The end

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Catra was snoring quietly against Adora's chest, Fang sandwiched between them purring contently in his own peaceful sleep. Swiftwind was watching over the sleeping pair with the same worried gaze as Adora held, it felt as if they were mirroring one another. Adora still felt her heart pumping anxiously, it felt surreal to have her childhood friend curled against her once more. 'Are we friends again? Are we more?' Adora had to stifle a frustrated groan, as happy as she was to have Catra safe in her arms once more, there was a long conversation ahead. Adora let her head fall and rest against Catra's mane of hair, as daunting as the thought was it could wait until later. A soft knock came at the door and Adora raised her head as her bedroom door opened, Glimmer quietly slipping in and approaching the bed with a comforting smile.

"Hey, she's back asleep?" Glimmer asked softly, Adora nodded in reply.

"Yeah, being out there took a lot out of her." Adora mumbled back, Glimmer humming as her eyes traveled towards Catra once more.

"You think things will be ok between you two?" Adora hummed unsure of how to answer, instead tightening her grip onto the small girl.

"I don't know." Adora answered honestly. Glimmer's pale eyes lifted to stare at Adora's features worriedly, but the pink haired girl didn't push her foster sister anymore instead resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Mom wants to talk just us, come on." Adora nodded, Glimmer turning to leave to allow Adora a moment to squirm out from under Catra. It took quite a bit of work, Fang was awoken, he whined angrily, but Adora eventually managed to lay down the still sleeping Catra onto the bed. Glimmer was waiting in the hall outside, the pair of foster siblings making quick steps to Angella's home office. Entering Angella was deep in thought, brows creased, chin over her hands, but upon glancing up at the teenagers a smile crept onto her face.

"Girls come sit please." Adora and Glimmer plopped down in the chairs before the older woman's desk, shooting back equally caring smiles. "How's Catra?"
Adora hummed for a moment in thought. "She's okay, just sleeping." Angella nodded in understanding.

"I'm glad, Miranda said she would be by to get her and Fang whenever it was safe. But I was sure to let her know Catra was welcome to stay as long as possible." Angella's words put Adora at ease, there was no doubt that Angella wouldn't let Catra stay where it was safest for her but having confirmation was comforting. "But, the reason I wanted to talk to you both is because this made me realize something." Angella began, voice low and almost hesitant, Adora raised a brow curiously. "I don't want any crazy emergency separating us, when you were out in that blizzard Adora all I could think was how if you were ever taken from us.. It would be devastating." Glimmer nodded in agreement, Adora felt her eyes go wide suddenly feeling very guilty for scaring her foster family.

"I'm sorry Angella." Adora mumbled but was quickly shushed by a comforting hand laying over her own, Angella was smiling down at her.

"No Adora, it's okay." Her foster mother comforted, squeezing the teen's hand gently. "What I mean is.. if something ever happened. I would want to be the one to come and get you." Adora tilted her head confused and Glimmer shot her foster sister a comforting smile. "I want to always be the one to come get you, Adora. I want to legally adopt you." Angella finished with another squeeze to Adora's hand and the blonde felt herself blink a few times trying her best to keep up with what was just said. Glimmer squealed excitedly latching onto Adora's free hand. "Is that.. alright with you?"

"Please say yes! We'll get to be sisters for life!" Glimmer begged, pale eyes shining excitedly. Adora felt like she was watching the scene from above her body, there was no way this was real there was no way Angella wanted her to stay forever there was no way she was being.. adopted?

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