Part 15: Truth

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You were unconscious, laying on the same bed you had escaped from earlier in the day. But now, you were not alone. You could feel Leia even in your sleep.

Soon, dreams swept through your mind. They were like the one you had of Ben Solo. These were visions of the past.

Your eyes moved around your closed eyelids as you saw a young Anakin Skywalker, pod racing. You watched as he met his future wife, Padmé Amidala. You saw Obi-Wan Kenobi as he lost his master to the Sith Darth Maul.

You watched Anakin grow up with Obi-Wan. You felt the brotherly love they shared. You felt another kind of love in Anakin, the love for his wife as they said their vows on Naboo. But you felt something else. Something evil. You felt the pull to the dark, the one Anakin felt.

You watched as he fell into the trap of the Sith. You saw the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin. You watched as Master Kenobi was forced to strike down his best friend. You felt your heart break with his.

But you saw hope. Your mind was flooded by the memories of destroying the Death Star. Of Luke Skywalker saving his father.

You saw a young Ben Solo. You watched as he fell into the same trap of the Sith, just like his grandfather. You felt sick with guilt as you were unable to stop him.

But then, you saw something else. You saw yourself. You were a baby, wrapped in the blanket you were found in. Someone was holding you. They kissed you on the forehead as they placed you on the ground, disappearing as a car slowed next to you.

Your body jumped as you woke up. Your breath was heavy and you were covered in sweat. The room was dimly lit, with one single light on above Leia, who was sitting down in a chair next to your bed.

"Yvonne," she said.

But you interrupted her. "You were right. About everything."

You looked into her eyes, though you were speaking more to yourself now. "I've been fighting for the wrong side."

Your tone shifted as you remembered everything you saw. "I saw my parents. I know they fit into all of this, but what I don't understand, is how."

Leia nodded, "In time, the truth will reveal itself."

She stood up and walked to your bed. She undid the restraints on your wrists, leaving you confused.

"Aren't you nervous I'll try to escape again?" You called out as she walked towards the door.

She stopped and looked back at you with soft eyes. "Now that you know the truth, I know you'll make the right decision. It's late, get some sleep and we'll talk more in the morning."

With that, she left the room. You rolled onto your side, facing the dark wall. You missed looking out at the stars.

Dreams once again plagued your sleep. This time, they were different. They weren't clear images of the past. They were blurry.

You saw Kylo Ren. His body faded into a ball of light. It had two layers, a light inside and a dark outer layer attempting to swallow the whole thing. The closer you went to the light, the larger it grew. As you faded away, so did the light inside the black hole.

Then, Rey appeared. Her body also faded into a ball of light, but hers was opposite. A dark core was hidden by a layer of light. But you could see the darkness growing inside of her. Soon all of the light faded, leaving nothing but darkness.

The ignition of two red lightsabers lit the space around you. They made enough light for you to see Rey, in a black hood, sitting on the throne of the Sith. Your heart sunk as she stood, whipping the two sabers into one dual ended lightsaber.

You woke up again, but this time with a scream. You were shaking as you replayed the scenes in your head.

The door opened to reveal Leia. She rushed into the room and held your hand as you tried to calm down.

"Rey is being called to the dark side. She isn't strong enough to resist it for much longer."

Leia nodded, she could feel it too.

"I won't be able to stop her by myself." You felt discouraged at the thought of having to face Rey alone.

"You know what your destiny holds. It's time to fulfill it." Leia spoke with much confidence.

You nodded, knowing what you had to do.

You knew it was up to you to save him. Both of you knew it. But neither of you said it out loud. Your mission was no longer to kill Rey. It was to kill Kylo Ren. It was to bring back Ben Solo.

Ben Solo was your only hope.

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