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It had been 4 days, 4 long grueling days and Catra could not take it anymore. 'Something is wrong with Adora. Did I do something? Did I say something dumb?' Catra had been trying to figure out Adora's strange behavior all week and it was killing her. 'She barely looks at me, if she talks to me it's weird, and if I try to touch her she moves away.' Catra's thoughts were making her head spin even now as she tapped her claws against the desk and stared at her friend from the corner of her eye she couldn't understand what she did. It hurt a little to feel so far away from Adora. 'It hurts a lot actually..' She would never admit it out loud but having Adora so stand offish to her stung.
"Adora?" She finally spoke, trying to keep her voice low and gentle. Adora still flinched as she turned around and smiled half heartedly at her. "Are you ok?" Catra resisted her urge to reach out to her friend by gripping her own knees, knuckles turning white with effort.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Adora tipped her head in a fake smile before turning around to do her work. Catra suppressed a low growl that was building in her chest. 'Being frustrated and mad won't help.' She tried to push down the urge to react but she couldn't help it, Adora was lying to her about something.
Catra flopped herself out onto the table, slowly extending an arm to cover Adora's work forcing her to pause. The blonde glared at her and she shot back a crooked grin. "Are we still going to the robotics thing tomorrow? And having another movie night?" Catra tried to make her voice sound calm but she was desperate to have things normal again between them.
Adora was staring at her arm almost debating if it was worth it to touch her to move it or not, she must've decided it wasn't because she left her arm where it was. "Yeah if you still want to." Adora's voice sounded forced and a small pit opened up in her stomach. 'She doesn't want me there.' Insecurities flared up making her anxiously run a hand through her hair.
"I want to. Do you want me to?" Catra's question came out a little harsher than she had meant to and a wave of shame rushed over her.
Adora looked at her confused, for a moment the awkward stiffness melting away. 'There's my Adora.' The thought caught Catra off guard and she mentally berated herself for thinking such a thing. 'You need to get over her she doesn't want you-' Catra's thoughts were interrupted by Adora's gentle voice. "Of course I want you there." Adora's smile looked true for the first time all week and a bit of pressure was released from Catra's chest. As Catra moved her arm away from Adora's work their bodies brushed together, it felt electric to Catra but Adora quickly flinched away the stiffness and tension returning to her body.
Catra let her work the rest of class, keeping her mouth shut and trying her best to focus on her own work but every time she caught sight of Adora she could feel herself faulting. 'I miss you..' The thought sent a pang of sadness through Catra's heart, she had never felt so far away from Adora even when they had been apart for years. 'Whatever I did I messed up big time.' Regret for an action she didn't even know she committed washed over her again.
Relief filled her chest as the bell to release the class came and Catra shot up, waiting impatiently for her friend who was almost moving deliberately slower. Catra watched Adora's movement trying her best to contain her hurt. When Adora finished packing her things Catra forced a smile, the two leaving by each other's side stiff and unsure of how close the other should get.
As the pair rounded the corner to Adora's second period Glimmer came into sight, Adora instantly lit up and Catra felt jealousy claw at her heart. 'She always seems so happy when she sees Sparkles..' Adora bolted ahead to wrap her arms around Glimmer, the two busting up in fits of giggles as they excitedly started talking. It all sounded like static to Catra, her bicolored eyes turning to piercing jealous daggers as she stared down Glimmer. 'Why does Adora want to be around her but not me? Why does she still touch Sparkles but not me? Why-' Catra's jealous rage was cut off by a firm pat on the shoulder from Adora, who was smiling at her half heartedly. 'I don't need your pity.' She almost spit the words out but she bit her tongue.
"I'll see you later ok?" Adora gave her shoulder a small squeeze before turning and leaving with Glimmer. Fury and jealousy ripped through her, all she wanted to do was tackle Adora to the ground and find out what was going on. She turned away with a snarl, making her way down the hall aimlessly no intention to go to her next classes.
'What did I do wrong?' Guilt and anger morphed together in Catra's chest as she tried to wrack her brains for what could have possibly caused this to happen. 'Did she figure out how I feel?' Cold dread filled her limbs at the thought. 'I know I was flirting a little but.. god I'm an idiot.' Catra ran a hand through her hair, a ragged breath leaving her lungs, it felt like her stomach was filling with cold icy dread. 'No no there's no way she knows.. she can't know.' Catra pulled out her phone, slow panic setting in as she started searching her contacts for the right number. Quickly dialing the name hitting the call icon she pressed the phone to her ear.
