That evening Ziegs talked with the town council. They were to elect a new mayor in the next few days. While resting for the night Jund realized that the nearest place to look for the stone would be Vardenlafer. It was a Dwarvish mining town to the north.
They were about to head off until they met up with Ziegs and Stella.
"You should come with us Ziegs." Cheyenne suggested.
"I don't know. I would, but I have Stella to take care of."
"Actually. I was planning on going to my Uncle's house in Anviltide." Stella mentioned.
"Really? Do you know your way?"
"Yes. I've been there plenty of times."
"Well. I guess I'll be tagging along with you guys." Ziegs said. "I'll just get go some things before I go." Ziegs went into her house to pack up for the journey to Vardenlafer."Well. I guess this is goodbye." Stella said.
"Goodbye." Cry said.
"It was a pleasure meeting you." Said Russ.
Everyone said there goodbyes, but Snake wanted to give her a parting gift.
"Before you go... I'd like to give you this." Snake said before he took off his dark gray bandanna off of his head and gave it to Stella.
"Your bandanna?" She asked.
"Yeah. It's got plenty of uses. I actually have another one, but I'd like to give my favorite one to you." Snake said.
"Wow. Thank you, Snake." Stella said while giving Snake a hug.
Stella then tied the bandanna to her head. It looked nice on her.
"Awww." Cry said. He found Snake and Stella's friendship adorable.
"Snake, you're such a people pleaser." Jund teased.
Snake didn't say anything back to Scott.
"I've got my things." Ziegs said while walking up to the other adventurers.
"Well, we should get going." Cheyenne mentioned.
"Well, goodbye everyone." Stella said.
Everyone said goodbye back. Stella then headed on the south path to Anviltide. Snake took out his green bandanna that was in his pocket and tied it on."Well. Shall we get going?" Ziegs said while fixing her top hat.
They walked north to Vardenlafer. The adventurers had to stop twice for the night on the way there. Cheyenne liked having another girl to talk to instead of only having the guys. She liked them, but having someone of the same gender was nice. There were no serious troubles on the way there, only a pack of wolves that were easy to take down because they were ready for hibernation.
The city is on the base of a mountain since it's a big mining town. Dwarves in the town were hard at work. There were some humans scattered with them, but it was mostly dwarf populated.
"Well. This is definitely the place." Jund said.
The Night stone (The late night crew)
FanficBased on Cry and Friends play Dungeons and Dragons (The truth, the Eye, and the Beholder) this story follows Cry the half-Orc barbarian, Russ the Human Paladin, Cheyenne the human warrior/healer, Jund Scott the elf sorcerer, and Snake the half-elf s...