Oh no

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Catra stretched out onto her bed, burying her face into Adora's chest to scrunch herself closer to the other girl. She let out a soft chuckle as she wrapped a strong arm around the smaller girl's waist, Catra's shut eyes scrunched in confusion. 'Why does Adora sound like that?'
"Good morning kitten." A soft growl was whispered in her ear, Catra's eyes shot open as she realized who the voice belonged to and it was not Adora. The white haired girl chuckled at her shocked expression, grip tightening on the girl's waist as she tried to wiggle away. "What? You were just snuggling up to me, why're you leaving now?" Catra pushed away the girl's taunting face with a soft growl.
'Because you're not who I want.' A wave of guilt washed over her but the wild haired girl quickly pushed it away, pushing away the other girl to sit up in bed. She shivered, looking down with a blush she realized she was only wearing underwear. She slipped off the bed to grab the closest shirt to throw on, turns out it was Adora's hoodie. 'Of course it is.' Catra pinched her eyes shut willing the reality that was this moment to leave.
The girl left on the bed whined loudly bringing Catra back to this nightmare, turning piercing bicolored eyes on the other girl. "Covering my view, how rude." The tattooed girl sat up, grinning cockily at Catra making the smaller girl just glare more.
"I'm not in the mood Huntara." She hissed softly to her ex girlfriend, catching sight of herself in the mirror she felt dread in her stomach. She had left a trail of very dark hickies all down her neck, and most likely down her chest. 'Great, now everyone can know.' She thought bitterly, claws running over the bruised skin.
Huntara just laughed, reaching out to Catra who quickly flinched away. "I have to feed Fang." She quickly excused herself, running out of the room to find the feline. And to be away from her ex girlfriend and awful decisions. He was on the couch downstairs, glaring wickedly at Catra as she came down the stairs. 'Oh I'm in for it now.' Catra pulled Adora's hoodie closer, breathing in the scent that made her tense body relax a little.
Catra plunked down the floor in front of the couch, crossing her legs to look up at Fang with apologetic eyes. He dramatically turned his head away, flicking his tail across Catra's nose. "Fang.." She whined, he ignored her still making Catra sigh. "I'm sorry you can't sleep in my room when I'm.. doing that." Catra tried to reason with him, he flicked his ear in acknowledgment but gave no other sign of hearing her. 'I'm trying to argue with a cat.' Catra plopped her face into her hands groaning softly, a fresh wave of regret running over her. She sat there for a moment feeling sorry for herself, Fang slowly turned his head towards her with an almost remorseful look in his eye as he scooched towards her to bump his head against hers. She raised her head up to smile crookedly at the now purring feline, reaching out a hand to scratch under his chin. "Thanks buddy." She murmured, he meowed back at her.
A pair of thick boots started clunking down the stairs, causing the pair to look up to see Huntara now clothed making her way down the stairs. Fang growled softly so only Catra could hear and she had to resist the urge to giggle at his reaction. 'He hates her so much.' She mused to herself, Fang had hated Huntara even while they had been dating he would hiss and claw at her. 'Should've listened to his warnings.' She thought a bit bitterly. Huntara made her way to the bottom of the stairs, grinning cockily at Catra again who found it hard not to glare back.
"I gotta get back to campus, maybe I'll see you when your mom is out of town again?" Huntara wiggled her brow at the smaller girl who rolled her eyes.
"Maybe." She responded flatly, getting to her feet to walk Huntara out the front door but quickly let out a yelp as Huntara caught her by the waist and pressed her against the wall. Catra blushed as she looked up at Huntara, a feeling of need filling her as she saw the look of arrogance on Huntara's face. The muscular tattooed girl leaned down and caught Catra's lips in a hungry kiss, biting at her lower lip roughly Catra couldn't help but moan into her mouth. 'Adora..' Catra felt her heart drop as she almost moaned her friend's name, Huntara pulled away with the same shit eating grin on her lips.
"So grumpy in the mornings." She cooed, pecking Catra's lips again before separating from her completely, the two made their way to the front door and Catra wordlessly let her out.
