so heartbroken.

"Yes you must make something really nice for her" I looked at Gina and use eye contact to ask for a little help.

"Y..yes, your mom really likes Tuna sashimi and mashed potatoes" Gina told Dean.

"Then I'll make her just that" Dean went upstairs.

Oh boy, what are we going to do now?

"I have an idea Harvey" Gina finally spoke up.

"Yeah what is it?"

"We play along with Dean and act like his mom is really coming home then we tell him she can't make it"

"Oh my Gina, that's such a brilliant plan..... If he was still ten"

"She's right, Dean won't buy it" Susan added.

"Wait, Gina's plan could actually work but a few changes should be made. I could get my friend Avery to pretend to be his mom's friend. She'll come and tell Dean that his mom is really busy and can't make it"

Even if Dean buys that lie, how long will we be able to hide the truth from him?

"I mean, it's our only choice so I say we try it out" Susan said before she stood up and went to the kitchen. Gina stood up minutes later and went upstairs. I was currently alone on the dinning table thinking of what could go wrong.

What could go wrong? Apart from Dean finding out the entire truth and becomes antisocial like he initially did. Turning into a complete Playboy and having no shame at all, yeah what could actually go wrong?

You're such an idiot Harvey. Why on Earth did you even come to New York? Why did you have to be such a softie? Why didn't you leave Dean alone at the party? Why did you have to get your big head involved?

Instead of being in your bed  planning your wedding with Caleb Burton in your dreams, you're here thinking of how to save a mommy's boy from the wrong path, the second time.

Everyone was doing everything like they usually do. Of course they are, not everyone is as idle and boring as you are. Whether Dean will die of shock or collapse, everyone has something to do.

I think the cutest thing I've seen this morning was Dean trying to make me a pancake. The shape came out wrong. It was supposed to be circular but ended up being shaped like a butt. It was delicious anyways.

By tomorrow morning, Dean will either be upstairs smoking or here cooking. Ugh...can you just shut up for a while Harvey?

"So what time is my mom scheduled to come back?" My heart cracked when Dean sat beside me.

"Um, I'm not sure. You should probably just start making her food"

"I thought so too" Dean went straight to the kitchen to go and start cooking. I went upstairs to give Avery a call.

"Don't worry, I got this. All I have to do is tell him she won't make it"


"But wait, wouldn't he want to talk to her, Won't he call her number or something?"

"Um, we could......you know what? I don't know anymore. I don't know what to do Ave"

"Just calm down, I'll be right there" I collapsed on the bed and closed my eyes. I need to take a nap.

"Log of wood, get up" Someone was tapping me repeatedly.

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes and when my vision got cleared up, I realized it was my dumb best friend, Avery.

"How long was I out?"

"Two hours" Two hours? Dang Harvey, you deserve an award for sleeping.

We went downstairs and a very nice aroma coming from the kitchen filled my nostrils. My jaw dropped when I saw all the delicacies lined up on the dinning table.

Dean came out with the chicken, he was wearing a cute apron and his forehead was covered in sweat. His hair was also messy.

We sat down on the dinning table in silence. Avery had to go outside, to make it look like she really just came back. Dean didn't let anybody touch the food. He said he wouldn't until his mom got back.

Avery came inside the house again and came to the dinning table

"Who are you?" Dean asked when Avery came in.

"I'm a friend of your mom and she has a message for you"

"Really? Here have a sit"

"I'm actually really in a hurry and I have to get going"

"Ok so what's the message?"

"Your mom's not coming back" The smile on Dean's face faded away.

"What? No she's supposed to"

"But she isn't, she said she's too busy and won't be able to come back anytime soon" Dean looked like he just got hit by a bus. He closed his eyes like he was holding back the pain.

He didn't say anything, he just got up and threw his apron on the floor. He turned around and started heading upstairs. He stopped half away up the stairs and held his chest and his head.

He held his head like it was really hurting him and squeezed his chest. We got up and rushed to him but he had already given up and was on the ground when we got to where he was.

Oh dear,


Thank you for checking out this chapter and for supporting this book.

I love you.

No time to cry by Billie Eilish.

Emotional by Saweetie and Quavo.

The git up by Blanco Brown.

Get up by Ciara.

See you next time wattpaders


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