Chapter 29

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Caution tape surrounded the rooms, shards of glass covering the floor. Jaehyun watched as Jaemin stood there, frozen at the sight of what once was his apartment.

When they had woken up that morning, Jaemin had recieved a call, notifying him that his apartment had been broken into during the night. Jaehyun had immediately brought the young male to the crime scene, meeting Lucas and his team there.

"It's obvious that they were searching for something. The files in your room are scattered everywhere." Lucas told the two males as the walked into Jaemin's room. Sure enough, papers were littered across every corner of his room.

Jaehyun noticed Jaemin look towards where the other officers stood, outside the doors, far from earshot before eyeing Lucas. Jaehyun watched as Lucas lowered his radio, confirming that no one else could hear the conversation they were about to have.

"They were looking for evidence, something that proves that you're part of us." Jaehyum said.

"Even if they didn't find something, the police can from tidying the place up." Lucas mentioned.

"There's no files or anything here. Anything important is at the mansion." Jaemin told them.

"So this was just a waste of time?" Jaehyun asked. Jaemin nodded.

"Well, we'll still look into it. If we can prove it was Park's doings, then we can add this to his records." Lucas told them, turning his radio back on.

"Do you have a place to stay for the time being?" Jaehyun asked, concerned for the boy.

"Yeah, I'll crash at Jeno and Renjun's. I just have to pack my clothes once the police are done searching." Jaemin responded.

"Sure, I'll drive you over." Jaehyun said, fishing his keys out of his pockets.

"Thanks, hyung." Jaemin said, giving Jaehyun a light smile.


Jenna was watching the news when Johnny entered her office with no warning. Jenna jumped in her seat, surprised by her brother's sudden presence. Mark quickly ran after him, Johnny almost closing the door on the poor boy.

The news play, showing scenes of Jaemin's apartment before switching to the arrest of Mr. Park.

"Can I help you?" Jenna asked, staring at her brother. She noticed Mark panting behind him, closing her office door as he entered.

"Inhye's on her way here to make a deal with you." Johnny said leaning against the other side of her desk. Jenna gave him a confused look, not quite understanding his words.

"Why would she do that?" Jenna asked. Johnny shook his head.

"Jaehyun didn't tell you, didn't he?" Johnny questioned. Jenna stayed silent, the answer being clear. Johnny sighed before standing straight again. He looked around the room, as if he was searching for a security camera.

"We didn't install them in our private offices, for privacy reasons, remember?" Jenna reminded him. Johnny nodded before taking a seat.

"Mr. Park has been illegally pocketing money from his company and asked NCT to cover his tracks. We could have easily done it, but taking the Parks down would be an easy way to break off his marriage with Inhye." Johnny explained.

"But what does it have to do with Jaemin?" Jenna asked, confused.

"Mr. Park found out that Jaemin was part of NCT. I'm not quite sure how but he sent us a request through Jaemin." Johnny told her.

"So that," Jenna pointed to the TV that had switched back to Jaemin's apartment. "That's Park's doing?"

"We're assuming but we're not sure." Mark said softly, joining their conversation.

"So what does this have to do with Inhye?" Jenna said to the two men.

"If her father gets arrested, the company is gone, along with her complete career." Johnny said.

"So she wants to save her father? What's wrong with that?" Jenna pointed out. Johnny sighed, looking towards Mark.

"Jenna, their marriage isn't far from now. If her father doesn't get arrested, they're tying the knot forever." Mark told her.

Jenna felt her body slump into her office chair. She gulped, taking in Mark's words. She was lost for words.

Mark took a look at his phone before looking up at the siblings.

"Jungwoo said he's almost here. Inhye should be coming up soon." Mark said, waving his phone. Jenna let out a deep sigh before sitting up straight.

"Mark, go greet her when she comes and I'll lead her to my office." Jenna directed him. Mark nodded, giving Jenna a small bow before leaving. Jenna turned her attention back to Johnny, who was spread out on her couch.

"What's your plan?" Johnny asked. Jenna shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't have one." Jenna admitted.

"So what are you going to do?" Johnny said, sitting up straight, fixing his suit jacket.

"I'm going to listen to what she has to say and make a decision from there." Jenna told him as Johnny got up from his seat.

"Good idea." Johnny said, making his way to the door. He reached out to the handle but decided against it, turning around instead.

"Are you going to be alright?" Johnny asked, looking deep into Jenna's eyes. Jenna gave her brother a small smile of encouragement.

"The business one is a cruel one. That's why mom and dad prepared us for it our entire lives." Jenna said, getting up as she heard her buzzer ring.

"Miss. Seo, you have a guest." Mark's voice rang through the office.

"Thanks Mark, I'll be at the front desk in a moment." Jenna responded as she walked towards the door, where Johnny was standing.

"Don't worry, I got this." Jenna said with a wink, lightly patting Johnny's shoulder before strutting out of her office.

"I sure hope you do." Johnny mumbled, before making his way to his own personal office.


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