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The day seemed to crawl by, all Adora could think about was seeing Catra again. She had quickly shot Angella a text asking if it would be alright to go over to Catra's after school, she quickly gave her permission saying she was always allowed to see her friends. 'Angella is so nice.' Adora had smiled sending Catra a quick screenshot of the conversation to let her know she would be able to go with her. Catra sent back simple instructions to meet her by the gym near the back of the school and Adora smiled happily. After what seemed like an eternity the final bell of the day rang and Adora went shooting out of class to meet Glimmer and Bow at the parking lot. Glimmer waved to her as she approached and Bow was smiling an ecstatic grin. "Hey Adora! Mom said you were going out after school?" Glimmer crooked her head to the side and Adora nodded.
"Yea I just wanted to say bye before you guys left." Bow and Glimmer wrapped her in a warm hug, the three grinning like dorks.
"We're going to the mall again, you sure you don't want to come? Catra could come too?" Bow invited and Adora shot him a grateful smile as he added the last question.
"It's ok, I think Catra and I need some.. time." Adora said nervously, Glimmer and Bow nodded in understanding.
"Alright text me if you need anything, and if Catra isn't bringing you home let me know I'll come get you." Adora nodded, thankful for the effort her friends were putting in for her. They hugged one more time in a tight group hug before separating, Adora was almost skipping as she made her way to the gym,
'I'm going to hang out with Catra. My Catra.' The thought didn't feel real, even as the gym and Catra came into her sight it all felt too good to be true. Catra was alone, arms crossed as she scanned the area for Adora. When she caught sight of the blonde she instantly lit up and Adora grinned back. 'It's not a dream. I have her again.' As she stopped in front of Catra she seemed to fidget from fighting the urge to tackle Adora to the ground again, making Adora giggle a little.
"So, confession, I can't drive. Are you ok with walking? It's not far." She added the last part quickly, a little embarrassed. Adora wasn't fazed, happy to have plenty of alone time with Catra.
"Of course that's ok, lead the way." Adora gestured for the smaller girl to show her the way, Catra took her hand loosely with her own and led her off onto the start of their journey. After a moment Catra realized she had out of instinct grabbed Adora's hand, she blushed in embarrassment hoping she wouldn't think it was weird so she could keep holding onto her. They walked silently together for a few minutes, unsure what to say just simply wanting to be in each other's presence.
"So, want to explain to me why everyone seems to think you're the school bully?" Adora broke the ice and Catra flinched feeling a bit of shame at the question. "Well.." Catra glanced at her friend expecting to see anger in her eyes, but all she saw was warmth and confusion. 'She has so much faith in me.' Catra thought embarrassed. "After we were.. separated.. I was angry for a really long time. I guess I still am sometimes." She shrugged, trying to pick her words carefully as Adora listened patiently. "I kind of took out my anger on anyone who was too nice to fight back.. like Glimmer and Bow." Adora nodded slowly, no judgement in her eyes but Catra could see her thinking. "I'm not as mean anymore.. but Glimmer and Bow have a right to not like or trust me." Catra rubbed the back of her neck as more hot shame washed over her, she never expected to have to explain to herself to Adora.
After a moment Adora finally spoke. "You shouldn't have taken your anger out on people around you, but I'm glad you're better. And I hope you keep getting better." Adora spoke the last part with a bit of edge to her voice, she wouldn't let Catra push Glimmer or Bow around or vice versa. 'I understand they'll need time, but they'll be civil.' Adora thought simply.
"I promise, no more being an ass." Catra quickly promised, looking at Adora with hopeful eyes. She didn't want to let Adora down, she had done that enough already. Adora smiled softly at her, letting a comfortable silence fill the air as the two made their way to Catra's home.
She had been right it wasn't far from school at all, only about a 10 minute walk, and as they walked into the house Adora was awestruck. The house was gorgeous, Catra grinned at the look on Adora's face as she clicked the door shut behind them.
"Like it?" Catra asked cockily, Adora quickly nodded. A loud meow caught their attention and Fang came trotting around the corner tail high. Adora made a soft awe noise as Catra crouched down extending her arms so he could jump up easily into her waiting arms. She flipped the small black cat onto his back to smother his little face in soft kisses making him purr happily, Adora watched the exchange with adoring eyes. 'She always wanted a cat, I'm so happy she got one.'