"Please pick up.." She silently pleaded to the ringing, pinching her eyes shut as she tried to level her panicked breathing.
"Twice in a week kitten?" Came a chuckling voice on the other end, Catra sucked in a breath and laughed out of pure craze. 'What am I doing?' Catra shook her head as if to shake away any good sense she had.
"Are you busy?" She blurted out, Huntara chuckling on the other end again.
"Not right now, I could be there in maybe an hour?" Catra heard the suggestive note in her voice making more dread pool in her stomach. 'I can't think about Adora, I need to think about anything else.' Catra swallowed her nerves as a fresh wave of shame ran over her.
"I'm at school, can you get me from here?" There was a pause on the other end that made Catra hold her breath. "Please, I can't be here." Catra's plea came out in less than a whisper, after another pause Huntara belted out another laugh.
"You really need it huh? I'll be there soon." She taunted as she hung up with a click. Catra shoved her phone in her pocket, anxiety replaced with disgust for herself as she made her way to the parking lot to wait. 'I can't be here.' She repeated to herself as she sat on the bench with a sigh.
Adora sat at the lunch table, leaning her head onto Glimmer's shoulder as she absently looked at her tray of food. She hadn't eaten much the last few days, everytime she thought about eating the thought of someone touching her Catra made her want to throw up again. 'Not my Catra.. Never was mine.' She thought bitterly, fluttering her eyes shut and nuzzling into her foster sister's shoulder. Glimmer gave her a sympathetic look, she had been so supportive the last week even if she wasn't sure what had happened she knew Adora was hurting. Bow followed her lead and the pair had done their best to cheer her up whenever possible.
"Here ya go!" Speaking of the devil, Bow shoved a package of cookies in Adora's hands smiling sweetly. She returned the look with a grateful smile, tearing open the cookies to attempt to eat one.
"Thanks Bow." She murmured as she took a bite, it tasted like dirt in her mouth.
"Alright so, tomorrow I will have the team's uniforms and our cheer outfits ready but I will not have them until before the competition. Sound ok?" Glimmer asked and Bow excitedly nodded.
"Yes! I'm so excited to see what you came up with." Bow was grinning, practically vibrating in excitement. "Are you sure I can't see it before the competition?" Bow pleaded, eyes wide.
"Nope! It's a surprise." Glimmer grinned, Adora chuckled she had seen the outfits and while she wasn't thrilled to be dressed up like a cheerleader she knew Bow would love it all.
Scorpia skipped over to the table and sat down with the group, perking up as she heard the talk of their outfits. Earlier that week Catra had refused to dress up as a cheer squad with them, so Scorpia excitedly volunteered, Glimmer and her were instantly close after that. It was no surprise to Adora that they got along so well, they had that same bubbliness to them. "Oh I'm so excited to see what you came up with Glimmer, I've been working on my cheer poses." Scorpia showed off her poses making Glimmer and Bow burst into giggles.
"You're gonna be an awesome cheerleader." Glimmer giggled making Scorpia blush as she rubbed her neck embarrassed.
"Aww shucks!" Scorpia laughed. The three started going on about some cute cheer rhymes, but Adora felt like she was very far away as they spoke now.
She was looking around wildly for any sign of Catra, she was usually right behind Scorpia. 'Where is she?' Guilt washed over her as she thought about how she had been acting the last few days, cold and aloof keeping her distance from the tempting beautiful girl that was her friend. 'I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, I just needed to get over her. I can't tell her what's going on. She can never know I felt that way.' But even with her reasoning Adora felt cold dread run up her limbs.
"Scorpia?" She piped up causing the conversation to pause and the gentle white haired girl to look at her. "Where's Catra?" Adora questioned, she felt Glimmer tense next to her and stare at her with worried eyes but she ignored it.
"Oh-" Scorpia looked around, scratching the side of her head in thought. "Not sure I thought she would meet me here, she wasn't in our second period so I assumed she went home for a personal day." It didn't sound outlandish to Scorpia as she shrugged off the thought, but Adora started to panic as she realized Catra hadn't ditched since she had arrived. 'Did I do something?' She felt sick to her stomach as she looked around hoping that she would catch sight of the lithe girl. 'She has to be here.' Determination filled her limbs, jumping to her feet causing everyone to pause in their conversation and gawk at her.
