Mini vacation

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Adora's foot tapped on the ground anxiously, Catra looking at her with disbelief in her eyes still. They could hear Principal Mara speaking with Angella and Miranda, no yelling but no one sounded happy. After a few more minutes of silence that felt like hours, Principal Mara opened her door to gesture them in. The pair sat in the remaining chairs in front of the glaring principal, as she took her own seat on the other side. Angella glanced down at Adora, disappointment flashing in her pale eyes.
"Well, you are very lucky Adora that Huntara has elected to not press charges." The blonde girl let out a relieved breath, rubbing her bruised fists slowly. 'I've never punched anyone..' She looked into Principal Mara's eyes, they looked intense but not angry, more patient than anything. "She is not a student so you could've been in a lot more trouble, understand?" Adora nodded vigorously and the intense Principal nodded back slowly. "Good. Your mother has informed me that this is very out of character for you, and all of your teachers have backed up her statement so with that in mind, I will not be taking too harsh of action. This time. If this happens again you will be in a world of trouble do you understand me?"
"Yes ma'am." Adora replied weakly, averting her eyes by looking down at her bruised hands.
"Adora you will be suspended for 3 days, starting tomorrow." Adora weakly nodded, keeping her eyes to the ground while the principal turned her sharp eyes to Catra. "I understand you were just there, so you are not in trouble Catra, but do not invite people onto the campus who do not work here again." Her voice had an edge to it and Catra nodded quickly. "Alright good. Now, it was nice meeting you Angella, Amanda, I wish it could be under better circumstances." The principal shook their hands giving soft goodbyes as they all made their way out of the office.
Angella and Miranda were silent as they walked, Catra was staring at Adora still who was silently keeping her eyes on the ground. "Nice meeting you Angella, Adora stay out of trouble." Miranda gently teased as they parted ways to their cars, Catra hesitantly stalled for a minute before running back to throw her arms around Adora. The blonde stiffened before slowly wrapping her arms around Catra's waist, breathing in her scent as they embraced. Angella and Miranda looked at one another with a soft expression as realization came over their faces.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the competition, right?" Catra whispered nervously, holding onto Adora as if her life depended on it. Adora looked back at Angella, questioning eyes looking up at the tall woman who easily nodded.
"You can still go." Adora let out a relieved breath burying her face back into Catra's neck.
"I'll be there I promise." Catra nodded again, gripping her tightly one more time before releasing Adora from the embrace and following after her mother to the car. Adora stayed still watching Catra from the spot she was grounded on until the car was out of sight. Angella slowly approached the teen, laying a gentle hand onto Adora's shoulder causing the blonde girl to look up.
Her eyes were gentle and kind, disappointment gone from her pale eyes. "What happened?" She asked softly, Adora felt her heart drop. "Come on, you can tell me in the car." She urged softly leading her foster daughter to the car. When they were in the car it was silent, only the humming of the motor could be heard.
Adora broke the silence. "I'm sorry Angella." Adora's voice sounded small and fearful, she felt like a kid again. 'Is she going to send me away?' The dreadful thought made her heart fall even more.
"Adora I'm not angry, I just want to know what happened." Angella urged again gently, concerned pale eyes glancing at the teen in the passenger seat.
"I don't know what happened." She mumbled honestly, starting to rub her bruised knuckles in anxiety. "She just.. She just started insulting Catra and I just swung. Catra protected me when we were little and she kept me safe when I wasn't strong enough." The words came out in a breathless rush, Angella's eyes went wide with surprise and Adora realized Angella hadn't known. "I'm the strong one now I got strong so no one could hurt me again. And now I'm strong enough to protect Catra too." Adora crushed her hands into fists, breathing in deeply in an attempt to calm her nerves. Angella stayed silent for the next few minutes, pulling into the driveway and parking the car in silence before turning and wrapping her arms around Adora. She pulled the blonde girl close, Adora stiffened in surprise before letting herself relax in Angella's arms.
"You will never have to protect yourself again as long as I am here, my love." She murmured against the top of her head, planting a gentle kiss there. Adora felt a few stray tears fall down her cheeks as her foster mother spoke. Angella held her for a moment before letting go, looking down at her foster daughter with an amused smile playing across her lips. "But no more punching people in the face when they're twice your size, ok?" Adora burst into a fit of laughter, Angella doing the same.
Adora nodded. "I promise no more." Angella smiled down at the teen, fully releasing each other as they headed out from the car and to the house. As Angella opened the door Adora felt a warmth grow in her chest. 'She's an amazing mom.'
"Adora!" Bow and Glimmer were instantly on top of Adora as she stepped through the front door, Angella chuckled stepping over the pile of teens. The blonde laughed as the pair looked down at her, Bow worried and gentle while Glimmer was worried but eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"Are you ok?" Bow whimpered, picking up Adora's bruised knuckles to check them over.
