Rumours or facts?⛅️

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Louis. can I talk to you?

Yeah, you know you can
always talk to me love xx

how can you act as if nothing
is wrong?

Because nothing is wrong..??
Are you okay? What's
happened? xx

you and Eleanor. I've seen the
posts. everyone's talking about
it Louis.

Oh fgs . Ignore the rumours
Jay , it's not true

but how do I know it's not

Cos I'm telling you! Look,
I've got a spare couple of days,
I can fly back to London briefly
to talk to you

no. it's fine. you don't have to
do that.

I want to though!  Please?? xx

ok fine. whatever. when will
you be here?

If I get the next flight I can be
there around midday tomorrow

ok. well meet me at the café at 1.

Can it be 2? I've just booked the flight
I'll get there at 12:30 so 2 would
be better? sorry xx

whatever. that's fine

Okay. Thanks. See you then


Just before 2, I leave my house, dressed in some jeans and a top. I'm nervous to see Louis, I don't know why I feel so hurt by the whole Eleanor situation. But all I know is that I was hurt by it. I am hurt by it. I just need to know where I stand with Louis.

As I approach the café, I spot him, sat outside, with his back facing me. Taking a deep breath, I slowly walk over. When I reach the table, I pull the chair opposite him out and sit on it.

"Jay! Hey! How are you? You doing good? I bought you your favourite drink. Hope I got it right. But if not I can get you another one. Unless you want it anyways. Anddd I'm going to shut up now." Louis blurts out in a rush, smiling.
"Hi Louis." I look down at the drink. It's exactly what I always order. My heart warms as I begin to smile, before remembering why we're here, my smile drops as I reply. "Yeah, it is my favourite. Thanks."
"So err, where do we begin?" He says nervously.
"Maybe with the fact that you're with Eleanor?"
"But I'm not! I swear Jay, that's literally just rumours." He protests.
"Even she posted about it on her Instagram!" Against my will, my eyes begin to water as I look at Louis. Louis must see this as his face softens. "Jay, please. We're just friends. There's nothing between me and her. I have no feelings towards her. I promise."
"Why should I believe you?"
"Because I wouldn't lie to you, surely you must know that!" He looks at me pleadingly.
"Okay but why would everyone keep saying it if there was no element of truth to it?"
"I don't know Jay." He runs his hands through his hair, even though I'm frustrated with him I can't help but see how beautiful he is. "Maybe they just want to start drama for no reason, maybe they've just got the completely wrong end of the stick, like you have. It's just rumours."
"Rumours or facts?"
"Rumours, Jay. Rumours. Nothing true about it at all. Please can we just move on? Please."

I look at him, how his eyes are still pleading with me, his hands now grasped together in front of him, almost like he's praying, how he's leaning forward in his seat. He looks like he's telling the truth, he sounds like he's telling the truth. Of course he's right, he wouldn't lie to me. I know he wouldn't. Besides, he flew all the way over here just to talk to me. It's clear to see he does care, even if just platonically. "Fine we can m-"

Jay looks into my eyes, still looking unsure but more sure than she was earlier. I pray that she believes me because I don't know what I'd do if she doesn't. She should know I have no feelings for Eleanor whatsoever. I just hope that if she didn't know before, she knows now.

Finally she leans forward slightly, beginning to speak. "Fine we can m-"
Ring. Ring.
God no. Please not now. Anytime but now. Quickly glancing down at my phone, I see that the name displayed on the phone is 'El❤️'. Great.
"Wow Louis. Aren't you going to answer your girlfriend?" Jay snaps, a fresh hurt look in her eyes.
"She's not my girlfriend! She doesn't mean anything!"
"Oh save it Louis. I know you're lying, don't try to protect my feelings, I'm not stupid. You're with her and that's fine. Whatever. I was stupid to think you'd ever actually like me anyway."Her voice grows gradually higher as more tears flow out her eyes.
"Jay! No!" I shout, trying to reach out for her, but she's too far away. "Wait! Of course I like you, I don't have feelings for Eleanor, I have feelings for you!"

I've only ever admitted that to myself but saying it out loud would be more satisfying if it wasn't for the fact that Jay has already gone. Sitting back down, I slam my fist down on the table in anger, causing some people's heads to turn my way. But I don't care, not right now, I feel like I've lost one of the only people that I care about and that cared about me.
Ring. Ring.
I sit upright, stupidly hoping that Jay was ringing me, but no, of course it isn't her. "Eleanor fuck off." I hang up without letting her get a word in edgeways as I feel my shoulders begin to shake and tears fall down my face. I don't know what to do.

Authors note:
hey! this story has suddenly had a new life aha, more people are reading it and voting etc and I couldn't be happier, so thank you so much and I hope you're enjoying it💕

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