C H A P T E R 30

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Harvey's POV,

Wait what?

"Harvey, hello, Earth to Harvey" Liam waved at me. He moved closer to me and touched my cheek.

"Liam, this is so sudden. I mean you...." Liam started leaning towards me. I should have moved but I was frozen.

Liam's lips felt cold on mine. Unlike Luke's lips. He sucked on my lips and bit it and I don't know why but I kissed him back. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in, his mouth tasted like mint. His right hand caressed my cheeks while his left hand played with my hair. I gripped his shoulders because my knees were getting really weak.

We pulled apart and I was panting heavily.

"Does that kiss mean you feel the same?" Liam asked.

"Liam it's...."

"You know what, forget it. I don't want to put pressure on you. I've always loved you and I will even if you'll never return it back" Liam pecked my cheek and waved me before he took off.

Oh God! What am I going to do now? This is going to even very badly, I can already see it. I don't think I've ever been this confused in my entire life.

"So how did it go?" Pierson asked me once I got back to their house.

"Not good, Liam confessed his love to me" Pierson didn't look shocked at all.

"You didn't know that? I thought you knew and you also liked him"

"No I mean, Liam's really handsome and I would have fallen for him but..."

Pierson gasps "What" I asked

"Don't tell me you fell in love with Dean" Pierson smirked at me.

"No, I mean I don't know but that's not even the issue, there's another guy"

"I'm jealous Harvey, you got three guys wrapped around your fingers"

"I know and I don't want to let any of them down but it's not like I can be with them"

"So out of all of them, Who have you... you know?" She pouted her lips indicating a kiss.

"Both Liam and Luke"

"Player" Pierson taps my hand.

"I'm serious Pierson" I slapped her head.

"Ok, why don't you try this? In order for you to know who you have feelings for, spend time with all three of them. Spend an entire week with each of them, then you'd differentiate love from lust" Pierson hugged me and assured me that everything would be fine.

I went back home. I'm actually thinking of moving in with my sisters since Dean's not so cute again and can handle himself. I guess I should talk to Dean about it.

"Hey Harvey, Could you invite your sisters over here tomorrow? I like them a lot" Dean asked me as I was heading upstairs.

"Wow, I never thought that someone like you would be fond of my annoying sisters" I smiled at Dean.

"Shut up, you don't know anything about me" Dean looked at me with flushed cheeks and went downstairs without looking back.

I'm going to miss Dean a lot but staying in this house is dangerous for me. The more I stay here, the more attracted to him I become. I can't do this to myself. I spent the rest of the day in my room thinking about my life.

Pierson dropped my sisters off at Dean's place. She didn't stay with us because she had a date. I'm glad Pierson's life is straight forward and simple unlike my train wreck of a life.

Dean's POV,

I pulled out my phone and typed in Dean Cyprus on Google but nothing showed up. This is wierd, Why would my name not have any result but I was the headline for an article. This is all too fishy, even if I am a nobody, my name should be somehow related to someone else.

I need to check it again on a device that's not mine. I got Harvey to bring her sisters because I miss them and also need their phones. I would have used Harvey's own but she carries her phone everywhere. Gina always looses her phone so it's really hard to use hers. Nobody let's me have full freedom and it ends now.

There is something going on and I'm gonna find out what it is. I played Monopoly with her three youngest sisters while She and Hailey did Good know what upstairs.

"Dean, you're so much fun to be with" Hannah smiled at me. Wait, I just got an idea.

"Say Hannah, how did your sister meet me?" I looked at the child to check if she would be capable of lying, I highly doubt that.

"You met her at a party, don't you remember. You were looking for your to...." Harley hit her in the shin and smiled at me.

"What was I looking for?"

"To....toilet, what Hannah is trying to say is that you were looking for a toilet when you met Harvey" Harley gulped down hard. I know she's lying but let me act like I'm buying her lie.

"So why don't I remember that?" I asked her.

"Um, don't we all forget things. My mom told me that with every new thing you learn everyday, you gradually loose VIP tickets to the front row seat if your memories" Handy laughed nervously


"What she's saying is that, you probably don't remember because you have a lot of  things going on at the moment to remember anything" Harley gave her sisters some kind of eye signal and they excused themselves and went to the kitchen.

I stood up and was about going when I saw Harley's phone lying on a lounge chair. I picked it up and as I had suspected, it was unlocked.

I went to Google and checked Dean Cyprus. A headline about an accident popped up. I clicked on it, what I saw next was something I never expected.

So this was it.


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About Dean and Harvey, their love will still bloom.

See you next time.


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