Meeting Louis ⛅️

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I stand before him looking into his eyes and I instantly feel a blush creeping into my cheeks. I'm aware of others watching me which only makes the blush creep further up my face.

The girl stands in front of me just looking at me. Her gaze lingers on my eyes. A cute little blush surrounds her face. She's quite the beauty. I flash her my best smile and greet her.

Louis begins to talk and it takes me a few seconds to realise he's talking to me. "You're quite the blusher aren't you?" He laughs a little. The comment just makes me blush more he laughs some more. I look away. "Have I really got you speechless?" He teases me. I look defiantly back into his eyes and say "No. I was just trying to think of what to say."
He raises an eyebrow. "And whys that, love?" When he calls me love I feel weak at the knees and I can't concentrate. Which is how I end up embarrassing myself.

"How are you that beautiful?" She blurts out. I start and then it's my turn to blush. I'm temporarily speechless so I just look helplessly at the girl.

Oh no! I can't believe I just said that, I didn't even answer the question he asked me. To make things worse he's just looking at me and not saying a word. I try to think of something to say to save myself and glance back up at him. I notice how a blush has also appeared upon his face so I say "Look who's blushing now eh?" with a cheeky smile plastered on my face. This statement causes a deeper blush to erupt on his cheeks. He opens his mouth as if he's going to speak but he closes it again. His renowned confidence seems to have deserted him here.

I rack my brains trying to think of something to say so I don't seem completely pathetic in front of this girl who seems to have a strange effect on me. "What's your name then?" is what I come up with. She tells me her name is Jess but her friends call her Jay. Without thinking I ask her if I get the privilege of using that nickname and instantly regret it. Judging by the look on her face she obviously seems uncomfortable.

I am taken aback by this question. I'm not sure how he wants me to answer it. I think of the flirtiest answer I can and shoot back with a "I think we may have to get to know each other better first." I cringe inside as I realise that it's an impossibility as this is the only time I'll be meeting him. But to my relief he grins even if he looks slightly startled. I have the urge to snap a pic of him so before I lose the nerve to, I do. He asks "Are you just going to take creepy pics of me or are we going to take one together?" with another classic Louis smile. For a response I turn around, pose and snap a cute pic. I smile and turn back around and our eyes meet. Louis flashes me yet another one of his cute smiles and I wave goodbye and thank him for the pictures. I'm too scared to tell him how much he means to me so I just walk away thinking over what just happened.

Authors note
Hey! So I know there's a lot of POV changes but I wanted to try it out so you could see what each of them was thinking throughout their conversation. I hope it wasn't too confusing and the writing isn't that bad because I tried hahaha. Also I'm going to upload again later but I just want to try and get the story going a bit more because I've prewritten a ton of chapters anyways so I may as well double upload occasionally 😂

What do you think will happen now??

I hope you enjoyed! If you did it would mean a lot if you could comment&vote, thank you xo

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