Chapter 37

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Jenna wanted to scream, to tell Jaehyun that she was alright but there was nothing she could do as she was held there by the men, her hands bounded in place by the ropes.

"In exchange for Miss. Seo over here, we want you. You have two choices. Convince my daughter to stop the non-sense with the pregnancy and continue the wedding or we'll get you and your friends arrested as members of NCT. Your little tattoo is awfully hard to hide, and I really don't think your police friends can really help with that." Mr. Park snickered.

Don't do it Jaehyun, don't do it! Jenna wanted to yell. But she couldn't and Jaehyun definitely wouldn't have listened to her if she tried.

"Deal." Jaehyun said. Jenna felt tears roll down her eyes at the sound of his voice. Mr. Park motioned his head towards his men and the male holding her cut the rope from her arms, making her fall down onto her knees. Jaehyun quickly ran to her side as she took the rag off her head.

"Why did you do that?" Jenna cried as Jaehyun held her in his arms. He lightly patted her back, trying to calm her down.

"Don't worry about me, alright? Just go and be safe for me and whatever you do, don't turn back." Jaehyun told her. Jenna shook her head.

"I can't leave you here, Jae." Jenna sobbed. Jaehyun ran his fingers through her hair, placing a soft peck on her forehead.

"I'll be fine. Just remember that I love you, okay?" Jaehyun said as the men pulled them away from each other. Jenna cried as they wrapped the rope around his hands, harshly shoving him to the ground.

"No!" Jenna yelled as the men began dragging her away. Jenna watched a punch landed on Jaehyun's face, just as the door closed, separating the two. A group of men rushed passed her, heading into the room. The large amount of weapons on their belts was a sign that Jaehyun wasn't going to make it if he tried anything tonight. A tear rolled down her cheek at the thought of Jaehyun lying lifeless on the cold cement floor.

The two men holding her pulled her forward. Making their way to the exit of the warehouse. Suddenly, two other men approached them.

"We'll take it from here. You two should head back." One of them said. The men holding her back nodded, passing her to the other two. Jenna couldn't help but glare at the two men that held her, while the original two returned to the other room. But as Jenna stared at the face of the man to her right, she was met with a familiar set of brown eyes.

"Taeil?" Jenna asked as they exited the warehouse. The two men released their grip. Taeil took of his hat, pulling his mask down as he gave her a smile.

"Did you really think we would leave Jaehyun alone?" Taeil asked with a chuckle. The other man took off his disguise too, revealing Jungwoo.

"God these men need to shower. Their clothes stink." Jungwoo said, making her chuckle. The two lead her to a car, where Jaemin was waiting.

"Get in, we'll explain in the car." Jaemin told her.


"Ten hacked into the security cameras so we have all eyes on the building." Taeil said, opened the compartment in the passenger seat. He loaded the various weapons inside onto his belt, passing some to Jungwoo.

"His men are pretty dumb. They covered up so that we wouldn't recognize them but they can't even recognize each other." Jungwoo said as he took the knife from Taeil's hands. Jaemin nodded in agreement.

"127 and WayV took down the ones guarding the vicinity first. There were only eight so we heavily outnumbered them. After we changed into their clothes, we entered the first room and dealt with those four men. Hendery even went inside to report that the vicinity was empty, but you probably didn't recognize his voice." Taeil continued. Jenna nodded her head, remember the familiar figure of the man.

"So the men storming in, that's you guys?" Jenna asked. The three boys nodded.

"It was WayV. Half of 127 is waiting at the backdoor for their signal and Dream is scattered around." Jaemin told her. He motioned to the back of the car and sure enough, Renjun was there, leaning on his motorcycle, his spray paint ready to go.

Taeil closed the compartment before turning back to Jungwoo.

"Ready to go?" Taeil asked. Jungwoo gave him a thumbs up.

"Wait, you two are going back in?" Jenna asked.

"Yep. We left Jaehyun weaponless in there and WayV is still slightly outnumbered by their men. They're going to need all the help they can get before the bloodbath begins." Jungwoo said. He quickly covered his mouth after realizing what he had said.

"I'm going in." Jenna said firmly but Taeil shook his head.

"We had strict orders from Jaehyun and he insisted that you stay far away." Taeil told her. Jenna shot him a glare.

"You guys are about to start a war in there and Jaehyun is completely weaponless!" Jenna exclaimed. Taeil let out a sigh.

"Jenna, Jaehyun's highly trained. You're only going to get hurt if you go in." He told her, but Jenna had heard enough.

To their surprise, Jenna opened the car door, making her way to the warehouse house when she was stopped by someone gripping her wrist hard.

"Let go!" Jenna exclaimed but instead, she was held by a tight embrace. She tried thrashing to escape but stopped as she recognized the cologne. She looked up to come face to face with her brother Johnny.

"Shouldn't you be on the other side?" Jenna asked but Johnny shrugged his shoulders.

"I heard everything through the radio." Johnny told her. Jenna froze in her place. She had forgotten about that.

"I want to save him." Jenna told him but Johnny shook his head.

"Taeil had a point sis. You're only going to make it harder for us. Just stay in the car with Jaemin." Jenna glared at her brother, putting her hands on her hips.

"I want to help protect him." Jenna told her brother. Johnny let out deep sigh.

"If you're not going to do it for us, then do it for Jaehyun. Do you think he'll be happy to watch as you try to fight for him but get beaten up instead? He'll be devastated." Johnny pointed out. Crap.

"Fine." Jenna huffed, returning to the car where Taeil and Jungwoo stood outside. They gave her a small smile as she hopped into the passenger seat. Jenna crossed her arms, looking out the window as Taeil and Jungwoo entered the warehouse. She let out a big huff of air, angered by Johnny's words.

"So..." Jaemin said, trying to fill up the awkwardness. "What music do you like, Miss. Seo?"


I feel very much attacked by jaehyun's visuals right now, just saying

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I feel very much attacked by jaehyun's visuals right now, just saying.

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