First days

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"Adora I just got your schedule for school!" Angella called from her office, Glimmer bolted into the room and Adora followed a bit behind.
"What'd she get? What'd she get?" Glimmer was bouncing up and down, making Angella roll her eyes and Adora laugh a bit. Angella turned the monitor so the girls could read the schedule. As they read it over Glimmer cheered and pumped her fist into the air.
"We have 2 classes! Yes!" Glimmer cheered, the printer hummed to life as Adora's school schedule printed out for her. Adora picked it up looking it over to try to memorize it. "We have algebra and history! Are you excited?" Glimmer and Angella gazed at her with excited eyes, Adora nodded slowly.
"Yea, I am actually, this feels good." Glimmer cheered, pumping her fist in the air again as she went bowling out of the office again.
"This is so exciting my sister is coming to school with me!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs, Adora bust up laughing at her outburst.
"2 more days Glimmer calm down!" Angella called to her over excited daughter as the amused Adora followed after her smaller foster sister. The week had gone by so fast, full of board game nights and family dinners, they watched a lot of movies, it was a nice routine. Adora appreciated the calmness of the schedule, and Glimmer's constant presence.
Currently she was bouncing around in the living room talking a mile a minute about the school, Adora was half listening as she plopped down on the couch. Glimmer's presence was honestly the best part of the routine, she would go to school sending her weird pictures she didn't really understand. 'She calls them memes.. whatever that is.' And then whenever she got home from school they would bond with games and movies, surprisingly they had a lot in common. Both had the same taste in movies and a competitive spirit that made board games interesting. Angella loved when they played games and ended up buying even more for them, it brought out so much of Adora's personality every time they played.
When Adora came back to reality, Glimmer was still going on about the school, she seemed excited for someone who complained about their school so much.
The weekend went by so slowly that Adora felt like she was moving in slow motion. But as Monday finally arrived Adora couldn't help but want more time, it was so hard to start over again. Even if this town was so nice and this family so good and caring, she couldn't help but feel anxiety naw at the back of her mind. Angella had a wonderful breakfast of French toast ready for the girls when they got up for school that Monday.
"Good morning loves!" She cooed, Glimmer grunted hello as she started to wolf down her breakfast. Adora weakly greeted her foster mother, slowly picking at her own plate of food. Angella raised a brow at this, they had magically traded eating habits, amazing truly. "Excited for your first day, Adora?" Angella prodded gently, making Adora look up and smile half heartedly.
"Yea just.. nervous." Adora took a bite of her food to cut herself off, Angella felt a bit of hope rise in her chest. It was the first time Adora had ever honestly told her how she was feeling.
"I know darling, but you'll be ok, and Glimmer will have your back." Angella glanced at her daughter, who was too busy stuffing her face with French toast, earning a giggle from Adora. Angella sighed in defeat. "You know she has your back don't you?"
Adora laughed again, nodding as some of her nerves began to relax. "Don't worry Angella, I know she cares, just cares more about the French toast currently." Angella laughed this time, bringing Glimmer's attention back to reality.
"What?" She questioned them, mouth full of food, making the two burst out laughing.
Pulling into the parking lot of Eternia High made Adora's stomach churn a little. It was mostly from anxiety, but also a good bit of car sickness from Glimmer's driving.
"You have the smallest car ever.. how did you manage to park so badly?" Adora questioned, but Glimmer just shrugged, jumping out from the car. Adora followed much slower trying to catch her breath from the traumatic ride.
"Oh stop being so dramatic!" Glimmer yelled over her shoulder as she led Adora through the parking lot and into the school courtyard. Adora stayed close behind Glimmer nervously glancing around as they walked together, it looked like a nice enough place but it was so unfamiliar.
"Glimmer! Is this Adora?" A boy suddenly jumped in front of them, his eyes full of stars as he looked up at Adora. She jumped back a little at the sudden appearance of the cheery boy. 'This has to be Bow, no one could be this happy this early.'
"Yup sure is!" Glimmer grinned happily stepping aside to let Bow face Adora fully, the tall girl seemed to shrink out of instinct. "Adora, this is my friend Bow, I've told you about him."
"Hi." Adora greeted awkwardly, smiling crookedly. Bow without a second thought wrapped his arms around her in a tight bear hug.
"It's so nice to meet you! I've been so excited since Glimmer told me about you!" Adora stiffened a little at the contact, nervously patting his back trying to be just as enthusiastic.
"I-It's very nice to meet you too." Bow detached himself from the blonde, jumping up and down in place, Adora could see Glimmer doing the same and couldn't hold back a goofy smile.
"Yes a new friend for the best friend squad!" Bow cried triumphantly, Glimmer pumped her fist in victory, Adora indulged them with a weak thumbs up.
"This is so awesome my two favorite people are bonding!" Glimmer and Bow were bouncing all around and Adora awkwardly followed them through the courtyard to the building of her first class. As they made their way to her first class, art with Ms.Razz, she couldn't help but gaze at her two companions with fondness. 'It's like being friends with two balls of sunshine.' They showed her around, directing her through the halls to show her how to get from class to class, bouncing off each other like lunatics.
