Part 12: Babysitter

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Kylo Ren walked up behind you. You could feel him tower over you.

"Vicrul." As he said this, one of the knights stepped forward.

His mask was similar to Kylo's. But the mouthpiece was in a sort of grid spacing. With a wide but narrow slit for his eyes. His weapon lay resting on his shoulder. It looked like a farming scythe, but much more menacing. His coat looked to be made of some kind of reptile skin.

"You will stay with Yvonne

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"You will stay with Yvonne. She does not leave your sight. Am I clear?" His voice was stern.

Vicrul nodded in respond. He was much taller than you, but you knew looks could be deceiving.

You both watched as the ship left, heading down to the planet below. You turned and began to walk out of the hangar. "I should be the one going with him."

Your masked escort stayed quiet as he walked behind you. Feeling your stomach begin to growl, you decided to head to the cafeteria. It was about time for the dinner bell to ring anyway.

The bell rang, and crowds began to head to the cafeteria with you, making sure to keep their distance from you and the intimidating man walking beside you.

He stayed right next to you as you got your food, and sat down at your normal table. Eli, Ann, and Jack were all staring at you.

Ann had a concerned look on her face. "Who's your friend?" She said in an almost sarcastic tone.

"Oh yeah, this is Vicrul. He doesn't talk much. He's pretty shy." As you said the last part, you put your hand up to pat his shoulder.

He looked down at you. You could feel his anger rise, causing a smile to creep onto your face.

Trying to change the topic of the conversation, Jack spoke out. "Yvonne saved my life today."

Ann gasped, "What happened?"

You spoke nonchalantly, trying to down play the event. "He didn't see the last guy, so I killed him."

Jack scoffed at your explanation, "She stopped a shot inches from my head."

"That's incredible" Eli added.

"I promised nothing would happen to you. And I always keep my promises." That was the end of the discussion.

You pulled a chair from the table next to you, and gestured for Vicrul to sit. After considering the pros and cons, he sat down next to you.

Halfway through lunch, a different kind of alarm when off. The lights began to flash and a blaring alarm caused everyone stop what they were doing.

Both you and Vicrul stood up and looked at each other.

You yelled over the alarm, "What is that?"

Eli answered as he grabbed his things, "There's a breach on the ship. Probably rebels."

You were almost excited at the thought of action. "Get somewhere safe. We'll handle this."

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