Game night ⛅️

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The three of us girls run through the corridors backstage and burst into the dressing room. "THAT WAS PHENOMENIALL." May chimes.
"IT WAS FABULOUIS!!" I say, winking at Louis.

The boys blink a few times, adjusting to the sudden outburst. Niall is the first to recover, running towards May and scooping her up in his arms. Harry shortly does the same, to Esme this time.

Louis finally laughs, slowly ambling over. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show."
"Of course! That was only expected, although what wasn't expected was just how inzayn it was."
I hear a laugh coming from the back corner of the room, looking over Louis' shoulder I see Zayn chuckling away to himself. "Inzayn I love it , amazayn, they never get old."

"Anyways Jay, I know we said we'd go out clubbing tonight but I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely shattered and I'd totally hit up the club regardless. But I , I mean we," he gestures to the boys, "are considering your feelings too. Unless you still want to go then sure, but if not we can go tomorrow instead."
I look at Louis, concern etched onto his face.
"Lou, don't worry, I'm down to 'hit up the club' tomorrow. We can all do something chill tonight, to recharge for tomorrow night!"
He breathes a visible sigh of relief. "Phew, thank god."

"Are you sure you don't want to go clubbing?" Niall asks.
"Niall, just because you're always hyper at night, does not mean we all are." Liam sighs, shaking his head.
"Fine," Niall huffs crossing his arms. "What do you propose we do instead?"
I exchange looks with May and Es. They both nod as I turn to the boys. "Game night."
"Game night?" Zayn echoes thoughtfully.
"Yep." I pop the p.
"It's a good idea, but we don't have any games." Liam says, always the voice of wisdom.
"Then we'll get some." Esme says, smiling.
"From where? Isn't it a bit late to go out to the shops, surely they'll be all shut?" Harry ponders.
That's when an idea strikes me.

"There's one shop, very nearby, that's definitely open." I smirk.
Everyone looks at me in confusion.
"Wow guys, it's obvious!"
"Jay, I hate to break it to you, but it's not obvious" Louis shrugs.
"Fine I'll just tell you then," I smile. "The temporary 1D shop, literally 2 minutes away is bound to have 1D board games and such."
Groans escape from the boys but May claps her hands together. "That's amazing! Let's go now!"
"We can't go, but you guys can." Niall says, matter of factly.
"Yeah we know Ni." May shakes her head.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see Louis holding out a wad of £20 notes. "Here's the money for the board games."
"Woah woah woah, I can't take that." I push his hand away.
"Jay, we're all gonna be playing these games and they are kinda expensive in that shop so, take it, now. You have no choice." He smirks, knowing he's won.
I take it out of his hands and hug him.
"No worries love."

Even though it's quite late, the shop is full of excited fans. Some of them recognise us and we take some pictures, this happened before the concert began too. It gets weirder every time, I still don't understand why they want pictures with us.

Looking around the games section, we choose monopoly, trivial pursuit, dominoes, happy families, all 1D edition and of course the One Direction board game. We watch the price of the games get higher and higher everytime a game is scanned and I'm suddenly even more grateful for Louis' gift of paying. I'll find a way to pay him back.

Once we're finished at the shop, the boys are waiting in their cars for us. We hop in and make our way to the hotel.

We all sit round in a circle at the hotel, in a private suite.
"You're gonna love these games boys." Esme says rubbing her hands together in excitement.
"I second that." I say, getting ready to pull the games out one by one.

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