"What were you thinking?!" Glimmer shouted before Adora had a chance to reply, leaning down to whisper intensely so only they could hear. "We get in fights together, not alone."
Adora burst into more laughter, retracting her hand from Bow to pull her friends down into a tight group hug. "I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm sorry for worrying you guys." Glimmer grumbled a little but returned the hug, while Bow instantly returned the gesture and squeezed Adora back.
"What happened?" They asked in unison, sitting up to allow Adora to have some space. The blonde rubbed the back of her neck embarrassed, blushing a little at their accusing eyes.
"I didn't mean to, it just kind of happened." She muttered lamely, shrugging her shoulders dismissively. Glimmer's glaring however prompted a few more words from her. "She was mean to Catra and I just kind of lost it." She muttered finally, averting her eyes to the ground. Glimmer and Bow gaped at her for a second before a slow smug grin crept over their faces, glancing at each other with knowing glances. 'Oh here we go..'
"So you beat shit out of someone for being mean to your crush?" Glimmer taunted, putting emphasis on the last word. Adora's head shot up, eyes narrowed at the pink haired girl in mock anger.
"Shut up." Adora muttered, Bow chuckled poking at Adora's blushing cheeks.
"No not crush, her girlfriend." Bow emphasized the last word the same as Glimmer, making Adora's cheeks burn even more.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Adora blurted out, eyes burning holes into her smug friends as her cheeks turned even more hot. 'They will never let this go.'
"Could've fooled me." Angella called out from down the hall, apparently listening. Glimmer and Bow burst into fits of laughter as Adora groaned loudly, hiding her face in the palms of her hands.
Catra and Miranda stayed quiet through the drive home, not an angry silent but a peaceful giving Catra her space kind of quiet. The wild haired girl was tapping her nails along her thighs, bicolored eyes clouded with emotion as she replayed what she had just witnessed over and over in her mind. 'I've never seen Adora so angry.' The look of rage on her friend's face was etched into her mind, it had happened so fast. 'She was protecting me..' Catra's chest swelled with an odd emotion, love and annoyance mixed together weighing on her heart.
"So.." Miranda spoke, bringing her daughter back down to reality for a moment. "You and Adora huh?" The dark hair woman asked, smiling cheekily at the teen. "How long has that been going on?"
"Mom." Catra groaned, cheeks flushing a little. "It's not like that we're just friends." She murmured running a hand through her tangled brunette hair.
"Mhm.." Miranda replied, eyeing her daughter from the corner of her eye. "You know I never really liked Huntara, I'm glad Adora did something about that girl." Catra groaned and chuckled all at once, making the woman laugh back at her daughter. "I know I know it was new and exciting bringing home your first girlfriend but god she was rude to you." Catra laughed even harder clutching at her sides now.
"Mom!" Catra wheezed out between laughs, Miranda tried to suppress her own laughter but a few giggles left her.
"And those tattoos! Look I love tattoos, but not when they're done in someone's garage." Catra erupted in the loudest laughing fit yet as they pulled into the driveway, the pair sat in the vehicle for a moment just letting laughter fill the air.
"Thanks mom." Catra finally wheezed out as they exited the car, Miranda smiled down at her with pride. Entering the house their laughter finally subsided, Catra's face falling a bit as she added. "But Adora doesn't feel that way about me." Catra mumbled the last part making Miranda's face fall. The dark haired woman stared at her daughter for a moment, thoughtfulness clouding her eyes before she seemed to decide her next action. Which was smacking Catra in the back of the head with a thump. "Ouch! Mom!" She whined, rubbing the spot tenderly as Miranda crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're smarter than that, I know you are." Her mother scolded her, earning a glare from the small girl. They made their way into the kitchen, Miranda looking through take out menus while Catra followed after her with piercing eyes. "What do you want for dinner?" She asked aimlessly as Catra sat on the counter across from her mother.
"I don't care." She replied, thoughts plagued by her earlier comment. 'You're smarter than that..' Catra looked up at the distracted woman, biting her lip in thought. "What did you mean? I'm smarter than that?" Catra asked quietly, eyes filling with a quiet desperation.
Miranda returned the look with a dumb founded one, quirking an eyebrow at Catra. Catra truly took after her adoptive mother. "You're kidding?" She said flatly and simply, as if the answer was obvious. Catra shook her head quickly furrowing her brow in frustration. "My love." Miranda reached across the table to take Catra's hands into her own, rubbing her thumbs over her knuckles as she stared gently into her oblivious daughter's face. "You have to figure this out. Talk to Adora." She squeezed her hands gently before letting her hands drop to the table again.