Catra stood up again, Fang still in her arms like a human baby she stepped towards Adora so he could sniff her curiously. "Adora this is Fang!" Catra introduced, the blonde smiled reaching out a gentle hand to let Fang sniff before giving him a scratch under the chin. He purred gratefully and Catra smiled crookedly at his approval.
"Well hello Fang it's so nice to meet you." She cooed softly, the two spent a moment loving on the cat who happily purred and ate up the attention.
Catra led Adora up to her room, Fang perching himself onto her shoulder like a little parrot. Adora giggled a little as the cat stared at her with large green eyes, he resembled a weird owl. They padded into Catra's room and she shut the door softly behind Adora as she entered. Looking around the room she couldn't help but see how the place just screamed Catra.. It was a deep red with a messy wooden bed, a matching desk covered in papers, an enormous cat condo in the corner, and video games overflowing the dresser beside her TV. Catra perched herself onto the bed as Adora quietly walked around looking over everything in the room. It was messy and full of trinkets, objects stuffed away into every corner, but it wasn't an overwhelming mess, just a noticeable one.
The thing that caught Adora's attention the most was the scent of Catra that hung so heavily in the air, she had always smelt like a forest since they were little. When Adora came out of her thoughts and turned around to face Catra again she saw she was staring at her with curious eyes. Catra looked away embarrassed that she was caught staring but Adora smiled, making her way over to the bed she hesitated but an inviting pat on the mattress from Catra coaxed her onto the soft bed.
Adora sprawled out onto her stomach shutting her eyes to let the events of the day wash over her, not in a million years could she have predicted this. Catra slowly leaned back laying down on her back flopping her head to the side to look over Adora's relaxed face. Opening her eyes again her ice blue eyes bore into Catra's own mix matched ones, they smiled at each other. It was awkward and familiar all at once, the comfort of being close to someone you trust with your life mixed with the awkwardness of a first meeting. 'And I wouldn't change it for the world.' Adora thought firmly.
"I can't believe I'm looking at you." Catra murmured finally, Adora felt her lips tug into an even bigger smile.
"I can't believe it either." Adora answered back. "I used to write you letters constantly, my case worker kept promising she'd find you so I could send them but.. she never did." Adora shrugged a little sad as she admitted to writing letters Catra could feel her eyes well up in tears, she blinked them away quickly but emotion welled in her chest.
"You thought about me?" Adora raised an eyebrow in confusion at Catra's question.
"Of course I did." Adora hesitated unsure if she wanted to ask the question that stirred in her mind. "Did you?"
"Every day." Catra answered instantly, the blonde teen felt her heart rate quicken. Catra sat up suddenly, pushing the emotions she felt down she got up and headed over to the Xbox that sat on her dresser. Adora sat up watching her curiously as she flipped it on and tossed Adora a controller, grinning cockily. "Remember how the library would have game night and we could play Mario kart?" Adora's face went from confusion to determination instantly.
"Oh you are so going down." Adora growled playfully, Catra glared grabbing a controller for herself and she jumped back into bed next to Adora.
"In your dreams." Catra challenged back, selecting the Mario kart game on the menu and the two began to pick their characters.
"Cheater!" Catra accused shoving Adora playfully who burst into a fit of giggles.
"I did not!" Adora shouted back, shoving her smaller friend back gently, not wanting to hurt her.
"Then how could you have won? Hm?" Catra dramatically accused her leaning against Adora's side, letting her head fall onto her shoulder.
"Guess you just suck." Adora teased, the wild haired teen gawked at her in fake hurt.
"How dare you? Take it back!" Catra playfully swatted at her making Adora giggle, flopping back to avoid the gentle swats from her friend.
"Make me!" Adora shot back, the other girl growled playfully winding herself up to pounce onto Adora when a knock came at the door that made them freeze.
"Catra?" The soft voice of Miranda called, causing Catra to visibly relax but Adora stayed stiff. She slowly walked in curious eyes peering at them before smiling warmly. "Well hello, I thought I heard someone. Who's this?"
