VIP ⛅️

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Sighing at myself in the mirror, I ruffle my hair slightly to see it that makes a difference. I'm wearing a gorgeous dress and my hair and makeup was done by Esme, so naturally it looks good too. But something is still bugging me and I can't figure out what.
I hear my bedroom door close and look in the mirror to see Esme enter. "You're still looking at yourself in the mirror? And I thought I was the vain one" she says rolling her eyes.
"No, it's not because I like the way I look, it's the opposite actually." I glared at her. Esme sighs. "You've got nothing to worry about, you're always absolutely stunning, you know that!"
"Thanks Es, so are you! But I feel like there's something missing" I look at the reflection again. With her eyes sweeping over me, she soundlessly walks over to my dresser and opens my jewellery box. My eyes squint in confusion as I try to see what she's doing.
After a few seconds, she walks back towards me and holds my favourite necklace out. "Oh my god, how could I forget" I moan, reaching out for the necklace. I put it on and look back at myself once more and finally feel satisfied and ready to see what this night has to offer.

My eyes scan the backstage area until they land on Louis. He's concentrating really hard whilst restyling his hair. I barely see him do that, he usually sticks with whatever the hair stylist has done. Maybe he's nervous, I think to myself. After all, Jay is coming tonight and I bet he wants to make a good impression. Which doesn't really make sense, considering they've already met and she's known of him for a good couple of years now. Minds work in mysterious ways I suppose.

The car grinds to a halt. I look out the window and see huge swarms of fans and paparazzi. Louis told me to expect this but it still feels unreal to me.
Suddenly my visions are blocked by Esme as she taps on the glass and beckons at me to open the door. I hadn't realised how long I was just sat there for.
As soon as I step out of the car a fresh wave of anxiety hits me. May and Esme step to my side and squeeze my elbows. "Where are we supposed to go?" May asks anxiously.
"Louis said to look for Paul and apparently he'll take us to the VIP section of the carpet" I reply, glancing around trying to spot Paul. We all stand looking round until Esme gasps and points. " Is that him?"
"I-I think so." I squint in the distance. May shrugs and begins to walk us over to him. As we get closer, I begin to feel more at ease as I realise it is indeed Paul. With Paul comes the knowledge that we won't get lost.
As we near Paul, he breaks out into a smile and waves. "So you're Jay and her friends?"
I giggle. "Guilty."
He laughs and leads us to our section on the carpet. "Here you go ladies, enjoy! I know the boys are excited to meet you again, especially Louis of course. But don't say I said anything or he'll annoy me even more for days."
"Thank you! Don't worry , we won't." I return his laugh and as he walks away I face the red carpet feeling my nerves bubbling over once again.
"I'm absolutely buzzing!" Esme shrieks.
"You're not the only one." May replies rolling her eyes. But not even May can contain the mixture of excitement and nerves.

Around twenty minutes later, everyone goes quiet and a woman comes forward with a microphone. She addresses the huge crowd around her. I can't focus on what she's saying until the last sentence rolls off her tongue. "Are you ready for the boys?" She emphasises on the word boys aiming for a big response. I scream yes along with everyone else and a few people in the near vicinity crane their necks to see where my loud scream came from. Esme and May begin to laugh at my stricken face but before you could say 'vas happenin' what seems like thousands of screams seem to echo in the outdoor space. And that's when we see them.

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