Part 19: The Rise of Skywalker Pt. 2

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You were both sitting on his bed now. You were lost in thought, thinking about the danger you would be in within 24 hours.

A sudden realization caused your breath to catch in your throat, "What if I never see you again?"

Ben was the first person in your life you could've called a friend. He believed in you when even you didn't. You felt a feeling towards him you had never felt before. Love.

He turned to look at you, before shaking his head. "No. Don't say that. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

You looked down. And in a whisper, you spoke. "I'm not scared for me." You turned to look into his eyes now. They were filled with confusion.

You grabbed his hand, shaking it to make sure he was listening. "Promise me, if it's too late for me, you won't kill yourself trying to stop the inevitable."

He looked mad. But not the same mad you had seen so many times before. It was more of a shock. He shook his head, "No. It's never too late."

You were getting frustrated now. "Ben, I'm not going to let you go into danger for nothing."

He grabbed your hand. "Nothing? You're everything."

Your heart fluttered when his words left his mouth. That wasn't the answer you had expected.

Your face burned red when he lifted his hand up to your face. He cupped your face while using his thumb to softly brush your cheek. His eyes took in every part of your face, until they stopped on your eyes. "You fill up my senses. Every time I see your smile, I feel alive again. I would happily give my life to keep you safe."

A smile crossed your face as you looked into his eyes. His eyes squinted as his mouth formed a smile of its own.

His smile was the best thing you'd ever seen. Better than the sunset, better than the blue sky, better than a field of fireflies.

But the thought of losing him stayed in your mind. "The odds of both of us surviving this is-"

He interrupted you, "never tell me the odds."

You couldn't argue with that, so you let it go. You knew you wouldn't let Ben die, no matter what it took. A feeling told you that one of you wouldn't make it. But you refused to listen.

"I won't give up." Ben was staring at you, afraid that if he looked away, you'd be gone.

You wanted to stay in this moment forever. The thought of his hand leaving yours, the thought of his hand never touching your face again, the thought of having to sleep in an empty bed, it was too painful.

You needed him to know exactly how you felt. "I love you."

This was the first time you had ever spoken those words out loud.

A sparkle lit up his eyes. A smile formed on his lips again. "I love you."

Your heart throbbed when the words left his mouth. He looked like everything you ever wanted as he sat there, looking at you.

Before you could think, he was on top of you. His large hand was covering your neck, jawline, and part of your face. They were rough, but his touch was soft.

His lips crashed into yours, causing electricity to flow through your body. His other hand wrapped around the small of your back, pulling you closer to him.

You kissed him back, letting your hand roam through his hair. Your other hand grabbed hold of his firm arm. A hunger presented itself in your mind, that could only be filled by Ben Solo.

He broke the kiss only to take off his shirt. You sat marveling at his defined chest. He pulled yours off swiftly, leaving you with a chill spreading across your exposed body.

A heat replaced the chill as Ben lowered himself back over you. He grabbed both of your wrists and placed them over your head, where he held them steady. His soft lips began to kiss your neck, causing a new set of goosebumps to cover your skin.

He moved your hands down to your sides, where he held them softly. His kisses trailed lower and lower down your body.

The rest of the night went by in a blur of pure bliss. You woke up to see Ben laying next to you. His messy hair and bare chest left a smile on your face. You wanted to remember this moment.

You looked up to see that the clock read 5 am. 2 more hours, you thought as you snuggled back up to the man laying next to you. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent with every inhale.

Even in his sleep, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. Your leg moved to lay over his abdomen, while your bare chest pressed against his. Your breathing became synced as you were lulled back to sleep.

The alarm woke you and Ben from your slumber, causing new nerves to enter the room. Today was the day you'd either save the galaxy, or leave it.

You sensed Ben's dismay and began to rub his back. You kissed his shoulder, waking him from his thoughts. He looked into your eyes as he took your hand from his back and placed a gentle kiss onto it.

A smile spread across your lips. You were so happy to finally have him. The thought of it all ending today almost made a tear form in your eye. You stopped it, knowing you had to be strong.

You grabbed an over sized shirt and pulled it over your exposed body.

Ben stood up, "Do you want to eat with me this morning?"

You walked over to him with a frown on your face. "I'd love to, but I have some people I need to see."

He looked confused, but he nodded.

You wouldn't see each other again until Exegol. Your heart sunk as you thought of that god forsaken place. You wanted to run. You wanted to leave with Ben and never look back. But you knew you couldn't. Everyone was counting on you.

Ben reached down and held your hand, turning it over to take in every inch in his mind. His thoughts were the same as yours.

You pulled him into a hug. His arms held you tight. You closed your eyes, letting him take over your senses.

After what felt like only seconds, Ben released the hug and held onto your hands. He looked into your eyes, "I'll see you soon."

He then proceeded to kiss your forehead. "I love you."

You smiled, "See you soon."

You placed a kiss onto his lips. "I love you too."

With that, he left the room. Leaving you with a feeling of emptiness.

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