The other side

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Catra's alarm blared her into consciousness, making the girl grumble in annoyance. She slammed her hand onto the alarm curling over on her side, making no move to get out of bed. 'Too early. Need more sleep.' As Catra slipped back into sleep a slamming knock came at the door.
"Catra! I heard your alarm, get up!" The wild haired girl groaned in annoyance, pulling a pillow over her head to block out the noise of her adoptive mother, Miranda. The older woman poked her head in the room glaring a little at her teenage daughter. "Last warning." She spoke slowly, Catra barely even seemed to hear. Catra's mother sighed a little slowly, creeping into the room and to the foot of her bed before leaping wildly on to the sleeping teen tickling her sides. Catra screeched trying to turn around to bat wildly at her mother.
"Mom!" She howled, she was quickly cut off however as the older woman flopped fully onto the scrawny teen going limp on her.
"Oh no, I've been hit.. Can't go on.. I see a light.." Miranda spoke dramatically, feigning a slow painful death as her tired daughter continued to swat at her.
"Ok ok I'm up!" She whined, satisfied with this Miranda slid off of Catra. The scrawny girl sat up glaring dramatically at her adoptive mother, who let out a fit of laughter at the look on her face.
"Good, you have school, get up, get dressed." Miranda spoke over her shoulder making her way out of the teen's messy room. "I have work so I will see you when I get home tonight, please get your butt to school if you ditch again, I'll know." Catra rolled her eyes at her warning.
'You won't know.' She thought simply, but stretched herself out giving a yawn as she crawled out of bed. 'I should at least try to act like I'm going to school..' Catra sighed sleepily, stepping over the piles of mess in her room towards her closet. Slowly slipping her pajamas off she pulled on her low cut tank and ripped jacket with matching ripped jeans. Stumbling into the bathroom she ran a brush through her wild mane, slipping on her choker that had been thrown onto the bathroom counter the night before. A purring cat came marching into the bathroom rubbing himself against her leg in a loving greeting, making Catra smile crookedly reaching down to scratch behind his ear.
"Good morning, Fang." She murmured, scooping him up like a baby to carry him down stairs. As she made her way down to the kitchen her mother was running around trying to get ready for work. The wild haired girl took a seat at the dining table, releasing Fang so he could sit on the table slowly scratching his ears absently.
"Ok I will be home tonight, please get to school." She gave Catra a quick kiss on the head before running out of the house. "Love you!" She called over her shoulder as the door clicked shut behind her.
"Love you too." Catra said back even if it was just to herself, she smiled at Fang giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. "And I love you Fangy." She purred into his soft black coat, running her claw like nails through his long fur. He gave her hair a quick couple licks before jumping off the table and padding off to god knows where. "Ok bye!" Catra rolled her eyes at the little cat as he marched away.
'Traitor.' The teen turned to the clock, drumming her nails against the table in thought. If she left now she would have plenty of time to get to her first period on time, but on the other hand.. 'It's just a Monday, what could I be missing?' Catra snickered padding over to the living room couch, sprawling herself out as she clicked the TV on. Fang soon joined her lazing on his side next to her, letting Catra absently scratch his belly.
Catra's phone buzzed and she picked it up to see a barrage of texts from Scorpia.
"Are you ok?"
"Do you need me to drive you?"
"Are you taking a sick day?"
"I miss you. :("
Catra laughed gently at her friend's worry for her, typing back a simple. "Taking a personal day, will see you tomorrow." She put the phone back down turning her attention to the TV to zone out, with Fang by her side they spent the day like this. By the time that the end of school of the school day rolled around, Catra and Fang were both fast asleep on top of each other on the couch. A sudden slamming at the door made the both of them shoot up fully awake and both fluffed up in surprise.
"Catra! It's me! I picked up your homework for you!" Catra's tense body became relaxed as she recognized the voice of her friend Scorpia, sliding off the couch and letting her in the front door. The strong tall girl came barreling into the house wrapping Catra in a bone crushing hug, Fang greeted her with a hiss still angry he had been awoken. Scorpia released Catra, giving Fang an apology itch behind the ears.
"Thanks for picking up my homework but, you didn't have to, it's not like I'm gonna do it." Catra laughed as they made their way into the kitchen, Scorpia gave her a small glare placing the paper onto the table. Catra then noticed a giant bruise on the side of Scorpia's face and her eyes filled with a little worry. "What happened to you?"
