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The day progressed in the Weasley household with a gleeful dinner. Mrs. Weasley always stacked Beatrice's and Harry's plates the highest with food. Both exchanged amused glances and dug in without hesitating. 

She found herself talking to the eldest Weasley which sat next to her. She soon discovered that they had a four-year gap and that he worked as a curse-breaker hired by Gringotts in Egypt. At this, her curiosity sparked and she managed to ask him some interest questions. Bill, amused at the younger girls' antics, decided to leave her questions unsolved, only to be fulfilled by her visiting him. Beatrice thought Bill was a great lad at most, he was a very peculiar type of Weasley, but she enjoyed his company nevertheless.

Bill, on the other hand was scorching mad with his brother, all those tales about Beatrice, and he had to greet her in the worst way possible. He knew of the famous Black, how she was caring enough, and how she alas looked out for all of her brothers and sister. 

He took a hard swing of his ale and stared at his brother, "How could you not tell me before that the woman was Beatrice? Merlin, I made a fool out of myself, and for worse, I hear she has a boyfriend now". 

Bill was always the most charming Weasley. His brothers knew that if there was a suitable bachelor, it was him. Charlie would probably go ahead and marry a bloody dragon, Percy was an insufferable know-it-all and Merlin help the girl who fell for that, the twins would be hard to handle with their joking nature, and poor Ron was just too daft for his own good. 

Charlie rolled his eye to his older brother, "Look, Bill, I just thought that she was kind of mature for her age and you would like her. I wouldn't be opposed to dating her, but again we are close friends and the thought of being more than friends revolts me. She's my sister from another mister, geddit? Look, I know you admire her from all the letters and stuff, but at least try to be her friend. Don't let whatever awkwardness of yours get in the way of a great friendship or companionship". 

Bill scoffed at this and shoved his brother's shoulder. 

He finally sighed, "Yes, she's great, that's the problem ickle- charlie-kins". 

Charlie glared at the childish nickname and proceeded to call Beatrice to the kitchen. She swung into the kitchen latched with both Fred and George in each arm. As she got a glass and filled It up with water, she sat in front of Charlie with having ruffled his hair beforehand. She threw a lopsided grin to Bill as she took a sip out of her water. 

She grinned and her icy blue storm eyes sparkled with glee. She couldn't believe she was going to the cup tomorrow. 

Charlie cleared his throat and try to ask in a serious tone, but failing at it, continued nonchalantly asking her, "so, Tris, you have to tell me all about this boy, Diggory innit? How did you meet him and how long has it been going on?". 

Bill stood up and helped himself to some ale not wanting to intrude in their personal conversation. He was acquainted with the girl but did not have enough trust to listen to her go on about her boyfriend. He frowned as he picked up her dreamy tone. Only from there, he could tell that the blue-black haired loved with passion and that she talked about her feelings from the sleeve of her heart. 

She began to ramble nervously, "Well, you know Chars, we have always been best friends, and we both knew at some point that it was more than just a friendship. It was the endless nights in the astronomy tower talking about constellations, his protectiveness, and easy-going nature that just had me falling for him even though I did not realize it until the start of summer. We both kind of knew it but were too scared to admit our feelings. I do love him a lot, he's been the only constant in my life. Remember when you told me in your last year of Hogwarts that you would always be there to beat up any guy who broke my heart? You told me that you would, even if it was Ced. You knew all long Chars". 

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