As she shut the door behind the taller girl she felt her knees buckle under her, using the door as support as she slid down to the floor. Catra growled to herself as her eyes pinched shut, pulling her knees to her chest in an attempt to comfort herself. A soft meow caught Catra's attention, eyes fluttering open to see Fang sitting on her feet. Looking into the feline's eyes she felt herself melt a little, tears threatening her eyes moments before now freely letting a few fall.
Fang squeaked as he clambered up onto her knees and butted his head against hers, purring comfortably. Catra began to shake, a small smile tugging at her lips as tears started to fall, she flung her arms around Fang and pulled him close to her chest. He went limp purring like a motor against the wild haired girl's chest, she pressed a gentle kiss onto his head. "I don't know what I would do without you." He meowed a response causing Catra to chuckle. "You understand me right?" Fang squealed an answer and Catra laughed even harder. The two stay curled up together for a while, a few more stray tears falling down her face as she relaxed with the cat in her arms.
When Catra finally stood again she kept Fang to her chest , making her way to his bowl to fill it with kibble. He meowed excitedly and leapt down from her arms to dig into his breakfast, Catra chuckled giving his back a scratch. Catra looked down at herself in Adora's hoodie, she felt the urge to take it off and pull it closer all at once. She decided the ladder, letting the scent of the material fill her nose. 'I'm just cold.' It was a lie but a reassuring lie.
The house was quiet, Miranda wouldn't be home until tomorrow it was just her and Fang. Catra gave the ravenous feline one more scratch before making her way to her room to stretch herself out on the bed, clicking on her X-Box as a distraction. 'Killing zombies is the best distraction.' She thought to herself, grinning crookedly as the game hummed to life.
Fang soon joined her, perched on his cat tree to watch Catra screech in victory as she tormented zombies. Catra could hear her phone buzzing behind her but didn't glance back, keeping her eyes glued to the screen as she destroyed her enemies. 'If it's important they'll call back.' She decided with another screech of victory.
Adora was perched at the kitchen counter sipping from the mug of tea Angella had made her, her hair down for once and still in pajamas as she let calm breaths fill and leave her lungs. The warm morning sun filled the kitchen and ran over Adora's skin, shutting her icy eyes in bliss to let herself bask in the warmth. It was so peaceful in the kitchen, Glimmer still asleep and Angella in her office working, Adora could feel her heart slow and quiet. She slowly got to her feet, clutching the warm mug of tea to her chest she padded quietly to her room. She gently set the cup on her nightstand and opened the drawer to stare at the contents inside, the ratty notebook and untouched photo album staring back at her.
The blonde bit her lip in silent contemplation before reaching out a hand to pick up the notebook, crawling into bed to set it out before her. She opened it the old book, eyes slowly drinking in the words on each page. Adora's heart warmed a little, it was hard to think of her childhood with fondness but the memories of Catra always felt good. The memories of Glimmer and her conversation from yesterday made her heart feel heavy. 'I love Catra but what kind of love?' She questioned as she chewed on her lip. She flipped to the last few blank pages in the old book and stared at them for a second, drumming her fingers as she decided her next action.
She sighed moving aside the book and grabbing a pen from her desk before returning to her spot on the bed, starting to scribble down on the page. "Pro's Con's" the heading read, tapping the pen against the paper in thought she racked her brains as she filed through her thoughts. 'Pro's and con's of loving Catra..' She felt a wave of embarrassment go over her but she pushed it away quickly scribbling a few words in the con category. "Stubborn. Hot headed. Arrogant. A little mean." Adora stared at the words, furrowing her brow in annoyance as she thought. 'How could I be in love with someone who's.. Who's Catra?!" It was the only way she could really describe the girl, but as her name rang through her head she felt her heart speed up again. Adora took a sip of her tea, looking at the paper with annoyance.
'It's not the paper's fault.' Adora gently put down the mug again, tapping the pen for a moment longer before her heart began to melt away her stubbornness. Hesitantly she started writing in the blank column, slow and precise. "Funny. Tiny. My best friend. Sweet when we're alone. So soft. Smells like a forest.  Beautiful." Adora paused in her writing as the final word came out of the pen so effortlessly, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She pushed past the embarrassment and started her writing again, word's coming easier the further down the list as she slowly filled the columns. The pro's column was filled by the time she had finished while the con's list remained the same length.
