Friends? Friends.

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Glimmer came blasting into Adora's room, a shining smile plastered onto her face that quickly fell as she realized Adora wasn't in bed. She glanced at the time wondering if she could've been running late but it was still early. Her eyebrow furrowed heading out of the room she started to step down the stairs to find her mother.
"Mom have you seen-" Glimmer's question was answered before she could even get the words out, Adora and Angella smiled brightly at her.
"Good morning!" Adora giggled as Glimmer joined them at the table. The shorter girl glanced at her mother with a raised eyebrow, who simply shrugged back. Glimmer decided to not question the sudden chipper attitude from the usually sleepy Adora.
"Good morning to you too." Glimmer giggled pouring a bowl of cereal for herself. The pair ate  their food in rapid bites while Angella peered at them over her coffee cup, smiling softly.
Adora seemed excited for school for the first time since her first day, the usual tension in her body gone, for now at least.
Adora finished first, jumping to her feet she dumped her dishes into the sink and quickly washed them before running out of the kitchen to grab her bag. "Come on, Glimmer! School!" Angella and Glimmer shoot a confused look at each other, but Glimmer got to her feet and put her own empty bowl in the sink.
"That new friend must be a great influence." Angella mused, making Glimmer roll her eyes and huff as she remembered who her mother was referring to.
"Not a chance." The short girl murmured before walking out to get her own bag and keys to head off to school.
Bow was waiting in the parking lot that morning on a bench, typing furiously on a laptop that sat in his lap. Adora and Glimmer spotted him easily and took a seat on either side of him, glancing at the screen they could see he was coding something. His tongue was stuck out a little in concentration making Glimmer giggle and Adora crook her head curiously.
"Uh, Bow?" Adora tried to question him but was quickly shushed by Bow, making Glimmer giggle even more.
"Don't worry Adora, he just get's like this whenever a competition is coming up, he and Entrapta basically run our schools robotics team. Mostly because they founded it, are co-presidents, both giant nerds." Adora snorted at the last comment peering back at his computer screen, trying to understand what he was working on but it was just nonsense from her perspective.
"What does a robotics team.. do?" Adora murmured furrowing her eyebrows, Bow still didn't answer or even look up.
"They made robots and make the robots beat the shit out of each other, it's pretty cool. The next competition is next Friday so we can all go cheer Bow on and you'll see how it works." Adora's eyes went wide, imaging a bloodbath of robot parts. Glimmer shrugged leaning against the distracted Bow to watch him type. "I don't know what all the typing is but.. it makes the robot do the thing. I guess." This made Bow stop typing, eyes turning slowly to look at Glimmer with a flat expression.
"Do the thing?" He repeated slowly as if to make sure he heard right, Adora snorted in laughter as Glimmer shrugged again.
"Hey man I don't know how tech works, that's all you and entrapta." Glimmer grinned at her slightly annoyed friend, who gave an exasperated sigh at her comment.
"Who's Entrapta?" Adora questioned finally, Bow opened his mouth but was quickly cut off.
"I'm Entrapta, hi!" A voice shrieked a greeting from behind Adora, making her jump up in fright and turn to the source of the voice with her rounded eyes. A girl with crazy purple hair and goggles that made her eyes look twice the size they actually were was staring at her with a shining grin. Glimmer and Bow laughed at the way Adora instantly flew off the bench and stared at the strange girl.
"Entrapta we've talked about this, you have to let people know you're behind them before yelling." Bow heaved out between gasps of laughter, Adora glared at her friends who quickly covered their fits of laughter with a clearing of their throats. "Adora, this is Entrapta. Entrapta, this is Adora." Bow introduced them slowly, Entrapta seemed unphased by Adora's reaction and offered her hand in greeting. Adora eyed it carefully before slowly taking it and shaking it once, eyes narrowed as she looked over the scrawny girl again.
"Nice to meet you." Adora murmured still a bit standoffish.
"Likewise. Now Bow," She leaped over the back end of the bench quickly perching herself where Adora had been sitting before and turning her attention on the computer screen. "How is the coding going?"
Bow shot off in a wordy explanation that Adora and Glimmer didn't fully understand, they shrugged and Glimmer got to her feet from the bench to join Adora standing. "Since you two are speaking nerd, I'm gonna walk Adora to class. See you later Bow, bye Entrapta." The two waved but didn't give much more acknowledgment, making Adora chuckle and Glimmer roll her eyes.
As they started off on their own journey to class Adora glanced to her side to see Glimmer sulking a bit, pale eyes staring off into space. "You ok?" Adora asked gently, making Glimmer seem to snap out of the state a bit shooting her half a smile.
"Yea I just feel bad, sometimes, when Bow and Entrapta are off doing their own thing." Adora gave her a sympathetic look and Glimmer shrugged her shoulders again. "He can hang out with whoever he wants just.. it used to be just Bow and I. When he and Entrapta started that robotics club I guess I felt a little left out."
Adora nodded sympathetically, throwing an arm around her foster sister's shoulders. Glimmer looked at her with a bit of surprise and was met with a warm smile. "I know it's hard to feel left out but we can be left out together." Glimmer's eyes welled with emotion at the sentiment, wrapping her own arm around the taller girl's waist.
"Yea, we can get into all kinds of trouble." The foster siblings broke out into a fit of giggles, gently squeezing each other in a weird sideways hug as they made their way through the school.
