Snowstorm pt.1

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Days turned into weeks, and then weeks bled into months, Adora felt like she was stuck in a never ending haze. Get up, school, walk Swiftwind, sleep, repeat, repeat, repeat. Angella, Glimmer and Bow had done their best to let Adora heal at her own pace, to let the girl come to terms with her grief, but Adora knew they were getting worried. Winter break had approached quickly, even in the haze that the depressed girl was in she could still feel the days growing colder. At least without needing to go to school she wouldn't have to risk seeing Catra, not that she ever really did, but the anxiety of possibly seeing her sent a shiver up her spine nonetheless. A break from school meant a break from constantly looking for the girl Adora desperately did not want to see.
Currently she found herself curled up on the couch, Swiftwind on one side, Glimmer on the other, while Bow worked in the kitchen. Both her and Glimmer clutched some mugs of warm hot chocolate, the smell of fresh cookies wafting through the kitchen into the living room.
"You sure you don't want help?" Adora mumbled, while she was sad she still felt bad having Bow do all the work for delicious cookies.
Bow didn't even glance back, waving a spoon in their direction. "You are helping me, by staying away from all the cooking." He replied, Adora shrugged taking a sip from her hot chocolate. It was delicious!
"One time I tried to help and got smacked with a spoon." Glimmer grumbled, Adora giggled. This got Bow's attention, sending a searing glare in the pink haired girl's direction.
"You were trying to eat the batter! While the mixer was on!" Adora snorted, the pair paused in their arguments to grin at one another. Adora hadn't laughed as much lately.
"I could've got it if I moved fast enough!" Glimmer defended, Bow gave an exasperated sigh before returning to his cookies. Adora patted her foster sister's shoulders sympathetically, leaning her head over Glimmer's in an attempt to comfort.
"There there, it'll be ok." Glimmer giggled, elbowing Adora gently in the ribs. "Oof! Betrayal!" Adora dramatically flopped over onto the Swiftwind, careful to keep her cup of hot chocolate from spilling as she did. Glimmer rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the giggles that came out.
"You're so dramatic." She teased, grabbing the blonde's hands to pull her back into a sitting position. Adora shrugged with a mischievous glint in her icey eyes, Glimmer had to admit it was nice to see. The oven dinged softly to inform Bow that it was ready to receive the sheet of cookies, which he promptly slipped in and set a timer for before snatching his own mug of hot chocolate off the counter and dropping down onto Glimmer's free side. The couch was snug, to say the least.
"I feel like we should be watching holiday movies." Bow decided, grabbing the remote from the coffee table to flip the TV on, scrolling through the seemingly endless holiday movies to stream. Adora and Glimmer weren't ones to argue with the man that was baking them treats, instead just watching the screen as dozens of options go by.
"Wait stop, that one!" Glimmer slapped the remote from Bow's hand, pointing at a very odd looking 80's cartoon option. Both Bow and Adora raised skeptical brows.
"He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special?" Adora questioned flatly, even Swiftwind seemed to be looking at the pink haired girl in a less than impressed fashion.
"Come on it looks good!" Glimmer pleaded, though the group continued to give her skeptical looks they flipped the cartoon special on. Much easier than arguing with the hot head.
Adora flopped over onto her canine companion, who huffed at her, while Glimmer snuggled up into Bow's side. Adora took notice of the closeness but shrugged it off, it wasn't unusual for Glimmer to be close to people like that. The special played mostly in confused silence, occasionally Adora or Bow would question what was happening but their questions would fall on deaf ears since no one knew what was really going on. At some point Angella had wandered out from her office to lean against the couch and watch the special as well, in equally confused silence. As the special came to a close the oven dinged once more, Bow took his chance to bolt from the couch and grab the sheet out of the oven and place it delicately on the stove top. Angella walked away back to her office muttering unanswered questions, Adora and Glimmer giggled as she did.
"Alright, Glimmer never gets to pick again." Adora declared, Bow nodding in agreement while the pink haired girl sent daggers at both of them.
"You guys just don't appreciate a good movie." Glimmer grumbled.
