C H A P T E R 3

67 11 2

Harvey's POV,

What the heck? This man looks older than me yet he still has a toy even little Hannah is slowly giving up on her toys. She wouldn't even cry this much if she loses her dolls.

"Did you just say your toy?" I needed to check if I heard correctly.

"Yes, I lost my best friend Jaxson" Ok this man is sad. He has no friends so he's best friends with a Ken doll. Who does that?

"Ok fine I'll help you find him" I don't know if this is a new style of flirting but something about his beautiful eyes wouldn't let me walk away.

We searched for a while but no results so I decided to give but then my phone fell down and I bent down to pick it and I saw Jax under a chair.

"I've found him" I called out to the strange man. He rushed over happily and grabbed Jax. I was done with his games, I decided to walk away.

"Wait" The man brought out his phone and took a picture of me. Now, I know that he's a pervert.

"Why did you take my pictures you pervert?" I yelled at the disgusting man.

"Someone once told me that if anyone helps you then you should take a picture of them and pray for them everyday" What? I'm so confused.

"Stop this charade" I couldn't hold it in again.

"Oh I love Charades by the way what's your name Aunty?"

"Harvey, Harvey Davidson" I walked into the toilet as I wondered what could be possibly wrong that's when I pulled out my phone to confirm something.

Dean, Dean Cyprus, the ten year old man. I just met him that's why he was really strange. I rushed out to check if I'd still see him but he was gone. He's even more pitiful in person. I wonder what happened to him that he became this way.

"Hey you took a while" Liam sighed when I came into sight. "Relax, it's not like I was kidnapped" I chuckled at his statement.

"You're so innocent that you don't know that women going missing at functions is no new thing" Liam rubbed my head like I was a small child.

"Liam, do you know Dean Cyprus?" I asked him. "Of course literally every  sane person in the world knows Dean Cyprus"

There was something about Dean that I just didn't understand and I couldn't figure out what it was.

"You met who?" Hailey couldn't get over the fact that I met Dean.

"I said I met Dean Cyprus" I laughed at her facial expression.

"You met THE Dean Cyprus" She still couldn't believe and I didn't understand why, there was really nothing special about him but now that I think about it, I never really got time to assess his features because I was disgusted by him and thought that he was a pervert but he was only an innocent baby minded man.

It was our last day in New York and I decided to get the most of it. We went out and had lots of fun. Hathel wanted to play in the park so I took them there. They went off to play while I sat on the bench and decided to FaceTime Liam. He was going back to Vegas today and I decided to chat with him till the next time we see because he's going to be so busy once he returns.

"Hey babe, Is this how much you love me that you are already missing me" Liam's bright smile filled my heart.

"You're delusional, you like to feel special" I connected my air pods to get a better audio.

"Oh I'm not special but I have a special place in your heart" He was right though because regardless of whatever happens, Liam will always have a place that no one can replace.

My best friend.

"Yeah you have a special place deep in the brother zone" I can be cruel sometimes.

"Ouch, my heart hurts. You've hurt my feelings now you have to compensate me" He fake cried.

"What is it?" I was still talking to Liam when something caught my attention. It was a very rare sight, it was a man who was feeding something to a stray dog. I couldn't see him because he was backing me. I couldn't shift my gaze when the man went to the ice cream stand and bought a SpongeBob ice cream.

The man turned around and my breathing stopped for a while. It was Dean, he was here.

"Harvey, are you there?" Liam asked

"One sec, I'll call you back" I cut the call and rushed over to where Dean was. Our eyes met and his blue eyes lit up, God! He's beautiful.

"Aunty Harvey!!!" He hopped towards me like a happy bunny and I smiled at his cuteness. It's really weird watching a grown man do all this.

The smile on my face died down when I saw a huge stone ahead of Dean. Oh no, he's going to hurt himself. I ran as fast as I could to stop him from tripping. I caught him mid air as he was about to fall.

"You saved me, thank you" He hugged me and I know he's just a ten year old minded man but something sparked inside me like as if it was really the twenty eight year old Dean.

"Dean, what did I tell you about strangers?" I parted from him and a middle aged woman which a very scary face was looking at me with mischievous eyes.

"Gina, Aunty Harvey is not a stranger but she's my friend" Dean smiled at me.

"She's not your friend, she's probably a bimbo who knows who you are and is taking advantage of your condition to exploit your wealth" The woman shot daggers at me.

The nerve of this woman, How dare she accuse me of being a bimbo? I am mad.

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