Cheesy grin ⛅️

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Scanning the crowd as we make our opening speech my eyes land on Jay. She's looks right back at me and smiles and does a little wave, a small blush already forming at the base of her cheeks.
I give a little wave back and smile. I notice  a silence so turn to look at the boys and they're waiting for my line. "Oh, right , me next," I begin, greeted by a chorus of laughs, "we hope you enjoy this film as much as we enjoyed making it."
"Thanks for coming!" The boys chime in together. I flash another cheesy grin and everyone claps.
Again my eyes meet Jays and she smiles wider. I wink at her and walk down to my seat, the others at my side. As soon as we're seated, the lights dim and the film begins.

The lights brighten and I wipe the tears from my eyes. I've always loved these boys with all my heart and they are my favourite people on earth. They just mean so much to me and it's hard not to get emotional when I see them happy.
The film was incredible , I loved seeing the boys behind the scenes. Seeing this just made me realise how lucky I am to be able to speak to Louis , especially as he considers me his friend.
"That was amazing!" May says with her too wiping tears from her eyes.
"I know." Esme sniffs and purposefully looks towards the front row where Harry is sat chatting to the boys. I follow her gaze and sigh.
"We're so lucky girls, we are literally going to be talking to them. I can't cope." May and Esme nod in agreement.
"I mean Jay, it's not like you haven't been talking to Louis recently at all," Esme rolls her eyes, "that being said, I've never been more grateful to have you as a best friend." She winks and we all laugh.
"Hello darlings." A broad Doncaster accent stops us all in our tracks.
I whip my head round and see Louis stood there, Zayn hovering behind him with a shy smile. I open my mouth and close it again, the words I want to say not forming in my mouth.
Louis laughs at my shocked face. "You know, its rude to not reply when someone says hello."
"I- um, sorry," I stumble over my words "H-hi." I feel myself blush because clearly I can't speak to him in real life. Again he laughs and then smiles.
"Sorry I didn't get to see you guys before the film, I didn't realise how little time I had."
"It's fine, Harry came and spoke to us so I was happy." Esme beams. I glare at her.
Louis sees the look I give her and shrugs. "I had a word with him about that," he pulls a face "But I'm happy you got to see Harry again Esme."
Zayn nods in agreement. "Louis got very jealous." He winks at me. I blush and look away.
"Zayn shut up will you ?"
"Sorry Louis." Zayn cackles and then gives Louis a pointed look.
"Oh yeah, so um do you guys wanna follow us, we've got taxis for everyone to go to the party. You can ride with us or have your own, we don't mind." Louis shuffles his feet with his eyes turned to the ground.

May speaks up for the first time and tears her eyes away from Zayn. Niall may be her favourite, but she has a soft spot for Zayn, even if she refuses to stray from Niall. "We can ride with you," she looks back to Zayn, "If you guys don't mind."
Zayns eyes look May up and down as Louis nods and smiles. "Of course you can." He gestures for us to stand up and May and Esme walk ahead with Zayn, leaving Louis to walk alongside me. His hands are in his pockets and he seems quite nervous. I nudge into him as we're walking and he nudges back before saying "You're a lot chattier online you know."
Yet another blush creeps up my cheeks. "Well, I mean, you're quite intimidating to be honest."
He blinks in surprise. "That's a new one."
I look him up and down and say "Not because of your appearance, you're too small to be intimidating that way," I wink and before he can interject with a comment I continue "you're just intimidating because you're Louis and to me you're literally the one person I look up to and well you already know the rest so."
"So even though we're mates I'm still intimidating."
He nudges into me again and nods towards the taxis. I hadn't realised we'd got to the car park, it's rather distracting walking besides Louis, not only is he who I've idolised for the longest time but he's also gorgeous and it's hard to look away, if I'm being honest.
"I don't know which one May and Esme got into." His voice snaps me out of my daydream. I shrug and go "As long as I'm not stuck in one with a bunch of randoms, I'm fine, I'll see them there if we're not in one with them anyways."
He raises an eyebrow "oo harsh."
I nudge him again. "You know what's not how I meant it to sound."
"Yeah, I know." He laughs.

At that moment, my phone pings and I look at it. Louis looks over with curiosity. I answer his unspoken question. "It's May, she said that there wasn't any room left once they got in to their taxi and they figured I'd be fine with you, so they're gone." I start laughing at Louis' face.
"What are you laughing at?" He asks.
"Your face, you look like they've committed murder or something."
"Well, for all they know I could murder you and they've just left you with me."
That makes me laugh even harder. "Please, as if you could kill me."
He gasps in fake hurt clutching his hand to his chest. " Ouch, I totally could kill you if I wanted to."
"See you said 'if I wanted to' meaning you obviously don't want to , which makes it perfectly fine that they left me with you."
He opens his mouth to argue and I shush him. "Right which one of these are we getting into then Louis?"
A hand is placed on my shoulder and I turn in surprise to see Paul. I didn't even notice him stood there. "You guys can come in this one." Louis nods and places his hand on the small of my back to guide me to the taxi. He helps me in and then pulls one of his classic funny faces. I giggle and do my seatbelt. I open my phone and finally text May back and then turn to Louis. "You do realise that I'm going to be taking many many pictures of you for my personal collection."
"Jay, I hate to break it to you but.. that sounded proper weird love."
"I meant like a mug collection, you know, like horrible pictures of you that I can post on your birthday and make everyone jealous because I'm friends with you and then I can also embarrass you at the same time."
"A mug collection? What mugs with my face on?" He says laughing.
"You're not even funny Lou."
He continues to laugh and I snap a picture of him whilst I have the chance. "Mug number two." I say smugly.
"Number two? When did you get number one?"
"When I first met you obviously, except that doesn't count because you looked cute in that, I mean you look cute in every picture because you're Louis Tomlinson but that's not the point."
"Could say the same about you my love."
"No you can't."
"What do you mean? Are you ever going to take one of my friendly compliments or not?"
"Well not that one, you basically said you could say I was Louis Tomlinson. Which is not true."
He facepalms and shakes his head to which I laugh. I knew that spending time with Louis was going to be amazing and not to be cheesy but it's better than I could ever have imagined.

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