Part 6: The Power of The Force

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Soon, the only thing visible out of the window was the white planet of Crait. Your curiosity was coming to a peak as the ship landed.

As you felt the ship land, you jumped out of your seat and ran down to the place where the ramp had previously been. You waited patiently for Kylo Ren to come down and open the ship.

You heard the sound of pressure releasing and saw a cloud of mist as the air from inside mixed with the atmosphere outside. You breathed in the foreign air, but there was a hint of something familiar in it. Salt?

Kylo Ren began to walk down the ramp, with you following closely behind. As you walked down the ramp, you looked closer at the ground to see that it wasn't snow. It looked hard, but there were skinny lines running all along the surface. It reminded you of the salt flats in Utah. Your eyes looked up towards the horizon to see a giant cliff. It's dark grey color contrasted heavily against the white floor.

You reached the bottom of the ramp. Kylo Ren confidently walked onto the surface. You hesitated, but were too curious to stay put. Your first step onto the foreign ground was a dream. Another smile grew on your face as you remembered just how amazing it really was.

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. You chuckled to yourself as you thought of Neil Armstrong's first step onto the moon. You two were alike in that way.

"What does that mean?" Your thoughts were interrupted by his question, but you had no idea what he was talking about. You hadn't said a word since the conversation about your parents.

You looked over at him to see he was staring at you once again. "What does what mean?"

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Your smile broke as the words left his mouth. How did he know I thought that?

He began to speak again, "Its a gift very few posses. We call it the force. It's the energy that lives in everything around us. We are constantly surrounded by it. Certain people can use it at their will. I am one of those people."

He paused, and refocused his eyes on yours.
"You are one of those people."

You were confused. You had never felt any kind of energy like what he was saying. You looked back through your memories for anything that would connect the dots. Your mind brought you back to the day you had first seen Kylo Ren. You were laying out in the woods when you felt that peaceful balance. Maybe that's what he was talking about.

He spoke again once your thoughts came together. "The force is very weak on Earth. I thought you wouldn't be able to feel it at all there. But even untrained, you are stronger with the force than most people are after years of training. I will show you how to use your powers."

It was your turn to speak. But you just couldn't. You were speechless. Kylo Ren was waiting for an answer. You nodded your head as a sign of understanding, as well as acceptance.

With that, he turned to face the wall of rock in the distance. He began to walk towards it. "Follow me."

You obeyed his command and walked closely behind him, like a puppy following its new owner.

The surface felt much different than anything you were used to. You could hear a slight crunch on the surface with the weight of your shoes. You stayed behind Kylo Ren as you made the long trek towards the cliff.

Your foot met with a small crack in the ground, causing you to trip. As you fell towards to surface, you put your arms out to catch yourself. But your hands never touched to surface. You were holding yourself there, inches from the ground. Seconds past, and then you realized what was happening. It was the force he was talking about. The second the realization hit you, you lost control. Your hands slid across the grainy surface, leaving a streak of red behind them.

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