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TW: We're gonna get into a bit of childhood trauma and childhood abuse in this chapter, again nothing too crazy but definitely enough to need a warning.

Catra was distracted her entire second period, Scorpia and Lonnie were going on about their group work or something and she couldn't care less. She tapped her claw like nails against the table, eyes staring off into space as her thoughts were plagued by Adora.
"Catra?" The gentle voice of Scorpia brought her back to reality, she turned her eyes on her friends who were staring at her expectantly.
"What?" Catra growled, Scorpia smiled a light hearted smile and Lonnie glared at Catra for the attitude.
"What do you think our science project should be? Lonnie said we should study plants and that sounds like fun to me, what about you?" Scorpia explained filling Catra in on what she had tuned out from.
"I don't care." She responded flatly and Lonnie huffed making Catra's sharp eyes turn to her. "What?" She growled again.
"You're just being a jerk more than usual. What's with you?" Lonnie tilted her head and stared at Catra with a pointed look, Scorpia nervously looked between the two gripping her pants.
Catra's eyes narrowed at Lonnie again, claws gripping the table now. "What's with me? What's with you?" She snapped back.
"Guys, let's just take a beat-" Scorpia tried to be the voice of reason, passively putting her hands up in a defensive pose.
Lonnie quickly cut her off. "You're being weird! Always running off to be with that girl, who the hell is she anyways? You haven't even told us her name." Catra growled shoulders tensing as Lonnie did the same, Scorpia looked around nervously almost looking for an escape route.
"Her name is Adora, for your information, and it's none of your business. I can be friends with whoever I want." Catra and Lonnie stared each other down.
"Yea you can, but you don't have to ditch us to do it." Lonnie snarled, Catra opened her mouth to respond but Scorpia slammed her hands onto the table bringing their attention to her.
"Enough. We have work to do, we can talk about this later." They opened their mouths to argue but Scorpia cut them off again. "You don't have to talk together, Lonnie make a list of supplies, Catra start planning the slideshow. If we need to talk I'll be the middle man, sound fair?" The two girls stared down each other for another moment before quietly grumbling and complying, going back to their own work. Scorpia nodded as they complied, working on her own portion of the project. The rest of class was spent in tense silence as they worked, Catra and Lonnie didn't argue again but every time they met eyes they would shoot each other a look.
When the release bell rang Catra snapped up, throwing her things into her bag and running out of the room. Scorpia stared after her with a soft sad look and Lonnie huffed in annoyance. "Come on Scorpia, she's just in a mood." Scorpia slowly nodded and followed after the smaller girl, pulling her backpack closer to her.
Catra didn't go to her third period, hiding out under the bleachers of the football field lazing about in the overgrown grass. 'Who does Lonnie think she is? I can do whatever I want, I don't need her permission.' Catra pulled at the grass as her angry thoughts clawed at her, eyes narrowed. 'Who cares if I go hang out with Adora? It's not like they want me around anyways.' Catra thought bitterly, running her hands slowly through her messy hair.
Catra stayed hidden under the shade of the towering seats, dozing in and out her eyes lulled shut. 'Maybe I should just stay here the rest of the day.' The thought crossed her mind but as she heard the bell signaling the end of the third period she immediately shot up and started making her way to the cafeteria. 'I can miss class, I can't miss Adora.' As she entered the courtyard she caught sight of Adora sitting with Bow and Sparkles, they already had their lunch and were joking together. Adora looked happy and jealousy clawed at her heart for a moment, resisting the urge to run away again she made her way over.
Bow caught sight of her first waving excitedly, Glimmer turned with a scathing look and Adora excitedly smiled at the sight of her. Catra's jealousy faded for a moment plopping herself as close to Adora as she could, leaning against her shoulder and gently rubbing her head against her. "There you are, I didn't see you with Scorpia and got worried." Adora murmured putting her arm around Catra's shoulders who tensed at the mention of her friend.
"Just ran late." Catra lied quickly not meeting Adora's eyes. Glimmer and Bow watched the two, glancing at one another before shrugging simply.
"Anyways, Adora, what do you think? Movie night Friday?" Glimmer smiled and Bow bounced in pace excitedly as he awaited Adora's answer. Catra's jealousy returned for a moment and she shut her eyes as if to shut the feelings away, head resting on Adora's shoulder.
