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The fire was roaring softly, Catra lazily lounging on the couch with Fang curled up beside her feet. Snow was slowly falling outside, soundlessly covering the wooded forest with a gentle blanket of frost. The front door creaked open, Catra didn't bother opening her eyes but hummed softly as a faint smile curled over her lips. Fang mrrowed a soft hello as Adora made quick work of shuffling inside and shutting out the frost once more, clutching a few logs to her chest. Making her way over to the fire the blonde quickly stuffed one of the freshly cut logs in, the fire crackling as more fire popped to life. Catra's eyes lulled open then, the fond smile plastered on her lips as she watched Adora quietly. The other girl was busying herself carefully placing the logs in a neat pile by the fireplace, humming a song softly to herself. When she finally finished placing the firewood the way she liked it she rose to her feet once more, turning on her heel to shoot a crooked soft smile towards the lounging brunette.
"Hey beautiful." Adora cooed softly, Catra hummed in response pulling herself tighter against the back of the plush couch to wave Adora towards her. The other girl needed no more invitation, quickly shrugging off her coat to clamber onto the couch and Catra to her chest. The smaller girl breathed in Adora's scent, clutching at her shirt to keep her close, not that Adora would ever dream of pulling away. Fang lowered his head once more, purring contently at their feet, the only other noise breaking the comfortable silence was the crackling of the fire.
"I love you." Catra murmured softly, Adora chuckled softly as she lowered her head to lean her forehead against Catra's, icey blue eyes gazing lovingly into mismatched gold and blue. Adora's calloused but gentle hand left it's spot on the small girl's hip to instead rest on the side of her face, running her thumb gently down Catra's freckled cheek. The silver ring on Adora's hand pressed coldly against her skin, reminding Catra it was there, she felt the need to grab at her own matching one but kept still. This moment was too perfect.
"I love you too." Adora mumbled back, pressing a firm kiss to Catra's lips. Both girls erupted into smiles, lips melting together as if they were made to be pressed against one another. Pulling away only for air, neither one of the pair could resist moving any further from the other instead resting with foreheads leaned against each other and eyes shut in a peaceful bliss. Catra couldn't help but think how she desperately wanted to stay like this forever.
The sound of a crying baby filled the air, the pair instantly erupting in giggles. Fang grumbled, pressing paws over his ears. Adora grumbled good naturedly, pulling away earning a very upset whine from Catra. The taller girl chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her freckled nose.
"I'll be right back, I promise." Adora's soft promise soothed Catra, enough at least that she relinquished her hold on the taller girl. Slipping away quickly Adora only stalled to send one last loving gaze at her wife, blue eyes dancing like the snow outside. "I'll always come back." She added softly before disappearing down the hall to their crying child's room.
Catra smiled after her, eyes full of the same love that she felt in her heart. "I know."
Adora murmured anxiously, the ice cold girl pressed protectively to her chest as Angella and Glimmer frantically ran about gathering every blanket they came across. Adora couldn't take her eyes off the unconscious girl in her arms, wrapping herself tightly around Catra as if afraid that if her grip loosened she would slip away. Afraid that she would lose her Catra again if she let the girl out of her sight. 'Please be okay, please.' Adora silently prayed, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her face into Catra's mane of hair to breathe in her familiar scent. Adora hadn't realized how much she had missed Catra's scent.
Angella rushed in with another fluffy pink towel, adding it to the cocoon of softness that entrapped the curled up girls on the couch. Adora looked up at her foster mom with a terrified expression, the older woman doing her best to show her foster daughter a reassuring smile.
"She'll be okay." Angella promised softly, reaching out a hand to comfortingly squeeze her foster daughter's shoulder. A bit of anxiety washed over Adora as she returned her gaze once more to Catra, her breathing was shallow against her chest.
"Will you call Miranda? Just let her know that I found her?" Adora mumbled, unwilling to budge from her spot wrapped around Catra. Angella nodded, quietly borrowing Adora's phone before exiting the room to make the call to Miranda. 'She must be so worried..' Adora sighed, burying her face in Catra's hair once more.
"Okay Swiftie and Fang are not happy being locked in your room." Glimmer huffed as she appeared from the hall, throwing another blanket over the pile that ensnared the girl's. Plopping down on the other side of the couch Glimmer's pale eyes ran over the scene before her. Catra unconscious pressed to Adora's chest, her foster sister clinging to the smaller girl.
"I just didn't want Fang to freak out.." Adora murmured, searching Catra's face for any sign of consciousness. None seemed to appear. But at least her flesh was slowly returning to the usual tan, despite the circumstances Adora's lips curled into a smile. Catra's freckle dusted face was a welcomed sight. "God I missed her." Adora whispered, unaware that the thought escaped her mind and slipped out of her lips. Glimmer smiled crookedly but didn't reply, unsure if she should make her foster sister aware of the words she had spoken.
