C H A P T E R 52

37 6 0

Harvey's POV,

I got into Liam's car and gave him the address of the green house. We were driving there in silence when Liam suddenly started driving recklessly. It was like he was deliberately trying to get us killed.

He kept on driving into objects and I was terrified.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I asked gripping the chair.

"If I can't be with you then I'll take you somewhere we can be together" I closed my eyes and silently prayed to the Lord. Is this it? Is this how it all ends?

Suddenly the car came to a halt. I opened my eyes to check if Liam was okay. He looked at his palm, the steering wheel and then at me.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Look, we are at the green house, go and be with the love of your life" I looked outside the window and saw the green house.

I grabbed my bag and came out of his car. I went into the green house and I was shocked. The place looked like a royal garden. It was gorgeous and had a very elegant garden concept.

"Do you like it?" Dean asked

"I love it, it's everything I dreamed of" I pecked his lips and hugged him.

Suddenly, I heard the clicking sound of a gun. I turned around and saw Liam holding a gun. I thought his drama was over, what's this now?

"Liam, what are you doing?" Dean asked

"Listen Harvey, I didn't go through with what happened earlier Bec I was a coward but now, I am not afraid to do it again" He said

"Do what?" Dean was getting furious. I signalled Dean to stop talking and let me handle it.

"What exactly do you want?" I asked

"To be with you" He said

"Fool, she can't be with you because she's carrying my child. So why don't you go play your stupid games elsewhere" Dean yelled

"I'm aware little bro, which is why I have this" He wavered the gun "I couldn't watch Harvey be with someone else so I planned out my suicide back in Vegas but then I realized that I can't also die and live her with someone else so I'm going to kill her then kill myself. That way, she doesn't get to be with anyone and I don't feel uneasy" He laughed

"I can't believe this is what you turned out to be" Luke said

"You better be happy I'm not interested in your petty little girlfriend" He told Luke

"Anyways, I'm not feeling good like I should so I'm going to make this quick. Do you have anything left to say?"

"Dean, do the surgery for me and get well. I love you" I closed my eyes and waited for the bullet to pass through me and take the life out of me but it never came.

I opened my eyes and Dean was in front of me. I touched his back and looked at my fingers that which was covered in blood.

"God, what have I done?" Liam's hands started shaking and he sat down on the floor.

"Dean! NO!" He crashed on the floor.

"Dean? Dean?" I shook his lifeless body. "Why did you do that?"

"How can I let you and our child die? That child deserves to live. I know you will take good care of our child. I had a dream it was a girl, take care of our Dylan. I love you" His last breath finished and his eyes closed.

"Someone call 911!" I yelled.

The police and paramedics came after a while. The police arrested Liam while Dean was taken to the hospital.

He has been in the theatre for a long time. After hours, the doctor finally came out.

"Well, you guys are really fortunate that the bullet was in between his organs and didn't really affect him much" We all smiled.

"However, he needs to do a surgery soon"

"But the doctor from Spain who's supposed to do his surgery isn't coming until next month" Pierson said

"Yes miss, I'm afraid that we will need to take him to Spain for the surgery and because of this accident he had, recovering will be very slow and hard"

"How long will it take?"

"I'm not sure, two to three years" My heart shattered when he said that. I was the only one that was allowed to go in to see Dean. He wasn't awake and the doctor said that they were leaving for Spain in an hour's time.

Tears pooled my eyes as I saw him on the hospital bed. I sat down beside him and took his hand in mine.

"Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I fell in love with you from the very first day. I first loved you like a sister although it was really hard hiding my feelings for you. I denied it so much that I even forgot what love was. I mistook what I felt for your brothers for love when love was what I felt for you from the beginning. Please don't leave me, I love you with all my heart"

I didn't get to tell him goodbye before he left. I went to the bathroom to throw up and when I came back, he was gone. He walked out of my life that day and that was it.


Thanks for this chapter.

I love you.


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