"Well.. Lonnie was really sure that she could teach me to skateboard." Scorpia murmured embarrassed, Catra held back a laugh but a small giggle still managed to come out.
"If anyone is going to show you how to board, it's gonna be me." Catra declared and Scorpia smiled a little at her.
"I don't think I'll be boarding anytime soon." Catra nodded in understanding turning towards her fridge.
"You hungry?" Scorpia nodded excitedly, Catra grinned crookedly and pulled out a frozen pizza from the fridge. Slipping it onto a pan and then into the oven she clicked the machine on before sitting next to her friend as they waited for the food to cook. "Alright how was school? What'd you do?" Catra asked, Fang jumped onto her lap and she absently began to pet him.
"It was good! Just normal school stuff, Lonnie tried to teach me to skateboard, we got a new girl in my weights class. I forget her name but she's super strong!" Scorpia went over the day with excitement and Catra listened with half an ear, but if Scorpia noticed her friend's lack of interest she didn't mention it. The oven dinged as the pizza finished cooking, Catra leaped up excitedly to rip the food from the oven but Scorpia beat her to it and stood in front of it blocking the smaller girl's path.
"Alright no, you don't know how to control yourself you get burned every time." Catra groaned but didn't argue and sat back down. Scorpia carefully slipped on oven mitts and placed the pan onto the counter, fanning the pizza to help cool it before cutting it up for her friend. She placed the two plates onto the table and slid back into her spot next to Catra, who was excitedly biting into her pizza.
"Hot hot hot!" Catra squeaked around her mouthful of food, still stubbornly chewing the burning food. Scorpia rolled her eyes and giggled a little, blowing on her own food to not burn herself the same way Catra did. They soon finished and cleaned up their plates, or rather Scorpia cleaned while Catra sat on the counter and handed her things. After the kitchen was cleaned the two ended up on the couch again to continue binging dumb TV shows, Scorpia laid sprawled out on the couch with Catra curled up on her and Fang laying around Catra's shoulders.
When Miranda finally arrived home it was dark out, walking in on the pile on the couch made her give a laugh. "You guys look comfortable." She commented, Scorpia blushed and Catra simply gave a grunt of acknowledgement.
"How was work mom?" Catra mumbled as her mother collapsed in one the chairs near the couch, kicking off her shoes.
"It was fine, lots of angry rich people, the usual." Miranda stretched out letting her dark hair fall out of the bun it was in moments before. "How was school?" There was a pointed look in her eye as she looked at Catra, who grinned back easily.
"Great! Did lots of learning!" She lied easily, her mother rolled her eyes not fully convinced but too tired to argue with her teenage daughter. Miranda ended up falling asleep on the chair, before Scorpia left for her own house she carried the sleeping woman up to her bedroom and tucked her in.
"Thanks Scorpia." Catra mumbled as she walked her friend out of the house, Scorpia smiled sweetly back at her friend giving her a tight hug before leaving for the night.
"I'm picking you up tomorrow, be ready! I mean it!" Catra rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her friend, she smiled a little once she was alone again. 'Scorpia really is sweet.' A small mew brought Catra's attention back to Fang, she smiled at the cat picking him and heading up to bed with him in her arms like a baby.
Together they sprawled out in bed together, Catra kicked off her clothes lazing around in a shirt and no pants. She lazily ran her clawed hand though Fang's long fur staring at him with love in her eyes, he was the first birthday present her mother ever gave her.
Catra could remember it like it was yesterday, it had been a rocky start; she didn't really trust her adoptive parents, but as her 10th birthday came closer her mother kept trying to pry out of her what she wanted as a present. She refused to answer though, all she wanted was her friend Adora and if she couldn't have Adora she didn't want anything else. 'Adora..' The name sent a pang of longing through her heart, she shut her eyes and pulled Fang close to her chest. He went limp in her arms, giving her an affectionate lick on her cheek, it was comforting. She pushed the thoughts of Adora away, replacing memories of her friend instead with of her beloved cat.
Miranda had tried so hard to come up with anything to give the stubborn child something she'd love, looking through the file that held the history of Catra's life she found a picture of an even younger Catra clutching a plush toy cat. The idea came to her in a rush after that and on the morning of Catra's 10th birthday she let her ditch school to go with her to a cat shelter, letting her pick out whatever kitten she wanted. Catra felt herself smile fondly at the memory, it was the first time she had started to open up to Miranda.
