A new start

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Disclaimer: I do not own She-Ra this is a fan work and I make no profit from this story.
A/N: Just wanted to leave a note on here that I've decided to cross post this story on both FanFiction.Net and on here! So if this story sounds familiar yes I am the same author and allowed to repost it. I would also like to add that I am further into the story now and some of the questions in the author notes have been answered or are dated but I will be leaving them as is so I can get feedback from here! I will be posting the chapters on here to catch up where I am on the other site but after we are caught up the schedule will be twice a week usually Wednesday and Sunday! That all being said hope you enjoy and if anyone from the other site sees this, hey you found me!

Over and over, home after home, foster parent after foster parent, it was always the same thing. 14 homes in 16 years, there wasn't much hope for her at this point, just 2 more years and she would age out of the system. 'This place smells weird..' She thought tiredly, clutching a tattered bag to her chest as her eyes went in and out of focus. They were talking, probably about her, but there was no point in listening anymore.
"Adora?" The soft voice of her case worker brought her back into focus, she looked up slowly. Her case worker, Hope, was always so gentle with all the best intentions even if the homes she chose were not always the best. "Do you have any questions for your new foster mother?" Ice blue eyes turned to the hopeful face of her new foster parent, she seemed kind. 'They always seem kind when Hope is here..' Adora thought a bit bitterly.
"No." Adora said flatly, letting her eyes go back to a spot on the floor. There was an icy silence, Hope quickly breezed over the pause and began handing the woman papers to sign. It felt like hours but who knew how long it really was, Adora could barely focus and she didn't care much to listen.
"Alright I think that's all I need from you. Adora, are you ready to go with Angella?" Adora looked up into the woman's pale eyes, they showed nothing but kindness and hope. It surprised Adora a bit to see such.. determination? Who knows what it was really. She silently nodded, standing up and letting her eyes go out of focus as she followed Angella out of Hope's office. She glanced back at Hope who gave her an encouraging smile, Adora forced a soft grin in return trying her best to reassure the woman.
Adora quietly took a seat in Angella's car, the car ride home was always awkward, not much point in trying to get around the fact. It was a silent drive, the radio softly playing was all that filled the car, until Angella couldn't take it any longer.
"So. This is my.. first time doing this." Adora suppressed a laugh at this. 'You don't say.' She thought to herself, glancing at the tall woman from the corner of her eye she could see she was nervous. "I read that I should ask you about your interests or hobbies so.. What are your interests or hobbies?" This got a laugh from Adora, Angella smiled a victorious smile, the teen's laugh was short lived but it was a start.
"Why choose a teen for a first foster kid then? Don't those books say we're the most difficult?" Adora breezed past her question easily.
"Well, yes." Angella said slowly, seeming to choose her words carefully. "However they also said foster siblings get along better if they're the same age. So.." Adora nodded a little at this, silence filling the car again as the conversation lulled.
"So, you have a kid?" Adora was the one to try this time, making her new foster mother perk up a little.
"Yes! Her name is Glimmer and is 16 as well, I think you two will be a great match." Adora nodded again, letting her eyes drift out the window now as the car went silent again. It was awkward, but it could be worse. Neither reached out again, just letting the music play as they made their way to Angella's home. 'My home too I guess.. For now anyways.'
It took a while but they eventually pulled into a driveway that sat in front of a cozy looking home. As they made their way to the front door, Adora clutching her only bag to her chest, she took in the beautiful yard. It was filled with flowers and life, the porch with an old swing looked so comfortable, and as the front door opened the scent of honey poured out filling Adora's lungs. Angella held the door for Adora as she crept slowly in, it wasn't like the house was unwelcoming but.. It wasn't her home. Yet it was her home anyways. It was an odd feeling. Angella led her through the front room and into a clean looking kitchen, gorgeous pink roses sat on the counter island along with a balloon that read "Welcome!" Adora was a bit surprised by this, she had never gotten flowers as a welcome before, or for any reason really.
"Glimmer isn't here right now, I sent her to her friend Bow's for the weekend, I thought it would be better if you could adjust without too much stimulation at once." Angella explained, gesturing to the flowers. "But she did want to make sure you got a welcome from her anyways." Adora smiled a little at this, Glimmer seemed sweet. "Let me show you around."
Angella led the blonde teen through the home, she stayed quiet letting Angella lead her around. 'This place is so.. soft.' It was the only word Adora could think of that would describe the house. There was Glimmer's room, it was so pink and glittery, with carpet that was a vibrant pink and resembled grass it was so long. Adora didn't set a foot in but she could imagine how soft the carpet would be under her feet. Angella's room was similar in the way that it was unapologetically her, a light lavender color covered her walls and stars were painted across her ceiling. Adora briefly wondered if any constellations were painted into the design, but she didn't step into the room far enough to see. There was a guest room that was a dusky orange color and filled with shelves of books at one side, not much else was in the room besides a soft bed. Finally was Adora's room, it was rare for Adora to be able to have her own room, especially one so cozy looking. Just like the other guest room it was a dusky orange, a large soft bed was in the middle with a wood headboard, a matching night stand was beside the bed, a desk off to the corner and a dresser at the foot of the bed.