A few moments passed, though watching over Catra feeling the girl's heartbeat against her own it felt much longer, and Angella reappeared. Adora's head snapped up to meet the gentle eyes of her foster mother, a comforting smile across her lips.
"Miranda says thank you for finding Catra, and they're still stuck at the airport so she may have to stay here tonight." Adora nodded, eyes snapping from Angella down to Catra once more. Catra's breathing seemed to be deeper now, her body becoming warm once more, Adora could feel herself relax. Angella watched the scene before her fondly, the initial panic of her foster daughter bursting through the front door with a half frozen girl had worn now that everyone was safe and warm. Angella waved in Glimmer's direction, snapping the pink haired girl to attention as she gestured for her to follow her down the hall, leaving Adora and Catra alone on the couch.
Adora barely registered the faint footsteps fading away as her foster family disappeared down the hall, her thoughts seemed only concerned with the small girl in her arms. Glancing around to make sure they were alone Adora pressed her lips softly to Catra's forehead, the ache in her chest finally easing for the first time in weeks.
"I missed you so much." Adora whispered to Catra, though she did not stir and the words fell only on her own ears it felt good to say. Longing, relief, sadness, anger, never ending joy, it all twisted confusedly in Adora's heart. Sucking in a deep breath Adora realized tears were pricking at the edges of her vision, shakily she rested her chin over Catra's head. "I was never angry at you, you know that?" No answer came, Adora squeezed her eyes shut and a few tears fell. "I wanted to be. I tried so hard to be angry at you. But I couldn't ever be angry at you. You didn't mean to hurt me that night, I know you didn't." Adora's voice began to crack, tears were flowing down her cheeks freely now. "I know you didn't want me to leave that day, I never wanted to leave you." Adora let out a shaky cry, burying her face deeper into Catra's soft hair. "Why did you make me leave? Why did you push me away?" Adora cried, the questions coming out in broken whimpering gasps. The questions she wanted to ask for weeks, the questions that had burned in her chest and kept her up at night, Adora finally spoke them and no answer came anyways.
Or at least she didn't expect an answer to come.
"I'm sorry.." Adora froze, eyes springing open as the scratchy voice met her ears. For a moment Adora couldn't bring herself to look down, to believe that the words were real, that Catra was speaking those words to her. But then Catra began to shift, tangling her hands into Adora's shirt and pulling the taller girl in tighter, Adora's muscles responding instantly pulling Catra in as tight as she could without crushing the lithe girl. "I'm so sorry." Catra's voice sounded so scratchy and it cracked near the end, but to Adora it was the most lovely sound in the world. Catra's voice. Her Catra's voice.
"It's okay." Adora murmured, the tightness in her throat finally loosening enough to speak. The blonde shifted her head to lean down against Catra's, meeting her gold and blue eyes for the first time in weeks Adora felt herself melt. Her eyes were as beautiful as she remembered them to be. Tears were still flowing down Adora's cheeks, Catra's eyes were still half lulled shut but tears seemed to be threatening to spill down her own face. "It's okay." Adora repeated softly, lifting a hand to cup the girl's face as they leaned their heads against one another. "I was never angry with you, I promise I was never angry with you." Adora promised softly, the words seemed to be what pushed Catra to the edge as tears slipped down her freckle dusted cheeks. Adora gently caught them with her thumb and wiped them away.
"You should've been." Catra replied, trying her best to shoot Adora a teasing smile but it came out crooked and forced. Adora let out a breathy laugh, unable to resist the joy bubbling up in her chest.
"I could never be angry with you." Adora murmured, unconsciously leaning her head forward as she spoke. Catra seemed to be copying her motions. "I love you too much." The words slipped past Adora's lips before she could stop them, the girl instantly freezing as Catra's eyes shot open wide. Had there been any doubt Catra if Catra was fully conscious it was quickly dashed away. Adora stumbled to find any words to make up for the ones that spilled out, a couple of incoherent splutters escaping her but no words came. Instead, Catra pressed a firm kiss to Adora's lips. Surprise morphed into softness, Adora's hand reaching from Catra's cheek to wrap into her wild brunette hair as their lips came to life against one another. Catra's frosted skin felt like a long forgotten memory compared to the heat between their kissing.
By the time the kiss ended and the girls broke apart, they were both out of breath desperately sucking in air to fill their lungs. Their gazes met again, a look of love and care shining between them. 'I'm never letting you go again.' Adora kept the thought to herself, though she longed to speak the words she couldn't stand the thought of Catra running. Not now, not ever again.
"I love you too." Catra whispered softly, Adora's eyes went wide with a surprised mouth falling open in shock before her lips slowly broke into a dorky smile. Before any more words could be spoken between the two Adora leaned forward and caught Catra's lips in another fiery kiss. The snowstorm outside long forgotten.

A/N: I know this is short but you animals all needed some fluff lmao but!! We're not done yet guys one more chapter!!!! And possibly an epilogue chapter but I promise nothing.. for now..  Anyways hope you enjoyed and will see you all next time <3

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