Unbeknownst to the friends, a pair of glaring fierce eyes was watching the exchange. Catra huffed, quickly saying goodbye to her friends before rushing off to catch up with the two. As she began to approach the two from behind she took a deep breath to let her jealousy wash off her face, replacing it with a smug wide smile she tapped on Adora's shoulder. Adora turned around instantly lighting up at the sight of Catra, Glimmer glared a little but kept quiet. "Hey, Adora." Catra purred hugging the taller girl, who unwrapped herself from Glimmer to innocently return the embrace. Glimmer watched with narrowed eyes, and Catra grinned over Adora's shoulders at her, gently curling her claws into the fabric of Adora's shirt.
"Hey Catra." As the two pulled away Adora smiled as she saw Catra was wearing her baggy hoodie. 'She looks cute in it.' Adora thought to herself, oblivious of the silent exchange between her friends.
"Hey Catra." Glimmer growled, Adora turned so they could all be facing one another smiling gently as Catra wrapped herself around Adora's arm still smiling smugly.
"Oh hey Sparkles, didn't even see you there." Catra giggled a little and Glimmer narrowed her eyes even more at the wild haired girl, Adora tipped her head in confusion at her reaction.
Adora reached out a hand and placed it gently on Glimmer's shoulder, looking into her pale eyes with gentle loving ones.The pink haired girl relaxed a little, shaking off Catra's actions to smile up at her sister. The first bell rang and Glimmer gave the two a small wave. "Alright I'm gonna get to class, see you later Adora." She smiled once more at her sister before walking off, shooting Catra a small glare over her shoulder which Catra returned with her own glare.
Still wrapped around her arm Catra and Adora started heading to their own class. "You look nice in my hoodie." Adora murmured shyly as they walked into their almost empty classroom, Catra smiled slyly as a small blush crept over her cheeks.
"It's so warm and soft and it smells like you." The last murmured comment made Adora blush, taking their seats. Catra finally released Adora's strong arm to sit, quickly as she released it Catra stretched her legs over Adora's lap to keep the contact between them. Adora smiled gently running her fingers over her legs as she pulled a sketchbook out to work.
Catra blushed and did her best not to show how much she liked the feeling of Adora's hand on her, but she felt a rumbling purr build in her chest. The purring became a habit when she was young and Adora had made a joke that Catra needed to live up to her name and be more cat-like. She learned how to mimic the noise and while it started as a joke, eventually it became an old habit when she felt as ease to make the noise. Adora heard the familiar rumbling noise and smiled to herself, not commenting as she began sketching absently in her book.
The final bell rang and Ms.Razz came in with a flourish, flicking on the projector and off with the lights. "Good morning dearies! Our lesson is going to be on landscapes today." Adora sat up directing attention onto the little old woman, absently running her hands over Catra's legs. Catra on the other hand could barely hear Ms.Razz, she felt a million miles away, eyes coming to rest on the one thing she wanted to focus on. Adora.
Catra and Adora stuck to each other's side as they made their way to Adora's next class, Catra not wrapped around her arm this time but instead keeping as close as possible without their bodies touching. The two stalled outside of the room not wanting to be away from one another, Catra looked up at her friend sadly with hatred for their school filling her.
"Think I can talk you into ditching?" Catra teased with a crooked smile, Adora rolled her eyes wrapping her arm around the girl's waist to pull her into a hug. Catra stiffened before relaxing into Adora's arm letting her eyes shut as she took in her scent.
"Nice try, I'll see you later." As the warning bell rang the two let go and Adora walked into her class. "Get to class, don't be late." Adora ordered over her shoulder, making the wild haired girl snort. She listened to Adora's comment though, heading off to her own class.
Adora took her seat next to her foster sister who was busy scribbling something into her history notebook, the blonde peered over her shoulder. "Whatcha doin?" Glimmer shot up in surprise, wildly trying to cover the heart filled page as her face turned about as pink as her hair.
"Nothing!" Glimmer attempted to turn the page but Adora, now curious, reached for it.
"Let me see!" The two giggled as they tried to get the book from each other, when a cough made the two freeze. Their teacher, Mr.Whisp, stared at them with annoyance and the two smiled apologetically. The sisters kept quiet the rest of class, taking their notes, Adora once in a while trying to peek at her friend's notes to find out what she had been writing. But no luck by the end of class. Adora decided to leave it for now, but she decided to pull it out of her at some point.
As they left their second period and walked together to their third period Glimmer bumped her shoulder playfully. "So, how's things with Catra?" Glimmer smiled teasingly and Adora returned it with a thankful one. 'She's trying and I appreciate it.'
"Great, it's so nice to have her around again." Adora was almost breathless as she spoke and Glimmer gave her a suspicious look.
"So are you guys friends or?" Glimmer let her question trail off hoping Adora would understand the question without poking too far into Adora's space.
She did not. "Of course we're friends, what else would we be?" Glimmer shrugged, suppressing a little bit of a laugh at her friend's obliviousness.

A/N: Yea Adora is an oblivious gay and Catra is a mean little flirt, they work. Anyways I now have an upload schedule! The story will be uploaded once a week between Wednesday-Friday, I usually write at my own pace but since I got so much inspiration I decided instead of relaxing a new chapter every couple days then going radio silent for a month I'd just hold onto finished chapters for once a week! I'm so excited to show you guys what I have in store, thank you so much for the feedback I'm not sure how to reply back to reviews but I have read and appreciate all of them. See y'all later

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