"I'll be back." She said flatly, turning on her heel before anyone could question her she started jogging down the halls looking for Catra. 'Where are you?' She silently called to Catra, worry filling her chest like a cold ice as she searched the halls for her friend. She searched every hall, the football fields under the bleachers, any nook and cranny she could find; she searched for her friend becoming more frantic with every second. She faintly heard the bells for classes go off in the distance but she could hardly hear, she didn't care. She checked her phone for any messages from Catra but all that was there were concerned messages from Glimmer and Bow.
She shoved the device into her pocket and returned to her search, the final place she had left coming into sight. Skidding to a halt in the parking lot she looked around out of breath, eyes wide until she caught sight of a familiar mane of hair. Her limbs sagged with relief, running towards her pure joy crossing her face but she stopped short as she realized Catra's shoulders were shaking. 'She's crying.' Adora felt like she had been kicked in the stomach as she heard Catra's weak whimpers, they were so faint. She had her back to Adora, curled up with her knees to her chest and face covered with arms. Adora bit her lip as more guilt rushed over her, slowly reaching a hand out to touch Catra's shoulder but quickly retracted it before she could make contact with her.
"Catra." She whispered softly, making her crying friend freeze on the bench. Her head slowly raised, wiping tears away quickly with the back of her hand before glancing back at Adora with piercing eyes. 'I'm sorry.' Adora's heart ached with the need to hold Catra and make everything better, to kiss those tears away, to confess everything, to apologize for how she was acting. 'I can't, I can't lose her.'
"What do you want?" Catra growled making Adora flinch a little. 'She's just upset.' Adora sucked in a breath to plop onto the bench beside Catra, the girl looked at her with narrowed eyes and a couple of tears threatening to fall.
"I was worried." She cooed softly, Catra scoffed and let her head fall back to her curled up position to not look at Adora. Adora felt the urge to hold her again and this time she gave into her impulses for a moment, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer.
Catra stiffened before slowly loosening up, letting her head fall onto Adora's shoulder. After another moment of hesitation Catra let out a breath she had been holding in and let her arms wrap around Adora's torso, sinking her claws into her skin a little not in a painful way but as if she was holding onto Adora. 'Don't worry I won't let you go.' Adora shut her eyes wrapping her free arm around the lithe girl, pulling her as close as she could inhaling Catra's scent. 'Having her this close.. God this feels good.' Adora pinched her eyes shut, trying to even her breathing and resist the urge to touch more of Catra. 'Keep it under control.' She growled to herself, Catra's weak whimpers filling her ears again. Adora ran her hand slowly up and down Catra's back, letting the other girl cling to her and fall apart in her arms.
"Why are you out here?" Adora gently asked, Catra's grip tightened on her.
"I just needed to get away." She admitted weakly, adding after a moment of hesitation. "I called my ex and asked her to come get me. I think she stood me up." Anger and jealousy clawed at Adora's heart, she pushed the feeling away to replace it with concern.
"She doesn't deserve you." She growled out in a rush, tightening her grip on Catra as if she was protecting her. She laughed breathlessly, wiggling closer to Adora as the remaining tension left her limbs.
"I don't want her." She admitted sheepishly shrugging, Adora crooked an eyebrow curiously. 'Why do you keep going to her then?' She wondered. "It just feels good to be wanted, the person I really want.. could never feel the same." Catra answered as if she could read Adora's mind. 'Who couldn't want you?' Adora thought with a bit of anger. She pulled away to look down into Catra's eyes, she whined as Adora moved away claws desperately clinging to her skin making the blonde laugh. Catra blushed embarrassed, getting even more red as Adora leaned her forehead against hers. 'I can control myself. I can do this. She needs me.' Adora sucked in a breath of determination, careful to not let her eyes fall to her lips.
"Anyone who doesn't want you is an idiot." Adora's words made an odd emotion flash through her eyes, slowly smiling at her friend. Adora smiled back, the jealous feeling fading a little being replaced with relief. 'Now just need to find out who she really wants, so I can be.. very nice and not threatening to them.' The reasoning was faulty but Adora couldn't help the possessive urge ache in her chest, Catra was all she wanted and someone was rejecting her. 'How dare they?'