When she saw Fang, the spitting image of the beloved plush toy she had given her even more beloved friend, she knew that he was the cat for her. She had picked him up and refused to let him go the rest of the day, not that he minded in fact it seemed like he was instantly bonded to Catra. They had been best friends ever since, Fang would sleep in her bed, follow her to every end of the house, Catra even bought a leash to take Fang on walks. Catra laughed a little at the memories of trying to sneak Fang to school with her in her backpack.
Sleep was slowly pulling at the back of her mind, memories of her childhood swirling through her. She did her best to focus on her beloved cat but sadder, darker, memories threatened to surface. 'I don't want to think about this.' She thought stubbornly, but she couldn't help but linger on the thoughts of her childhood blonde friend. Slowly falling to sleep with Fang in her arms her last waking thoughts were about her long gone friend, unanswered questions going through her mind.
Catra's alarm blared her back into reality, she groaned rolling over pulling Fang over her head to try to muffle the noise. He gave a meow of protest gently bopping her on the forehead, she cracked open an eye to glare at the cat. She slipped him off her head and sat up, slapping the alarm off with a groan.
"Catra! Scorpia is here get your butt up!" Catra rolled her eyes at her mother's yelling, slowly slipping on some clothes for the day. Grabbing her bag she made her down the stairs, a now awake Fang trailing behind her. Sure enough Scorpia was at the table with Miranda, each with a donut in hand and chatting. A donut sat in front of an empty seat for Catra, who slumped into the chair and sleepily began to eat.
"Good morning Wild Cat!" Scorpia chirped happily, who simply gave a grunt of greeting. Miranda rolled her eyes getting out of her seat she placed a kiss on Catra's forehead before heading out to work.
"Be good you two I love you!" She called over her shoulder as the door clicked shut.
"We should get going too, come on sleepyhead." Catra gave a grumpy mumble but complied, following Scorpia out of the house and to her car, giving Fang a goodbye pat before closing the door. They drove to school in mostly silence, Catra was not a morning person and Scorpia was not about to get her head bit off.
As they pulled into the school parking lot Catra started to perk up, chatting a little as they walked through the school.
"Yo Catra where have you been?" Lonnie yelled from her spot on a bench with Kyle and Rogelio who waved hello to them.
"What, miss me?" Catra taunted, Lonnie rolled her eyes getting to her feet to let Scorpia sit on the bench and nudge Catra's shoulder with her own.
"Nope, just wondering." Lonnie grinned widely and Catra rolled her eyes back at her. The group spent the morning teasing each other, and being just generally nuisances to those around them. When the first bell rang Catra and Scorpia headed off on their own, waving goodbye to the others, Scorpia walked Catra to her first period.
"I'll see you next period, stay out of trouble Wild Cat." Scorpia gave her a bone crushing hug which Catra didn't return but just accepted. Catra watched with sharp eyes as Scorpia walked off to her own class, the thought to just leave again crossed her mind but she decided against it. 'Razz never makes us really do work anyways.' The final bell rang and Catra made up her mind to breeze into the room, she was here might as well get credit for it.
As she headed in, Razz gave her a pointed look, she smiled a crooked grin to show off a sharp canine and Razz just rolled her eyes. 'Great, no lecture.' Catra chuckled to herself, turning towards her table in the back to maybe take a nap through the period. She was a bit startled to see someone was sitting at the usually empty table, even more startled when she realized who was sitting there was familiar. 'No way. There's no way.' Catra's mind reeled, taking a slow step towards her. She couldn't take her eyes off the blonde who was too busy in her sketchbook to even notice her. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, she was just in complete shock.
Finally the girl looked up, an almost annoyed expression on her until their eyes locked. The annoyed look turned into a look of pure shock that must've match Catra's own face. She seemed to be stumbling for words as well, opening and shutting her mouth in the same fashion that she had.
Finally Catra managed to find the words. "I..A-Adora?" She had so many questions. 'How did you get here? What're you doing here? Are you ok?' She couldn't get any of the words she wanted to stay out, instead staring at her like an awestruck idiot.

A/N: I thought it would be nice to do a couple of chapters through Catra's point of view to give a bit of insight to her and where she's been while her and Adora were separated! Hope you all enjoyed I'm having so much fun writing this! I also wanna give a heads up I don't have an upload schedule I just work as I feel inspired so while I have been uploading a lot lately just keep in mind I may go missing for a bit it'll just be worked on as I feel ready.

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