Adora paused in thought for a moment, glancing at Catra before glancing back at her friends with a hopeful look. "Can Catra come too?" Her eyes shot opened again, looking up at Adora with a surprised expression that Glimmer and Bow mimicked. The pair quickly covered their shocked expressions with polite smiles.
"Yea, why not, the more the merrier." Glimmer smiled a little too wide and Catra felt hot embarrassment wash over her. 'They don't want me there, they just want to make Adora happy.'
Catra opened her mouth to snap at the two but Adora, either oblivious to the tension or simply ignoring it, spoke before she could. "Perfect! It'll be the first best friend squad night with all of us!" Adora began to eat her food happily, Glimmer and Bow glanced at each other a little unsure but said nothing. Catra felt a bit anxious but kept her mouth shut, she wanted more time with Adora and if that meant dealing with friends, fine.
That night Catra laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling in thought, she had behaved the rest of the school day going to each class before bidding Adora a goodbye. She had avoided her friends all day, walking home instead of bothering Scorpia with asking for a ride. Her friend had sent her a couple of messages but she hadn't looked at them, she wasn't interested in what she had to say. Fang stretched himself out on her chest and pressed his paws against Catra's chin making her giggle.
"At least you like me." She murmured giving his paws a couple gentle kisses. Her phone suddenly buzzed and Catra glanced at the device, jumping when she saw Adora's name popped up on the screen.
"Hey we're picking out movies for tomorrow what do you want to watch?" A text message read, Catra smiled absently scratching Fang behind the ear as she clicked out a message.
"Anything scary. Do you want me to bring snacks?" Catra sighed as her nerves started to get to her again, she wanted to spend time with Adora so badly but Glimmer and Bow.. Catra pulled at the neck of Adora's hoodie, tucking herself into as if she was hiding from the world. Fang meowed curiously, adjusting to be closer to her head.
'They're going to take Adora away from me.' The thought sent a wave of fear through her. 'They hate me, they should hate me, I'm such.. a jerk.' Tears clawed at Catra's eyes and she squeezed them shut in an attempt to calm herself. 'I can't let them take Adora away from me, I won't let them.' Fang gave another meow as Catra hands gripped into her bed sheets, he persistently meowed until she finally raised her head from the hoodie. A couple tears had managed to leak down her cheeks and he quickly licked them away making Catra smile.
"Thanks buddy.." She murmured, pulling Fang closer burying her face in his soft fur, breathing deeply as she tried to compose herself. Her phone buzzed again as another message from Adora came in.
"No we got it I'm just excited for you to come over." Catra smiled a little and some of her anxiety slowly faded.
"I'm excited too." It wasn't a total lie, she was excited to see Adora and meet her foster mom but she just wasn't looking forward to more angry looks from Sparkles and fake enthusiasm from Bow.
When they were younger it had just been the two of them against the world, they had been through so much together and only got through it because they could lean on one another. The thought of sharing Adora had sent waves of jealous rage through her heart, trying to contain it was getting harder. Fang seemed to sense the anger and began to purr bringing her attention to him instead of the swirling dark thoughts. Taking a deep breath Catra could feel memories of her and Adora when they were younger threatening to creep up on her.
Slowly sitting up she placed an annoyed Fang onto the bed to slip off her clothes from the day, slowly turning to examine her back in the mirror. Her eyes slowly moved up and down her own body, eyes lingering over the scars that lined her back. Running her hands down her similarly scarred legs she felt a shaky breath rake her body. Fang watched from his place on the bed almost sensing her pain kept quiet on the covers. Catra sighed gripping her shoulders, almost hugging herself as more tears threatened to leak down her face. The scars long since have healed but the memory of the fresh slashes were burned into her mind from all those years ago.
Her phone buzzed again bringing her back to reality. She slipped Adora's hoodie back on and climbed into bed, pulling her knees to her chest as she unlocked the device.
