Beaming with joy ⛅️

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Today is our last day at Disney, it's definitely bittersweet as I love this place so much but I can't wait to go home and see my sister. Although it has only been a number of days, it's been hard without her. But I've been sending her lots of pictures and keeping her up to date with what's been going on. She seems to be very excited at the fact that Louis has been commenting on my Instagram posts. I mean of course, I am also absolutely buzzing but I do know that there's nothing to it and there's no point imagining anything happening as it's very unlikely. All the logical thinking can't completely stop me thinking about him though. I used to think that I thought about him all the time as it was, but now he's communicating with me, even if it's only a few words, I've realised that before was nothing compared to how much I think about him now.

I sigh loudly and es laughs at me. "Thinking about Louis again are we?" She knows me too well. I shrug and she comes and sits by me. "You know, he wouldn't comment on your posts WITH RED HEARTS if he didn't want to at least be your friend" she says matter of factly. "Red hearts don't mean anything though and if he intends to be friends with me or whatever he would've messaged me by now." I pick at a loose thread on the comfortable sofa in our Disney apartment. "Girl," Es begins "how many times have I told you to be positive and to stop assuming things. Sometimes people are too scared to make the first move. He could be waiting for you to dm him first!"
" I highly doubt that, anyways I've messaged him before!"
"Messaging him about how much you love him before you met him doesn't count." She picks up a can of drink on the coffee table and slurps it loudly. I glare at her and she slowly lowers the can from her mouth and smiles a goofy grin. I just shake my head and return back to my thinking. He couldn't want to have anything more to do with me. That's impossible. Or is it?

Putting my drink down on the table, I take another glance at Jay only to see she's deep in thought yet again. She needs to take more action instead of just mulling everything over all the time. I begin to think of ways to try and nudge her in the direction of messaging Louis when an idea strikes me.

Whilst she's thinking, there's no way she'll take any notice of what I'm doing so I slowly rise off the sofa and walk over to the bedside table where her phone is charging. Looking behind me to make sure she's not watching, I pick up her phone and enter her password. I get it first try, which of course isn't a surprise as she's had the same password since the age of 10. I locate the Instagram app and open it thinking that I would have to search his user but , lucky for me, the app opens onto his user automatically which means she was doing a bit of stalking as per usual. I don't blame her , he is proper gorgeous. Then I proceed with my plan by clicking the message button and where there would usually be a ton of messages to him gushing about how much she loves him, there's nothing. She must've deleted all her previous messages I think to myself. I start typing out a message and then erase it. I'm not really sure what I should say. I ponder for a few minutes and then decide on a simple "hey Louis" with a kiss on the end. Before putting her phone back, I swipe off the chat and then delete the message thread so Jay won't know I've done anything. Trying to act casual, I walk back to the sofa where I resume my seat and sip some more of my drink. Jay didn't notice a thing. Now all I'll have to do is wait.

"Ouch you little shit!" I chuck the pillow back at my attacker. Liam cackles and throws it back but I dodge this time. Out of the corner of my eye I see my phone light up. Usually I could wait a while before checking a notification but now the possibility of it being Jay is enough to make me impatient.

Reaching over for my phone, I try to suppress the hope that is slowly consuming me. I've been disappointed many times but there's always a little ache every time. By the time I've got my phone, it's turned back off again delaying me being able to see who it is. I wait a bit longer unaware of the many eyes watching me. Unable to wait anymore , I turn on the phone and see the notification that I thought would never come. Jay has messaged me. Feeling a huge smile overcoming my face I suddenly look up and see all the eyes looking at me. My smile falters and Niall begins to laugh, soon joined by the others. "What are you guys laughing at?" I grumble.
"Your face - it's so funny" Harry states.
"You look like a kid who's just entered a huge sweet shop" Zayn chimes in. Niall can't speak because he's still laughing away. Liam then asks " Is it finally Jay?" I blink a few times. "What do you mean? Who's Jay?" I say trying to act innocent. This just invited more laughter. Finally Niall composes himself enough to say "we're not that stupid Louis we notic-" and then he's laughing again. Typical. I look around to see who's going to finish his sentence. Liam jumps in and says " I think he was trying to say we've noticed how you reply to her comments and then we decided to stalk her and saw you commented a few times on her posts too, as well as you being attached to your phone more than ever." he finishes looking very smug. I grimace and say "Is it that obvious?"
"Yes." They all say simultaneously with the exception of Niall who is now crying with laughter at my expense. There's a moment of silence from the other boys and then we all look at each other and start laughing.

10 minutes later, me and the boys are just sat chatting and then I remember that I haven't replied to Jay yet. I grab my phone and type out a reply "Hey love, you ok?" with a kiss. I read it over a few times before finally sending it. I wonder why she suddenly messaged but I'm definitely not complaining.

Packing my bags to leave Disney is one of the most tiring activities I've had to do in a long time. Somehow, it seems like I've ended up with over double what I came with, despite the fact that I've barely bought anything. I will never know how that works. Bored of packing, I lay on the bed for a breather and let my mind wander to the normal things; food, shopping and my favourite celebs. Of course at the moment, Louis is the only celebrity I think of, although nowadays I think that's less to do with him being my favourite member of my favourite band and more to do with our little conversations here and there.

After daydreaming for a couple minutes, I decide to check my phone. Expecting to see nothing interesting , I turn it on. I dismiss random notifications and then I gasp. I must be dreaming. I blink multiple times but still the notification is there. Louis has messaged me on Instagram. I begin to tear up as this is one of my dreams. He's finally messaged me and I couldn't be happier. I begin to scream with excitement as it sinks in. Es comes running in looking scared. "What's happened? Are you okay?" she asks worriedly. I beam with joy. "YES! I'm more than okay! Louis Bloody Tomlinson just messaged me! I thought this day would never come!!" Tears of happiness fall out of my eyes. A flicker of an emotion I can't decipher passes over Esmes face. But almost as quickly as it appears it vanishes and she begins celebrating with me. We jump on the beds and start belting out one direction songs at the top of our lungs. This is the beginning of something. I don't know what exactly, but I have the feeling it's going to be good.

Authors note
This is the longest chapter I've written so far and I'm actually really proud of it ahh! Again it's still not perfect and I'm aware of that but I feel like it's one of the best chapters I've written so that's good !! also the story can finally pick up a bit more momentum now ayyy!!

Do you think Jay will find out about Esmes' meddling?

Hope you enjoyed! if you did please leave a vote and a comment or two or three ahaha , thank you xo

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