Chapter 31

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Jaehyun was surprised to see another female in the kitchen when he entered the Seo household. He was even more shocked when he realized it was his fiancé. Considering the look on Johnny's face, his best friend wasn't expecting it either.

"I hope you don't mind that I invited Inhye to join us for dinner." Jenna said as she made her way around, putting the ingrediations into her creation, the lovely smell filling the house. Johnny looked towards Jaehyun before responding.

"No, I don't mind at all." Johnny said before leading Jaehyun away from the kitchen.

When Jenna and Inhye had finished cooking, they brought the plates of food to the dinning room, where Jaehyun had assisted Johnny with setting up. Jaehyun watched as Jenna wore a bright smile on her face as they sat down.

"Please, eat." Jenna said ushering to the food. Jaehyun slowly nodded before reaching out, placing a spoonful of vegetables onto his plate.

"So, what brings you here tonight?" Johnny asked Inhye, who was seated next to him. Across from her was Jenna, who was seated next to Jaehyun. Jaehyun had to admit, as much as he loved being seated next to Jenna, the arrangement was foreign to him.

"Our meeting ran longer than I expected so I felt bad. I asked if Inhye was free tonight, which she was, so I invited her over." Jenna said, answering Johnny's question for Inhye. Inhye wore a small smile, and Jaehyun knew that she felt the tension at the table as well.

"Okay Jenna, cut the crap. I know something's up so just say it." Johnny said as he glared at his sister. Jenna harshly put down the cutlery in her hands, the ringing noise echoing through the room. Jaehyun was thinking the same thing but by Jenna's reaction, he was glad that Johnny was the one who said the words out loud.

"I apologize for my brother's lack of manners." Jenna said as she glared at her brother. Jaehyun watched as she wiped her mouth with her napkin before exhaling a deep breath. "Inhye has a proposition."

"If its about her father, the answer is no." Johnny said sternly. A smirk appeared on Jenna's lips.

"Last time I checked, you're not in charge." Jenna snarled back before eyeing Jaehyun. Jaehyun put his hand up, motioning to Johnny that they should hear them first.

"What is it?" Jaehyun asked the two girls. Jenna motioned to Inhye, who inhaled sharply before speaking.

"I want NCT to help get my father out of jail." Inhye said. Jaehyun leaned back into his seat.

"It's not that hard for us to do that but what's in it for us?" Jaehyun asked her.

"We can give you the money you originally asked for," Inhye told him.

"That's not why he's there though." Jaehyun said. He watched as Inhye sighed.

"I know you want to break off the marriage. I don't want it to happen either. I can make that happen, a way that doesn't involve my father being in jail." Inhye told them.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" Jaehyun asked, raising an eyebrow. He watched as Inhye hesistated, unsure of what to say. Jaehyun felt Jenna's hand reach onto his thigh giving him a tight squeeze.

"Inhye, you can tell them. It's okay, they're on our side." Jenna said softly. This sparked Jaehyun's curiosity, wondering what the two girls had in mind. He watched as Inhye took of the diamond ring on her fingers, placing it on the table.

"I'm pregnant."


"Jae, talk to me." Jenna said as she sat on her bed, Jaehyun pacing around his room.

"I said I'll think about it." Jaehyun responded, a bit harsher than intended. He bit his lip as he noticed Jenna flinch.

After Inhye had announced her pregnancy, Jaehyun had told her that he would consider her deal and get back to her in the morning. They had continued their meal in silence. After they had finished, Jaehyun and Johnny had cleaned the table while Jenna drove Inhye home. When she had returned, Jaehyun was in the shower, so the girl got changed, resting in her bed. Jaehyun had continued his night routine, aware of Jenna's eyes staring holes into his head.

"Fine." Jenna said, rolling so that her body was turned away from Jaehyun. Jaehyun sighed as he slipped into the other side of the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Jaehyun felt bad for snapping at the girl, but his mind was a mess. He knew Inhye's plan would work just as well as his current one. The problem? His pride.

How was he going to go back to the NCT members and tell them that they were changing plans completely, for the sake of a girl he didn't even love?

He was supposed to be cruel. He was one of the most feared men in the city, being the underboss of NCT, a mafia that was untouchable. Yet as he lied there, in the bed, he felt weak and powerless. He sighed deeply to himself, before he realized he wasn't alone as he felt the touch of the woman beside him.

"I'm sorry Jae." Jenna whispered into his ear as she held his hand in between hers. Jaehyun turned his head to see the girl, inches away.

"Don't be, it's not your fault." Jaehyun said, staring into her eyes.

"I mean, it kind of is. If we weren't in love, you could easily get married to Inhye and none of this would have happened anyways." Jenna told him. Although what she said was true, Jaehyun would never acknowledge it.

"Don't say that." Jaehyun said, as he rolled the two of them over so that he laid on top of her. He watched as Jenna held her breath, surprised by the sudden movement.

As Jaehyun looked into her eyes, he knew what his decision was. Jenna was somehow able to answer every question he had, no matter how difficult it was.

He watched as Jenna's eyes moved from his eyes to his lips before slowly closing as Jaehyun leaned in, giving her a soft kiss. Jaehyun got up afterwards, grabbing his phone.

"I'll be back in a bit, I just need to call Taeyong." Jaehyun told her, smiling as he exited her room.


Jaehyun making pad thai is just

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Jaehyun making pad thai is just... beautiful

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