Catra nodded slowly, brows still furrowed in frustration. 'I need to talk to Adora.' She decided thoughtfully, chest filling with need at the thought of hearing Adora's voice.
"How does pizza sound?" Miranda's question brought Adora back down to earth, nodding as a smile played across her lips.
"Sounds delicious." She replied, stomach grumbling at the thought.
Adora sat up in bed the next day, hair a mess as her alarm blared her into consciousness. 'Damn it I forgot to turn it off.' She grumbled as she slammed the thing off, shutting her eyes in a vain attempt to get back to sleep. A soft knock on the door made her whine, cracking open one eye to stare at the door.
"Glimmer if you tackle me I swear-" Adora was cut off by an amused look Angella opening the door.
"I won't tackle you." The woman promised making Adora giggle, turning her head to look at her foster mother with half lidded eyes.
"Hey Angella." The tired blonde murmured to her.
"I'm going to run some errands for work today, I'm out of supplies, since you're on a mini vacation would you like to come with?" Angella asked softly as she placed herself at the end of Adora's bed, gently squeezing her leg through the blankets.
Adora chuckled thinking it over, deciding on her warm bed over a day out. "Can I stay home?" She asked quietly, making Angella chuckle.
"Of course love, have a good day no fighting." Angella responded, giving Adora's head a gentle kiss before leaving the room quietly shutting the door with a click. Adora sighed in content as she snuggled back in her covers and pillow, slowly slipping back into sleep as the sounds of her family fading as they left for the day. When Adora was right on the edge a small knock on her window made her jump back to consciousness, making her groan in annoyance. 'Stupid birds.' She thought trying to pinch her eyes shut tighter. Another knock on the window made her pull a pillow over her head and groan again. It was silent for a second before a wrapping knock on the glass finally got her attention.
She shot up, eyes tired and grumpy as she turned to the window. "What in the-" She screamed as she realized a face was grinning down at her, toppling out of bed in surprise. A raspy laugh could be heard through the window as Adora pulled herself back onto the bed, glaring at the wild haired girl that was grinning at her. "Catra!" She scolded the girl as she opened the window to allow the girl to climb through the window onto her bed. "What were you thinking?!" She shouted, Catra chuckling even more as she threw her skateboard and backpack onto the side of Adora's bed.
"I didn't know if you were in trouble or if your mom was home." She shrugged as if it was the simplest answer in the world. Adora shot her a withering glare as she shut the window, playfully swatting her friend's shoulder.
"I'm not in trouble and Angella isn't here, but you could've called instead of giving me a heart attack." Adora said flatly, Catra's eyes still glittering with mischief as she spoke. Adora couldn't help but feel a small smile pull at her lips as she gazed at Catra with softening eyes. "You're a dork." Adora laughed and Catra easily joined in, leaning herself against the smaller girl's side.
"I just can't go to school without my big strong protector." Catra teased, easily threading her hand around Adora's bruised one delicately running her hands over the bruising. Adora rolled her eyes, trying her best not to think about how Catra's hand felt in her own hand.
"You're going to get in trouble." Adora mumbled, pushing her shoulder against Catra's playfully. Catra shrugged, flopping herself out to reposition her lithe body over Adora's lap, grinning up at her crookedly. Adora felt herself blush a little at the sight, trying her best to look away but her eyes stayed glued to Catra's face.
"You're worth trouble." Catra shot back, reaching a hand up to run a clawed hand through Adora's long hair. "It's weird seeing you without a ponytail, I like it." She commented making Adora blush even more.
"Don't change the subject, you have to go to school." Adora quickly moved past the comment, flicking her nose gently making her nose crinkle in response.
"Nope, we're in this together." Catra declared earning a glare from Adora. "You fight for me, I fight for you." Catra looked up at Adora with charged bicolored eyes, Adora tried to continue glaring but her face eventually softened a sigh of defeat escaping her. 'I'm too weak for this girl.' Adora wanted to push the feeling away but she couldn't, it was here to stay.
"Fine." Adora responded, earning a wide grin from Catra.
"I was going to be here tonight anyways, what's the difference of a few hours?" She purred, getting her an amused eye roll from Adora. 'I guess it isn't too much of a difference.' She mused to herself, as if she had a choice. 'Catra is too stubborn to take a no.'
"You're ridiculous." Adora grumbled as her stomach gave a soft rumble making the pair burst into laughter.
"Let's get you some breakfast." Catra chuckled, gently grasping Adora's injured hands to pull her out of bed and to the kitchen. "Sit." She commanded pushing Adora into a seat at the island counter, she giggled but complied easily. 'Things feel ok, I can do this. I can get past my feelings.' Adora thought to herself determinedly as Catra began to rifle through the kitchen for cooking supplies, finding pancake mix she grinned and put it on the counter with a thud.