"Makes me feel good. I can carry her around whenever I want. Knows me really knows me. Feels so good when she's in my arms. Beautiful wild hair. Her eyes. Feisty little shit." Adora took in the words she wrote, attempting to make sense of all of her thoughts. Slowly tearing her eyes away from the writing she turned to the window, the warm morning sun now shining even stronger. 'I should wake up Glimmer, maybe she has answers.' Adora decided, pushing the notebook to the side quietly, to make her way out of her room and down the hall to her foster sibling's door.
She gave a gentle knock and when she was met with silence she cracked the door open. Glimmer was half hanging off the bed, legs tangled wildly in her covers and loud snores making her chest rise and fall. Adora grinned smugly, creeping into the room slowly on her tiptoes.
With one wild fluid leap she was on top of the sleeping pink haired girl. "Good morning!" She yelled as Glimmer shrieked and flailed awake.
"Adora!" She screamed at her trying to smack the taller girl with closed fists. The two wrestled for a moment before falling out of the bed, limbs tangled in sheets and Adora burst into laughter.
"I hate you." Glimmer grumbled, letting herself flop out on the floor.
"No you don't." Adora grinned goofily at Glimmer, who rolled her eyes and shoved the blonde girl away.
"I wish I did." Glimmer got back into the bed with a huff, Adora still giggling followed and laid herself out on top of Glimmer. "You're crushing me." Glimmer said flatly, voice muffled by Adora and sheets. Adora giggled letting herself flop out limply on her foster sister.
"Say you love me." Adora responded wiggling her eyebrows at the glaring Glimmer.
"Never." She grumbled, shutting her eyes as if to shut out Adora from her reality.
"I love you! Why don't you love me?" Adora whined, tipping her head to the side attempting to give Glimmer a sad look.
"I do you just push it." She grumbled making Adora giggle again, climbing off Glimmer to sit beside her sleepy friend. "Why do you do these things?" She whined, sitting up to wrap the blanket around herself and glare at Adora, who was smiling sweetly.
"I missed you." Adora replied, it wasn't a complete lie she liked seeing Glimmer in the mornings. But she still needed help. 'Maybe I should ask when she's more awake..' Adora, considered as Glimmer, blinked tired eyes at her in disbelief.
"You jumped on me, woke me up like a wild animal, because you missed me?" Glimmer asked flatly, the pink haired girl narrowing her eyes at her friend as if trying to read her mind.
"Well yeah." Adora rubbed the back of her neck nervously, hesitating for a moment before quietly adding. "And.. I wanted to ask you about love things." Glimmer perked up at this, pale eyes now fully open.
"Ohh? Love things?" She teased wiggling her eyebrow suggestively, earning a pillow in the face from Adora.
"Don't be rude." Adora growled making Glimmer giggle.
Adora went quiet, rubbing her exposed arms as she tried to find the words to ask Glimmer what she wanted to know. "I'm not going to judge, I promise." Glimmer prodded gently, flopping onto her side to listen to Adora.
The blonde girl nodded, smiling softly down at her friend. "It's about.. what you said yesterday." Adora started slowly, Glimmer quickly nodding in acknowledgement. "About Catra."
Glimmer sighed exasperatedly. "Yes Adora I remember." The two giggled and Adora playfully swatted the other girl's shoulder.
"Don't rush me!" Glimmer put her hands up defensively as their giggles died down again. "I made a.. pro's and con's chart." Adora admitted quietly, attempting to look anywhere except at Glimmer who was now smiling widely.
"Let me see." Glimmer demanded, Adora opened her mouth to protest but Glimmer was already running out of the room and to Adora's.
"Glimmer!" Adora yelled after the shorter girl, running after her. Adora rounded the corner of her to see she had the notebook in her hands, a shit eating grin already on her face. Adora's face went a deep shade of red narrowing her eyes at Glimmer as she read the notebook. Sighing in defeat she plunked down onto the floor, crossing her legs and balancing her chin on her palm. "Well?" She demanded after a moment of silence while Glimmer read.
The pink haired girl plopped down, putting the book down on the floor between them, smiling at Adora widely she looked like she was suppressing giggles. 'If you weren't my sister I would knock you out..' Adora thought bitterly. "I think you have it bad for Catra." She said simply, Adora's face instantly turning a deep red at her words.