Miranda stepped fully into the room still adorned in work clothes, dark messy hair freshly let loose from a professional up style it had been worn in all day. Adora looked anywhere but at Miranda's face giving her a silent wave. "This is Adora, a friend from school." Catra sensed Adora's anxiety and resisted the urge to touch her, Miranda seemed to notice too.
"Well, if you both are staying for dinner, does some take out Chinese sound good?" Miranda laughed as Catra's face lit up with excitement.
"Yes please!" The girl exclaimed, Adora gave another silent nod but this time a smile crossed her lips at Catra's excitement.
"Alright text me what you want, I need to change out of this." Miranda pulled at the tight collar of her shirt, shooting Adora one last warm smile. "It's nice meeting you dear." She shut the door with a click behind her, and as she left Adora's eyes went from the floor back to Catra.
"You ok?" The wild haired girl murmured, Adora felt less stiff and nervous now but she was still worried.
Adora gave Catra a smile in an attempt to ease her worry. "Yeah of course!" Catra didn't look fully convinced but as she opened her mouth to question her friend she was cut off. "What's this place we're ordering from? I'm starved."
Catra gave a devious grin and rolled her eyes. "Of course you are."
"Hey!" Adora playfully smacked Catra making them both explode in a fit of laughter.
When the doorbell rang signaling the arrival of their food Catra went about flying down the stairs, nimbly pouncing to the door and opening it with an excited expression. Adora followed behind more slowly, amused by her friend's excitement, and as she hit the bottom of the stairs Catra was running back to the kitchen bags of food in hand.
"MA!" Catra screeched as she tore open the bags looking for her and Adora's meals.
Adora jumped as Miranda appeared behind her. "You don't have to yell, I was in the living room." Catra didn't seem to have heard, too busy setting out places for her and Adora, who quietly took a seat and let Catra dish out the different foods. As the smell hit her nose her stomach gave a hungry growl, making Catra giggle.
"Eat dummy." She murmured affectionately, Adora didn't need any more permission than that and started shoveling her plate into her mouth. Miranda watched the two with soft eyes, her daughter looked so confident and relaxed, it was a nice change. She liked this Adora girl.
Miranda grabbed her own plate of food, sitting across from the girls quietly watching as Catra slipped into the seat next to Adora and hungrily tore into her own food.
"So, Adora." Adora seemed to realize Miranda was there as she spoke, jumping a little and turning jagged blue eyes onto her. The older woman calmly smiled, warm eyes crinkling as she stared into Adora's icey ones for the first time. "How long have you and Catra been friends? I haven't seen you around before. Usually Scorpia is the only one she brings over." Catra, half listening now, turned to her anxious friend to see she was struggling with her answer. 'Is it ok to tell her about where we met?' Adora broke eye contact with Miranda, turning to Catra instead to look for answers in her face.
"We've known each other a while, mom. She's usually just busy." Catra answered easily, Adora smiled her thanks to Catra for saving her from making the choice. Miranda knew Catra was lying, she knew her daughter well enough but decided not to push while Adora was here.
They ate dinner together mostly in silence, Catra could pull a laugh or a smile from Adora once in a while but it was rare now. Once Miranda finished her own dinner she stretched out of the seat with a loud yawn. "Alright I'm heading to bed early, wake me up if you need a ride home Adora, it was nice to meet you." Miranda was met with a small smile from Adora as she turned to leave, the woman smiled to herself in a bit of victory.
As her mother made her way up the stairs Catra cleared her and Adora's spots, which Adora quickly jumped up to help with. They cleaned in mostly silence, Catra staring at the blonde trying to figure out what could make her so anxious.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Adora looked up a bit surprised at the question, her brunette friend was looking at her with worry and Adora felt a bit of guilt wash over her. 'I just.. don't trust adults.' The thought crossed her mind and Adora opened her mouth to answer but a noise from upstairs made her jump silencing her again. Catra blinked slowly as a bit of realization hit her, Adora was still adjusting. The lithe girl smiled a gentle smile, stepping towards Adora so close their bodies brushed and reached up to put a hand on Adora's cheek. She seemed surprised at the touch but as the shock began to fade she leaned against the clawed hand, letting her eyes shut slowly.
"I know how you feel, but we're together again. Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together, remember?" Catra's words brought a bit of tears to Adora's eyes, trying to blink them away quickly one managed to slip out and Catra easily brushed it away with her thumb.