Adora slowly put down her bag, Angella's eyes lingered on the tattered thing for a moment. "Do you like it? We can change the color or the furniture if you don't like it." Angella's eyes bore into Adora's, her pale eyes were still full of kindness and Adora felt herself relax a little. 'She seems so.. gentle.' Adora quickly pushed the thought away, body tensing again.
"It's very nice, thank you, Angella." The kind woman nodded, eyes again lingering on Adora's old bag on the ground. She cleared her throat turning to pull a simple black smartphone from her pocket, handing it to Adora. She didn't reach out to grab the phone but instead looked at Angella confused.
"I wanted to make sure you were able to reach me at all times, especially when you start school. It has my number, Glimmer's number and your case workers number." Angella tried to gently reach the phone out to Adora but she still didn't move. Angella could see something in her ice blue eyes, Adora didn't trust her she could see it in those icy eyes. "Please."
After another moment of hesitation Adora took the device, she glanced down at the phone then back at her foster mother. She wasn't trying to be ungrateful but it wasn't like she had been given many things that didn't come with a price.
"Thank you Angella, I'll pay you back-"
"Oh no no, it's a gift!" Adora looked at her skeptically, but there was only compassion in the woman's pale eyes. "I promise. It's yours." Adora nodded slowly, tucking the device into her jean pocket. "Now, I'll leave you to get settled in, let me know if you need anything we can make a target run for anything you don't have!" Angella started to exit the room and Adora smiled a little at her enthusiasm. "If you don't need anything I'll just come get you when dinner is ready. Sounds good?" Adora nodded quietly as her foster mom left with a simple smile, shutting the door to give Adora some peace and space.
Once she was alone she crawled into the soft bed, she felt so tired and was soon snoring softly.
"Adora?" A gentle knock woke the tired teen from her light sleep, quickly getting to her feet she opened the door to see Angella smiling down at her. "Dinner is ready, are you hungry?" Adora's stomach grumbled and she nodded a little, following Angella quietly to the kitchen. There were two places set on the kitchen island, each plate had a couple of slices of homemade pizza and Adora's stomach gave another hungry growl. They sat together and quietly began to eat, Adora wolfing down the delicious food in ravenous bites. Angella was discreet about it but she was watching Adora hungrily scarf the food down. She couldn't help but wonder when the girl last ate but she kept the thought to herself. Once Adora finished she stood to start cleaning her plate.
"Oh no dear you don't have to do that!" Angella quickly got to her feet, Adora flinched back at the quickness and Angella recoiled feeling guilt for scaring the girl. "I just mean it's not your job to clean, I've got it." Adora looked unsure, but when Angella held a hand out to take the plate she slowly placed the dish into her outstretched hand. Angella smiled, grabbing her own plate as she placed them both in the sink. Adora watched nervously from her seat, eyes staying on the dirty plate. Angella noticed and quickly sat back down at the island, clearing her throat to get the teen's attention.
"I just wanted to go over the plan for school and see if it was alright with you?" Adora was a little surprised, she didn't normally get a choice, but she simply nodded for Angella to go on. "Glimmer will be back after school Monday, I was thinking you could use the week to adjust and then start school with glimmer next week?" Adora stayed quiet, assuming things had already been decided, but after a moment she realized Angella was waiting for an answer.
"Oh yeah that's fine with me." She quickly answered, and Angella gave a nod of agreement.
"Perfect! And did you figure out if you need anything? Target is still open, we can get school supplies while we're there too." Adora nervously glanced at the ground, she had a backpack and some pens for school but not much else.
"I can make do with what I have, you don't have to go through the trouble."
"It's no trouble at all, I want you here and you are not trouble." Adora looked up at Angella's face, her always kind eyes were still soft but determination was also there. She really didn't want to be rude to her new foster mother so she agreed to go get some more school supplies.
They made their way to target, making light conversation in the car and as they breezed through the store. Adora had tried to just grab a new notebook and a pack of pencils, but Angella just kept piling things into the cart. A new backpack, binders, pens, paper, highlighters, even a sketchbook. "Just in case you're feeling artsy." She said with a wink. Adora felt relaxed after a while, at first she had tried to fight Angella's kindness but after a couple sneaky tricks to get more objects in the cart Adora gave in and let her fill the cart with new things. Adora assumed they would be finished after they had gotten the abundance of school supplies but she was.. very much mistaken.
By the time they got to the check out Adora had some new clothes, enough school supplies to last her well through the year, snacks, she even grabbed a lamp shaped like an alicorn for Adora. She gave Angella a questioning look when she picked up the lamp but she simply shrugged. "It matches the high school mascot, its school spirit." Adora ended up laughing quite a bit with Angella, talking and letting her guard down a little. Soon they were back home and Adora was sitting on the floor with all the new objects. Looking over everything she felt quite a bit guilty, but she couldn't help but laugh. 'Angella is very.. enthusiastic.'

A/N: I'm a sucker for Catradora high school AU fics and there simply wasn't enough content of it! So I started writing my own hope you all enjoy! I am still learning how to write a good story so any constructive criticism is welcome I also don't  currently have an upload schedule so chapters will come as I'm inspired. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy.

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