"What do you mean?" Adora spluttered out, straightening her back to cross her arms over her chest.
"Adora." Glimmer put her hands on Adora's knees to get her attention, blue eyes looking up shyly to stare into Glimmer's gentle silver ones. "I was trying to be supportive and give you time but, who makes a pros and cons to decide if they're in love with their best friend?"
Adora blinked at her, slow realization washing over her. 'She has a point.' "I don't see your point." Adora lied easily, denial setting in. Glimmer stared at her for a moment before she burst into a fit of laughter, Adora narrowed her eyes at her foster sister's reaction.
"Adora, you're a dork." She wheezed out between laughs, Adora loosened up a bit a small smile tugging at her lips. When Glimmer's laughter died down she smiled at Adora with a knowing smile. "Can I ask you something?" The blonde thought it over for a moment before hesitantly nodding. "What do you want?"
Adora cocked her head back, surprise evident on her face as her body went rigid. 'What do I want?' The question echoed in her mind, furrowing her brows in thought. "I'm not sure. It has never mattered what I wanted." She answered honestly after a pause, Glimmer's eyes softening sympathetically.
"Well it does now." She said determination filled her voice, Adora smiled thankfully. 'No one's ever told me that..' Adora thought silently, gratitude washing over her.
"Thank you." Adora mumbled embarrassed, rubbing her arms anxiously again. "Is this what it feels like to like someone? Like.. romantically?" Adora sounded unsure, hesitating with each word.
Glimmer considered her next words for a moment. "How do you feel when she walks in a room?" Adora stiffened again at the question, racking her thoughts for the answer.
"I can't take my eyes off her and my heart feels like it could explode. All I want to do is hear her voice and for her to look at me the way I look at her." Adora's reply came freely, as if she had known the words her whole life and Glimmer's eyes soft as she spoke.
"I think you know how you feel." Adora nodded, a small blush crossing her cheeks. 'She's right.' Adora sucked in a breath, trying to calm her nerves. 'I want Catra to be mine.' The thought filled Adora with warmth, the feeling of pure desire filling her heart for the first time.
"How do I know if Catra feels the same?" Adora asked weakly, vulnerability showing in her eyes.
Glimmer shrugged, reaching out a hand to gently grip her knee. "That I don't know, but before you came here I don't think Catra ever smiled unless she was being mean to someone." Adora chuckled a little, looking down as a soft smile played across her lips. "I think you need to find out from her." Glimmer said softly, Adora nodded at her words slowly with fresh determination filling her heart. After a moment of silence Glimmer slapped her hands down onto the ground and pushed herself to her feet, heading towards the door. "Alright I'm starving, it's time for some brunch." Adora glanced at the time to see it was not closer to noon as Glimmer called over her shoulder. "Are you coming?" Adora thought for a moment before a look of determination flashed across her face.
"No I have to do something." Adora got to her feet, shifting through her clothes to find something to wear. Glimmer smiled knowingly, shutting the door behind her quietly as she left.
Adora threw her pajamas off, quickly changing into pants and a hoodie, throwing her hair up in a messy ponytail. Grabbing her phone she clicked onto Catra's number, hitting the call icon as she attempted to put on shoes with the other one. 'Come on pick up.' Adora thought with a growl as the ringing continued, managing to shove on the shoe finally.
"Hey this is Catra, leave a message or don't I don't care. Bye!" Adora growled with frustration, not bothering to leave a message. 'Fine, I'll just go to her.' She thought determinedly as she shoved the other shoe on and jogged out of her room down the hall to Angella's office. "Angella!" Adora called as she burst through the door, panting a little from adrenaline.
"Adora!" Angella shot back playfully, looking up from her work to see Adora smiling and bouncing from foot to foot.
"I'm going to visit Catra, is that ok?" She asked the question in such a rush that Angella almost missed it.
"Oh sure! Just let me know when you're coming home." Adora nodded instantly, spinning around to run down the hall. 'I have to see her. I have to see her now.' Adora's thoughts spun wildly, all hesitation flying out the window.
"Thanks Angella see you later!" Adora called over her shoulder, Angella laughing and shaking her head as she returned back to her work. "Bye Glimmer, going to see Catra!" Glimmer quirked a brow looking up at her foster sister with a bewildered look.