"Maybe." Catra shrugged, opening and shutting her mouth as she tried to get words out. Adora furrowed her brows trying to figure out what the girl was trying to say.
"Anyone who doesn't want you, is an idiot." Adora said slowly emphasizing each word, eyes lowering to her lips for a split second. 'God I could kiss her so easily.' Adora pinched her eyes shut to shut out the temptation of Catra's lips.
"Thank you." Catra murmured softly, the two sat like that for a moment letting the rest of the world fade away.
A car horn made the two jump apart, a car parked on the curb in front of them and a smug looking tattooed girl sat in the front smirking at them. Catra's body became tense again, face turning red and shooting daggers at the girl. Adora looked between Catra and the stranger, slow realization turning into a roaring jealous monster in her chest.
"Is that-" Adora started to question her but was cut off but the other girl.
"Sorry I'm late Kitten, didn't know you needed it so bad you'd start without me." She chuckled earning her an embarrassed blush from Catra.
'Kitten?!' Adora's jealous monster screeched in her chest at the pet name. 'I'm gonna kill her.' Adora's eyes were dead set on the tattooed girl as she shut the car off and climbed out to approach them. 'How old is this chick? She looks awful for Catra. How could she have ever wanted her?' As she came closer Adora instinctively wrapped a possessive arm around Catra's waist, the wild haired girl shot her a curious look while the stranger gave a bellowing laugh. "Aww, Kitten, this your new girlfriend?" She taunted, Adora's face turned a deep red but she kept her piercing eyes on the giant girl. 'She will be.' Adora didn't have time to correct the thought, the jealous monster in her chest was on a rampage. "The more the merrier you know.." Huntara grumbled suggestively, earning her an almost jealous glare from Catra this time that surprised Adora.
"No. Huntara this is my friend Adora, Adora this is my ex girlfriend Huntara." Adora silently nodded a greeting, tightening her grip on Catra unconsciously. 'Friend.' The word echoed in her head making the jealous creature lurking around her heart growl.
The pale haired girl grinned, eyes following Adora's hand down to Catra's waist. "Seems I'm interrupting something, should I come back another time?" She teased, Catra rolled her eyes half heartedly smiling but before she could answer Adora spoke instead.
"You are and you should." Adora snapped, Catra blinked in surprise at the blonde and Huntara reeled back in surprise with an amused smile on her lips. She hadn't meant to speak the words out loud but she set her jaw and stared the older girl down, all sense being torn away by the jealous monster in her chest. 'She's mine you can't have her.' Adora felt a wave of guilt run over her for the possessive thought but she was too far gone in her rage to do much about it now.
Huntara stared down Adora for a moment before letting out another bellowing laugh, shaking her head slowly. "You want her so bad? Go for it." She turned narrowed eyes onto Catra now, grinning crookedly. "You'll see why we didn't work soon, she's messed up." Hurt flashed in Catra's eyes as she looked away, Adora outwardly growled in rage this time. "You don't want used goods, trust me they aren't even that good." With the last remark Huntara turned around on her heel with another bellowing laugh, but the words woke up something in Adora, a rage she had never felt before.
Adora suddenly could only hear blood roaring in her ears, the image of Catra's hurt clouding her judgement as she jumped to her feet. "Fuck you." Adora didn't know who's fury filled voice tore out of her, but it certainly wasn't her own. She grasped Huntara's shoulder in a fluid swipe before whipping the tattooed girl around and rocketing her fist across her jaw. Her hand made contact with an almost sickening thud, shock crossing Huntara's features as Adora punched her across the face.
"Adora!" Catra shrieked in shock as Huntara fell back with a thud but Adora couldn't hear, she couldn't feel the ache in her fist, all she felt was the jealous rage lighting up a fire in her chest as she leapt on top of Huntara.

A/N: Listen, she deserved it. Jealous Adora is fun to write! I know Catra is more of the hot head of the two but Adora really loses any self control when it comes to protecting Catra. Next chapter will be much longer I just wanted to end this chapter with a bang.. literally! Anyways I'll see you guys soon stay safe and if you're out there protesting wear a mask and have each other's backs!

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