"I'm sorry, Miranda is really nice I just.." Adora bit her lip looking down at her friend, who silently nodded in understanding.
"It's ok, I understand." Catra spoke out the words as soothingly as she could manage, leaning her forehead against Adora's in a silent sign of affection. The two stood like that for a moment, breathing in each other's scent and basking in each other's presence. Slowly Adora pulled away, Catra looked up with confusion in her eyes and Adora shot a warm smile back.
"It's getting late, I should get home." Adora spoke firmly but with a hint of sadness in her voice, Catra felt her heart twist and tug wanting so badly to stay like this.
"Alright, is Glimmer coming to get you? Or should I grab my mom?" Adora seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before a devious smile crossed her lips.
"Maybe, you could walk me home?" Catra grinned, instantly running to grab her shoes. 'I've never seen Catra run this much in my life.' Adora mused to herself slowly getting to her feet to retrieve her backpack from the front of the house where it laid next to Catra's. As she waited for her lithe friend, Fang appeared fur tussled with sleep and eyes still half shut.
Adora giggled sliding down to sit on the floor, cooing a soft greeting to Fang, who promptly trotted over to rub against her outstretched hand. When Catra reappeared she smiled affectionately at the sight before her, Fang curled up in Adora's lap and Adora lovingly scratching him behind the ears.
Catra let reality wash over her as she stared at her grown up childhood friend, wondering what would've happened if they hadn't been separated. A bit of guilt twisted at her stomach as she remembered the amount of anxiety Adora showed when meeting her mother. 'Adora wouldn't be scared anymore if I had been there to protect her.' The thought made Catra's claw tipped hands curl into small fists, fierce protectiveness flashing in her heterochromatic eyes. 'I won't let anyone hurt you again.' Adora looked up, smiling gently as she became aware of Catra's presence, who's fierce expression melted into a softer gentler one.
"Ready to go?" Adora nodded, gently placing Fang on the floor she stood gesturing for Catra to lead the way. Fang gave a meow of protest as they left, and Catra giggled as she shut the door.
"He likes you." The comment made Adora grin happily and Catra laughed even harder.
"I like him too, can I come over and pet him again?" Catra crossed her arms at the girl, who teasingly smiled back. "Oh and to hang out with you too, I guess." Catra shoved Adora playfully, who cried an indigent noise as they started to chase after one another. Adora couldn't help but feel so at peace teasing and racing after her childhood friend. Adora's foster home came into view too soon and the two began to slow down, almost dragging their feet to have more time with each other. 'I don't want her to go.' The thought of saying goodbye to Catra, even for just a while, made her heart ache. Standing on the porch now the two stared at their feet, not wanting to break the silence to say their goodbyes.
Adora looked up first, a moment of hesitation holding her back before she gave in and flung her arms around Catra pulling her into a warm embrace. Catra stiffened a little in shock before curling her arms around Adora's back to squeeze back. The two held onto each other for what felt like forever before they slowly broke apart, Adora stepped back embarrassed that she had let her instincts get the better of her like that.
"I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Adora smiled and Catra slowly nodded, she looked like she wanted to argue but she knew she couldn't. She would just have to wait.
"Ok." Catra finally growled out, Adora gave her one last warm smile before turning to open the front door. As she clicked it open she froze, turning back to Catra with a look on her face that Catra's could not read. Before the smaller girl could question Adora had pulled her tattered hoodie over her head and handed it to her friend. Catra gave her a questioning look not reaching to take it at first, Adora blushed looking down.
"It's a little cold, I know you hate the cold." The murmured half excuse of an explanation made Catra blush a little, slowly taking the hoodie from Adora's outstretched arm. She clung to the worn out clothing, staring up at Adora with a mix of emotions flashing through her eyes.
"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow." Adora smiled one more time, eyes lingering on Catra before quietly stepping into the house and letting the door click shut behind her. Catra let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, turning on her heel to begin her trek home. It suddenly felt much longer without Adora by her side.
Adora slid down to the floor, her back against the front door as she threw her back pack to the side, tears starting to fall down her face. She knew Catra wasn't leaving for good but her heart was screaming out in fear. 'What if they take her away? What if they take me away? I can't lose her, I just got her back.' The overwhelming thoughts brought out more sobs as the girl shook silently, curling in on herself in a feeble attempt to comfort herself.