"We would, if you had picked one." Adora grinned cheekily, and was swiftly met with a pillow to the head. The girls erupted in laughter as each snatched a couch pillow and began beating each other with them. Bow watched, attempting to look annoyed but a smile was tugging at his lips.
"Stupid winter." Catra grumbled, pulling herself tighter into her fluffy handcrafted sweater, a grumpy looking cat that resembled Fang on its front. "Stupid Scorpia and her nice sweaters." She continued to grumble, tugging at the cozy sleeves with claw tipped fingers. Fang gave a weak mrrow, cracking open an eye to glance at his shivering companion with slight annoyance. Catra met his glare with one of her own. "Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting your nap?" Catra spat, the cat gave a flick of his ear before stretching to his paws and trotting away. As he weaved his way out of the room Scorpia returned through the entrance, a mug of tea in each hand.
"Tea train is here!" Scorpia sang, Catra grunted. Unphased by the girl's aggressive behavior, it was much more common in the last few weeks and Scorpia had grown used to it, she simply handed the smaller girl her tea. Catra, unwilling to show any gratefulness, simply took a swig of the steaming drink. Plunking onto the bed, causing Catra to sway a bit from the force, the white haired girl leaned her head on top of Catra's. "This is nice." Scorpia murmured, a smile playing on her lips as she took her own sip of tea.
"Get off me." Catra snapped, her tone had no bite this time but it still wasn't kind. Nonetheless Scorpia obeyed, straightening herself up to sit on her own.
"We should invite Entrapta, we could have a movie night!" Scorpia suggested, eyes all but turning to stars at the thought.
"No." Catra responded, sipping from her tea once more. 'I didn't even ask you over here, why would I want Entrapta here?' Catra kept the words to herself, as tempting as it was to lash out with harsh words Scorpia hadn't done anything to warrant it. Yet.
"Ok ok no Entrapta, but maybe a movie night? I know you haven't been feeling great but you know it might be good for you-" Scorpia stopped in her rambling, Catra was giving her a look that could kill, and it did kill the words in her throat.
"Scorpia. What are you doing here?" Catra demanded, doing her best to look intimidating in her fluffy sweater and clutching her tea mug. Scorpia's face turned deep red, bashfully rubbing the back of her neck.
"Sorry, I'm just worried you know? You were so weird the last couple of weeks at school and I know you want your space but I don't know- I get worried when I don't see you everyday." Scorpia seemed genuinely worried about her friend, and it was true. The remaining weeks of school before break Catra had been withdrawn, ditching classes, being extra aggressive, and now with no reason to continue leaving her room with winter break she rarely did. Even Fang was getting the blunt of Catra's anger. "Is this about whatever happened with Adora?"
Claws scratching roughly into porcelain assaulted Scorpia's ears, Catra's eyes turning to dangerous daggers once more. "Get out." The words came out in a low hiss, Scorpia's usually cheerful face fell. Guilt clawed at Catra's heart, her conscious screaming at her to take it back. To shut up. To just let Scorpia stay. 'Please stay..'
"W-What? Catra I-" It was too painful.
"GET OUT!" Catra whirled fully on the other girl now, wild mane of hair puffed up in anger. Tears burned the back of her bicolored eyes, though she wouldn't dare let them spill. She had done quite enough of crying in the last few weeks to last her a lifetime. Scorpia hesitated another moment, Catra could've sworn she saw tears shining as the other girl slowly got up and wordlessly marched out. Catra wanted to scream, to beg the other girl to stay, but she couldn't force herself to say a word. Instead glaring at the spot that Scorpia stood just seconds before.
The front door shut and Catra let out a feral screech, in a fit of rage chucking the now cold mug of tea at the wall. A loud crack sounded, followed by a yowl of surprise. Catra's eyes widened, the fluffy tail of Fang disappearing out the door. The shaking girl sucked in quick pants, sitting in shock at what she had done. She was alone, just like she wanted to be. Not even Fang to comfort her.
"You fucking asshole." Catra groaned, head falling into her hands as she curled in on herself.

A/N: Hey friends, sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to let everyone know the story will be continued and finished! I am unsure of current schedules but I am still writing, don't worry <3 I have just been feeling pretty sick, I've tested negative for COVID several times at this point so I have no idea what's wrong, but I've just been resting working and doing the bare minimum.

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