Chapter 26 - A Drunken Man Doesn't Lie, A Sober One Does

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AN: Well hello there everyone! Guess what?! I'm actually updating! I think that I did this one pretty fast considering my record before. I really hope this chapter is long, but if it isn't I still think it's one of my favorites in this book so far! I hope you like it!

Harry’s POV

 I woke up the next morning sprawled out on the couch with the TV still on and Kari sleeping soundly in bed. I admired her for a moment before slowly wandering over to my suitcase to see if I had pack and medicine for my throbbing headache. When I saw I hadn’t I sat back down on the couch and started flipping channels. Most of them were in Japanese so I finally ended up turning the TV off completely. I looked at the clock next to the bed and saw it was 7:00am. Didn’t we have to be to the airport by 9:00am? I think I remember Paul saying something about that after the concert last night. I shrugged and decided to take a quick shower before packing.

When I was done with my shower I pulled on some jeans and navy t-shirt. I left the bathroom and found that Kari was starting to stir. I went over to her and lightly shook her. She moaned quietly.

“Kari,” I whispered, “wake up love.”

“I don’t want to.”

“But you have to pack,” I told her.

“I’ll do it later,” She ignored me.

“But we’re leaving in an hour and a half. Do you want me to pack it for you?”

“No,” She exclaimed!

“I thought that would wake you up,” I said smirking.

“I hate you,” She growled.

“I know love, I know.” She just got up and headed toward her suitcase. She rummaged through it until she found an out fit and went into the bathroom without saying another word to me. I chuckled at how annoyed she had gotten with me and continued packing. I heard the water stop and a few minutes later Kari came out with a pair of gray sweat pants and a t-shirt on. Her wet hair was in a ponytail and she had no makeup on. Exactly how I liked her. Naturally beautiful.

“Wait, is that my t-shirt?” I asked, noticing the shirt more. She looked down at her shirt.

“Oh, I guess it is. It was in my suitcase though,” She said.

“Well, I guess that could mean two things. We both thought the same suitcase was ours or I have a really girly shirt,” I said blushing. Kari burst out laughing.

“I’m going with the second explanation,” She smirked.

“I’m never going to look at that shirt the same again,” I started, “so, um, you can keep it.”

“Aww. Harry Styles doesn’t want to be seen in a girly shirt,” Kari taunted.

“Um, no thanks,” I chuckled.

“Well then I just got a free shirt out of this conversation,” She smiled.

“And it looks good on you too. Better than it would have on me,” I complimented her and she blushed. We stood packing in silence for a few minutes before Kari spoke again.

“Harry,” She started slowly, “last night you said something, but I don’t know if it’s true.”

“Okay, what did I say? I honestly can’t remember,” I admitted.

“Um, you said that you, um-“ She got cut off by a knock on the door.

“Harry, Kari are you two almost ready? We have to leave in five minutes,” Paul called.

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