"Maybe I can show you the letters I wrote you while you're over? As long as you promise not to make fun of me." A smile spread across her lips at the thought, anxiety and memories fading for a moment again. Adora had that effect on her. 'She makes me feel safe.' Catra blushed a little as the thought came to her, shaking her head to shake the thought away. 'She could never feel the same about me.' She thought sadly, pushing away her feelings for her blonde friend she began to type again.
"I won't don't worry, I'm excited to finally get my letters."
Adora smiled down at her phone before turning back to her foster sister, who was excitedly shifting through movies. Adora giggled at the look of pure concentration on Glimmer's face as she put them into piles, mumbling to herself. "So, what have you decided on so far?" Glimmer looked up at her with shining pale eyes and Adora instantly regretted the question.
"Well first we have to watch the classics, I can't believe you haven't seen The Breakfast Club." Adora shrugged and Glimmer sighed dramatically. "Then we can watch some action thrillers and then if we have time something scary for Catra." Adora glared a little, Glimmer quickly waved off the look. "Alright alright we'll for sure watch the scary one."
"Good." Adora looked through the pile of movies that went into the yes pile, she had never seen any of them which is what caused Glimmer and Bow to demand a movie night for the gang. Claiming that Adora needed to be properly cultured, Adora shrugged again putting down the pile back where Glimmer had them originally.
"You're gonna love these, they're so good." Adora nodded absently, Glimmer noticed and furrowed her brow in concern. "You ok?" Adora looked up and smiled a bit unconvincingly, making Glimmer narrow her eyes a bit.
"Yeah just worried, I want you guys to have fun with Catra." Glimmer stiffened a little and Adora's eyes softened reaching out to place a hand on Glimmer's shoulder. "Please, you guys are so important to me and I know she's done bad things but once you get to know her I promise she's not bad." Glimmer's eyes narrowed for a moment longer before she let herself relax, shoulders falling.
"Ok I promise to really try tomorrow." Adora smiled like a kid in a candy store and Glimmer rolled her eyes playfully shoving her foster sister. "For you and only you." The two giggled and Adora threw her arms around Glimmer to quickly hug the pink haired girl, Glimmer was surprised but quickly returned the gesture.
The two flopped down onto the ground stretching out on the soft carpet, Angella appeared passing through on her way to the kitchen raising a brow at them. The two giggled again and Angella rolled her eyes at the two, grabbing an apple for herself from the kitchen.
"Did you two figure out your movie marathon?" Angella smiled as the two nodded rapidly.
"Yes it's gonna be awesome!" Glimmer exclaimed, pumping a fist into the air.
"I'm glad." Angella's eyes turned to Adora smiling softly. "I'm happy I get to meet your friend, Catra right?"
"Yeah that's her, I'm sure she's happy too." Angella nodded, slowly heading off back to her office.
"Alright you two, don't stay up too late." She warned, they called a goodnight back to her and after a moment of silence Adora sat up.
"Hey Glimmer, do you think you can help me with something? For Catra?" Glimmer raised her eyebrow sitting up to face the blonde who was fidgeting nervously.
"What's up?" Glimmer smiled supportively, tilting her head in curiosity.
"Well.." Adora bit her lip as she tried to find the words. 'Maybe I shouldn't ask Glimmer about this, her and Catra are barely tolerating each other.'
Adora glanced up at her foster sister but all she saw was support and curiosity in her pale eyes. "Her birthday is coming up, I think she thinks I don't remember what day it is but I do." Adora paused again and Glimmer gave her an encouraging nod, helping her continue. "I want to do something special since we've been apart for so long, do you think you and Bow could maybe help me plan a surprise party?" Adora nervously rubbed the back of her neck and Glimmer instantly smiled.
"Of course we can! Planning parties is so fun!" Adora smiled gratefully and the two exploded into another fit of giggles.
"Thank you, you're the best." The two stayed up a little longer before getting to their feet and heading off to their own rooms, calling soft good nights to each other.
Adora fell into bed, yawning tiredly as she stretched herself out in a comfortable position. She went still for a moment before squirming over to her night stand to open the drawer and pull out her notebook full of letters to Catra. She looked through the book one more time, eyes lingering on doodles she had added to the corners of the letters meant to make Catra laugh.