"Adora?" The soft voice of Angella brought her back to reality, quickly snapping her head up, eyes filled with fear as she saw the tall woman standing in the entryway looking down at her. Adora looked away, clawing away the tears and looking away from her, shaking still as her body was racked with sobs but she refused to let any more tears fall. Angella opened her mouth to speak again but seemed to think better of it, slowly sitting on the ground to face Adora. "Did something happen with your friend?" She asked after a moment of silence, Adora quickly shook her head no, making Angella breath a sigh of relief.
Silence settled back over them, tension filling the room as Adora sat shaking against the door refusing to make eye contact with her foster mother. "I know you're scared, you don't have to tell me why, you don't have to tell me anything really." Adora slowly glanced at Angella, the woman was looking at her with such fondness it surprised Adora. "But I want you to know I am here, I am not sending you off at the first sign of trouble, Adora. I care about you, I want to make this place to feel like your home, you are safe here. I promise" Angella's words sunk in slowly and Adora felt tears begin to fall down her face again. It started slow but quickly turned back into waves of sobs, Angella resisted the urge to wrap Adora in a hug but she didn't have to for long, Adora beat her to it and threw her arms around the woman who quickly returned the embrace. They stayed like for a while, sobs racking through Adora's body as she let her tears flow onto Angella's strong shoulders.
"Thank you.." Adora breathed, her sobs finally started to calm down. Angella pulled away, gently placing a hand onto Adora's tear stained cheek and gazing at her with love in her eyes.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Angella cooed, giving Adora a gentle kiss on the forehead. The girl thought for a moment before slowly shaking her head no, Angella nodded in understanding. "That's ok, come to me whenever you're ready, ok?" Adora nodded slowly, they stayed like this for another moment before they got to their feet making their way up the stairs together. They stalled at Adora's bedroom door, both seemingly unsure how to go about their good nights. Again Adora made the decision for them, tossing her arms around Angella again in a quick hug that Angella returned.
"Goodnight Angella." Adora quickly murmured retreating into her room, the taller woman smiled as the door clicked shut.
"Goodnight, Adora."
Adora heard her foster mother's soft goodnight and smiled to herself, touching the cheek that Angella had before. 'Catra did too.' The memory of her friend's comforting touch hit her making her eyes squeeze shut and take in a shaky breath. The faint smell of pine trees filled her nose and she realized her clothes had the faintest smell of Catra on them. Carefully taking off the clothes from the day she put them on the bed next to her prized stuffed cat, changing into a more comfortable tank top and sweatpants. Crawling into bed exhaustion clawing at her she noticed her phone buzzing from notifications . Picking up the device she smiled as she saw they were all texts from Catra.
"You were right, it was cold. Thanks for the hoodie." Adora giggled starting to type back when an image came in, she clicked it open blushing a little at the sight. It was a picture of Catra taken in her mirror, hair pulled up in a pony tail and the oversized hoodie on. It was big enough on her that Adora couldn't tell if the lithe girl was wearing shorts or not making her blush even more. "Think I'm gonna sleep in it.. smells like you." Adora smiled at the message.
"No fair, I want something that smells like you." Adora sent it mostly joking but she knew deep down she meant it. 'I just want a piece of her around all the time.'
"Alright big baby I'll bring you one tomorrow." Adora giggled, triumphantly wiggling under her covers.
"What a sweetheart." Adora pulled Fang over to her, clutching the tattered toy she wondered if she should tell Catra she had him. Before she could think about it too much her phone buzzed again.
"Only for you." The message was simple but it set Adora's heart ablaze, smiling like an idiot. Adora fell asleep that night texting her long lost friend and clutching Fang to her chest, nightmares that usually plagued her fought off for the night.

A/N: WOO That was long one for me I'm trying to get better at writing longer chapters so let me know if you guys liked this or want me to just keep going with shorter ones! Also no spoilers but season 5, killed me, I am deceased and writing this from the beyond. I do want to note that I wrote out this story line before season 5, I may change a couple things around but the story line will stay on track how I planned without too much influence from the new season. Alright hope y'all enjoy see you later!

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