"Want a ride?" She questioned, Adora already half out the door.
"No time!" Adora declared, shutting the door behind her with a snap and taking off down the road to Catra's house.
She could hear blood roaring in her ears, determination burning like fire in her eyes dead set on her route ahead. 'I need to know I need to know how she feels.' Adrenaline pumped through the blonde as she ran harder, anxiety feeling like a stone at the bottom of her stomach but Adora could hardly feel it as she ran. As she rounded the final corner, Catra's house came into sight and a fresh way of determination filled her limbs. Her heart and feet felt like they were soaring, it felt as if she could run forever. She skidded to a halt in front of Catra's door, slamming her fist on the door as loud as she could manage. When she pulled away, panting and out of breath, she bounced from foot to foot waiting. 'Please feel the same please.' Adora pinched her eyes shut, silently praying with all the hope she had that Catra would feel the same.
The door cracked open slowly, Adora's eyes flying open to see Catra hiding mostly behind the cracked door. 'She's so gorgeous.' Adora thought a fresh wave of want crashing down on her. "Adora?" Catra squeaked, gawking a little at the panting sweating girl. Adora pushed past into the house, shutting the door behind her as she smiled down at Catra's outfit. 'She's wearing my hoodie and..' Adora went a little red as she realized there weren't pants under the hoodie, eyes moving towards Catra's confused face.
"What are you doing here?" Catra demanded, her cheeks having their own soft blush across them. Adora opened her mouth, determined to find an answer, determined to know. 'I need to know I need you.' Adora's words stayed as silent thoughts as her eyes caught sight of Catra's neck, determination turning to stomach churning dread.
"I-I.." Was all Adora could stammer out, eyes blatantly staring at the fresh hickies trailing down Catra's neck. Catra's face went even more red as she realized what Adora was staring at, self consciously covering the marks that trailed down her skin. "Who.. Who did that?"
Catra turned even more red, biting her lip as she looked away from Adora. "My ex came over last night." She mumbled out honestly, Adora felt like she was going to puke. Tears pricked at her eyes, her mind reeling as she tried to understand what she was saying. 'She doesn't feel the same. I am such an idiot.' Adora's realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. 'I should've thought this through I should've realized she doesn't feel the same I should've-' Adora's thoughts were cut off as Catra snapped. "Why are you here?" She was looking at Adora now, embarrassment and shame written across her face.
"I-.. I'm sorry." Adora finally croaked out, making the girl's bicolored eyes soften.
"Hey it's ok." Catra stepped forward reaching out a comforting hand to attempt to comfortably cup her cheek, the taller girl flinched back despite her heart's aching scream of want. 'I can't. She doesn't want me.' Catra's eyes filled with hurt as she retracted her hand, quickly covering the hurt with confusion. "What's going on? Talk to me." Catra's soft words almost brought Adora to tears but she blinked them back again. 'Don't cry don't cry don't cry she can't know.' Adora pinched her eyes shut in an attempt to comfort herself.
"I just needed.." Adora opened her ice blue eyes to look into Catra's concerned bicolored eyes, the last word stuck in her throat. 'You. I need you.' Adora cleared her throat and shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of the thoughts. The blonde girl forced a smile best she could, reaching out a hand to squeeze Catra's shoulder. "I just wanted to hang out with you and Fang." She lied, it was a pathetic excuse but it was all she could think of. Catra grinned crookedly, if she didn't believe Adora she certainly didn't show it.
"You could've just said that dork, come on." She took Adora's hand to drag her off to her room, Adora numbly following as she did her best not to stare at Catra's neck. 'She doesn't feel the same.' Adora's heart felt like it was breaking in her chest, but she pushed it away best she could manage to look at any bright side she could find. 'At least I still have her as a friend.' She thought sadly, pushing down the bitter jealous feeling in her chest best she could, managing to force a small smile.

A/N: I'm sorry ok!! I promise it'll get better don't kill me! And I know Catra and Huntara don't really interact as far as I can recall but I feel like Catra's types is giant buff girls who can throw her like a sack of potatoes so yeah, they're ex's! Gonna stir up some trouble. >:3c Anyways hope everyone is staying safe and if you're out there fighting please stay safe and have each other's backs, I'll see you guys later! <3

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