She put the notebook aside, her body bouncing with excitement at the thought of Catra finally getting to read them. Clicking her phone on she opened up her messages with Catra, fingers lingering on the keyboard as she thought what she wanted to type. When her phone began buzzing as a phone call came in, from Catra. Adora quickly picked up the call and pressed the device against her ear. "Hello?"
"Adora?" Catra's voice sounded almost surprised. "I didn't know if you were up I'm sorry." Adora smiled into the phone, softly laughing.
"I'm up, are you ok?" Catra went silent on the other side and Adora wondered if she had heard her. "Catra?" She cooed.
"I'm here." Her voice murmured and Adora let out a sigh of relief. "Do you ever think about Weaver?" The question caught Adora off guard and she hesitated for a moment.
"I try not to." She responded simply as Catra went quiet again. "Are you thinking about her?" Catra made a soft noise that Adora took as a yes. "Talk to me." She murmured the order softly and she heard Catra make another noise that she couldn't make out.
"My scars are just bothering me." Catra admitted softly, rage ripped through Adora's heart as she realized what she had meant.
"I understand." Adora spoke softly, gripping her shoulder as if to cover her own single scar, even if it was already covered by clothes thinking about it made her feel anxious. "You're safe Catra, I promise. She will never hurt you again." Catra was quiet once more and Adora felt the urge to wrap the girl into her arms and protect her.
"I still hate her for everything she did." Adora murmured a small agreement and she could hear Catra suck in a deep breath. "Thinking about what she did to you still makes me so angry." Catra's voice turned to a low growl and Adora felt herself tense at the words, memories of Catra fighting Ms.Weaver off to protect Adora that night. She still couldn't believe someone so small could do so much damage, just to protect her.
"I remember, you were so brave." Catra grunted and Adora smiled gently. "You protected me, Catra. I never got to tell you how much it meant to me, thank you." Catra didn't respond and Adora realized that tears had been leaking from her eyes as she spoke, she clawed them away as she continued. "If it wasn't for you I would probably have worse than just a scar." A noise on the other end made Adora jump.
"She left a scar?!" Catra's snarl of anger surprised Adora, opening her mouth to try to soothe her friend she was cut off quickly. "I should've done worse than make that old bitch blind." Adora's stomach lurched as the memory of a small Catra covered in blood and a screaming blinded Ms.Weaver flashed in her mind. She gulped a little as she heard another noise on the other sound, she guessed Catra was pacing now.
"Hey it's ok, I'm safe, you protected me." Adora's soothing voice seemed to bring Catra back to reality, the sound of pacing stopped. "You protected me, you snuck out to get help, if it wasn't for you, who knows what would've happened?" Adora craved Catra in her arms more than ever in that moment, her voice was soothing but not enough, she needed her friend so badly.
"I will always protect you." Catra murmured firmly and Adora felt herself smile as a wave of calm rushed over her.
"I'll always protect you too." Adora sighed clawing away at the tears streaming down her face, picking up her stuffed cat to hold it close to her chest. Adora suddenly felt all her exhaustion hit her and yawned loudly, making Catra chuckle softly.
"It's your bedtime." Catra said her voice returning to a soft gentle one and Adora whined.
"Only if you stay with me while I do." Adora bit her lip nervously as Catra went quiet, hoping she wouldn't think it was odd.
"Of course, Adora." Adora smiled, slowly creeping under her covers she heard Catra do the same on the other side. "Goodnight Adora, sweet dreams." Adora's eyes sleepily flittered shut, lips curling into a gentle smile.
"Goodnight Catra." Adora fell asleep to the sound of Catra purring warmly, longingly wishing she was in bed with her instead of just on the phone. On the other side Catra felt the same way, falling asleep clutching her pillow to her silently wishing for Adora's arms around her.

A/N: Alright I know I said once a week but.... Maybe twice a week is better. Iamsoimpatientimsorry SO yeah Catra was a feral little demon child who protected Adora with a vengeance, I feel like Catra loves Adora more than she fears Shadow Weaver and I wanted to show that somehow. Also I did some digging and found out Catra's birthday is October 28th so I thought it could be a cute thing for Adora to surprise Catra with. Next chapter will be movie night with the best friend squad woo hoo! Hope you guys enjoyed see y'all later!

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