"Alright here's the art class! Remember how to get to your second period from here?" Glimmer turned to her, Adora slowly nodded as she retraced her steps to remember which way it was to history. The first bell rang causing Bow and Glimmer to groan dramatically.
"Ok I'll see you guys later, have a good first day Adora!" Bow called over his shoulder as he jogged off to class, Adora gave a slow wave while Glimmer shouted goodbye.
"Text me if you need anything, I'll see you next period!" Glimmer took off before Adora could answer back.
The blonde teen sucked in a deep breath attempting to calm her nerves as she headed into the classroom, she looked around and caught sight of a short older woman with wild hair behind a desk. She headed towards her desk and as she approached she looked up, a caring gentle smile was across her face, and her large warm eyes bore into Adora's.
"Well hello there dearie! It's nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're my new student?" Adora quietly nodded, and Ms.Razz gave a cackling laugh. "We don't have much of a seating chart in this class, just sit wherever you're comfortable and class will start soon." Adora gave a quiet nod, making her way towards the back corner of the class she plopped down at the empty table and pulled out the sketchbook Angella had gotten her. The sleepy class filed in, murmuring and laughing amongst themselves at their tables, taking their respective seats. Adora ended up alone still, but she barely noticed as she worked in the sketchbook quietly trying to get her flower sketch right. Ms.Razz was slowly walking around, clipboard in hand marking attendance and mumbling to herself. As she reached Adora's desk her large eyes squinted behind thick glasses she gave an exasperated sigh making Adora look up from her work.
"Sorry dearie, just a certain student missing.. again." Adora nodded and Razz was soon at the front of the class again. "Alright everyone, let's begin!"
Glimmer was waiting for her outside of their shared history class, bouncing from foot to foot as she waited for her foster sister to arrive. As Adora came into view her eyes lit up making Adora smile. 'At least I have a built in best friend now.' Adora mused to herself as she finally made her way over to the shorter girl.
"Hey! How was your first class?" Glimmer linked arms with Adora, dragging her into the mostly empty room and over to where Adora assumed Glimmer normally sat.
"It was good, a lot of fun actually, I like Ms.Razz." Adora pulled out her sketchbook from her bag, opening it to the page that she had covered in floral sketching. "What do you think?" Adora asked nervously showing the pink haired girl the work, her pale eyes instantly lighting up like she had stars in them.
"These look so awesome!" Glimmer squealed looking over the page with admiration making Adora blush embarrassed.
"Thank you." Glimmer passed the sketchbook back after a moment.
"Of course! Your art is so cool-" Glimmer's sentence was cut off as their teacher walked in, a tall man with graying hair.
"Quiet down. Class is starting." He growled, he didn't yell but his voice easily carried through the room and the teens all quieted down.
The class went by slowly but Adora didn't mind, Glimmer was whispering jokes to her occasionally which made the class much more bearable. The day went by easily, Adora mostly kept to herself but whenever she ran into Glimmer or Bow she lit up joking and talking with them. Bow and Adora quickly bonded, Bow was such a positive person like Glimmer it was hard not to become fast friends. By the end of the day the three were about inseparable, talking and joking with one another the whole way through the school to the parking lot.
"What're you guys doing today? Do you want to hang out?" Bow invited the girls with a happy grin, Glimmer looked at Adora questioningly and Adora quickly nodded enthusiastically.
"We're in! Let me call my mom to let her know." Bow and Adora plopped down onto a close by bench as Glimmer walked off a bit to call Angella.
"How was your first day?" Bow chirped.
"Pretty good. First days are pretty much all the way but not bad." Bow nodded opening his mouth to speak when a thunderous crash cut him off.
"Out of the way!" Screeched a voice, Adora and Bow pulled in their feet as a large girl went barreling by on a skateboard. A trio came running behind her, laughing obnoxiously and almost knocking into the pair on the bench.
"Hey careful!" Bow called after them, but if they heard they weren't affected.
"Who are they?" Adora questioned, lowering her feet back to the ground, Bow rolled his eyes a little.
"Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio, at least that's who it looked like. I try to be nice to everyone but they're just always getting into trouble and being so annoying." Adora nodded, laughing a little as she watched the group across the parking lot. The girl on the skateboard had wiped out and tumbled onto the ground, and the others were piling onto her.
"At least they're having fun." Bow nodded, squinting a little at them.
"Yea they're not the ones that really bother me, it's mostly Catra who's usually with them. She's not just annoying, but meaner than a snake." Bow didn't seem to notice but Adora's eyes went a little wide as he spoke. 'Catra?' The name rang in her ears, it was such a unique name she had only met one person with that name. 'Could it be..?'
Before Adora was able to get out any questions Glimmer was back, smiling broadly. "She's cool with it! Let's go!" Bow and Adora got to their feet heading off to Glimmer's small car cramming themselves in. "The mall or the coffee house?"
"Hm.." Bow thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. "Let's have Adora pick!" At his suggestion all eyes turned on the blonde, who quickly panicked.
"Uh.. Mall? There could be more to do." Adora nervously answered, and the others nodded in agreement.
"Hell yea to the mall!" Glimmer's car roared to life and she pulled the slanted car from the parking space and off to the mall they went.

A/N: Keeping motivation is hard sorry these chapters are so short whenever I feel like I found an end point I've typed so much and then I look at the word count and.. not so much. Hope y'all enjoy anyways!

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