The small girl bounced around the kitchen, furiously cooking as Adora relaxed with a small smile playing at her lips while she watched. "You're like my little housewife." Adora said the words without thinking, eyes turning wide as she slapped a hand over her mouth as if to shove the words back in, blushing furiously. 'Smooth. Real smooth.' Catra was looking at her now, eyebrow crooked and a cocky grin across her lips.
"I don't remember a wedding, if you want me to be your housewife I'll need a ring first." Catra shot back easily, making Adora turn even more red. 'Is she flirting with me?' Catra giggled as if she could hear Adora's thoughts, turning back to her cooking. Adora slowly dropped her hand from her mouth, blush fading to a soft pink as she watched the wild haired girl cook for her. 'If a ring is what she wants I'll get her a ring.' The thought made Adora smile, she knew Catra wasn't really flirting with her but it was fun to imagine.
"Pancakes for my lovely protector." Catra chirped, placing a plate stacked of pancakes in front of the blonde.
Adora smiled bashfully, unconsciously rubbing her bruised knuckles. "Thanks, Catra." She mumbled taking a slow bite of the food, eyes instantly going wide as she tasted the pancakes. "This is so good." She exclaimed through a mouthful of pancake making the other girl chuckle as she took a seat beside her. Adora started shoveling the breakfast into her mouth making Catra laugh even harder as she slowly started eating her own smaller stack.
It was quiet for a while, the two enjoying their breakfast in comfortable silence before Catra finally spoke in a hushed shy voice that was unlike her normal confident tone. "Thank you by the way, for yesterday." Adora turned to her to crook an eyebrow at her, mouth still full as she looked at the smaller girl curiously. Catra giggled a little at the sight. "Swallow your food, dummy." She purred, Adora did as she was told and smiled goofily at her.
"Sorry, it's just so good." The two laughed again, Catra's bicolored eyes looking into Adora's icy blue ones with an emotion she could not read.
"No one's ever stood up for me like that before." She slowly confessed, eyes dropping to the ground as a soft flush came over her cheeks. Adora's eyes softened, the urge to reach out and touch her cheek making her hand twitch. 'Be careful.' She warned herself silently, clenching her hand into a fist to contain the urge.
"Well, I'll always stand up for you." Adora replied in the same hushed gentleness that Catra had used before, making the other girl smile shyly. Adora hesitated for a moment before slowly asking her next question. "Did she treat you like that when you guys were together?" Catra's face fell again.
"Kind of." She said indecisively, shrugging her shoulders as more unreadable emotions filled her mismatched gaze. 'What did she do to you?' The angry thought burned through Adora, a feeling of protectiveness twisting her heart. Another beat passed before Catra spoke again. "She can be nice but it's hard for her. When we were together she never really said she loved me, more just expected me to know." Catra shrugged again, her eyes almost looking like they were far away.
"I love you." The words came out a rush from Adora's mouth and she felt her face burn in embarrassment. 'Did I just say that?!' She screamed to herself, panic setting in as the words registered and Catra looked up at her confused. "I-I just mean- I uh- I want-" Adora stammered unable to find the words to cover up her mistake, mind reeling in an attempt to cover herself. 'Think idiot!' "I want you to feel loved! You're my best friend and even if- if your shitty ex can't tell you she loves you, I will! Cause you're my best friend!" Adora finally got the words out, the lame excuse of a lie that no one would ever buy, straining a smile across her face as she prayed that Catra would believe her words. She could have sworn Catra looked disappointed before smiling slowly, reaching a hand out to comfortingly rub her hand over Adora's thigh.
It felt like a wave of electricity went through Adora as Catra touched her, a shiver running up her spine as she felt the touch. "I love you too." Catra's voice was hushed again, bicolored eyes looking into Adora's with an emotion she couldn't distinguish. 'God I want to kiss her.' Adora felt a wave of shame run over her, a feeling of longing and need filling her chest as she resisted her urge. Catra broke the contact, looking away as she got to her feet and took their plates to the sink to begin cleaning.
Adora took a moment to register what was happening, mind still reeling in panic, but as she came back down she jumped up attempting to take the dirty dishes from Catra's hands. "Hey no, you cooked I clean!" Adora smiled goofily as she took the dishes and began washing them, Catra chuckling a little.
"Now look who's the housewife." Catra retorted, but not wishing to fight her on it made her way out of the kitchen and to the living room to stretch herself out on the couch. Adora smiled to herself, watching the other girl from the corner of her eye as she washed the dishes. 'I would be your wife without a ring.' She thought silently to herself before turning back fully to the sink.
The pair spent the day watching TV stretched out on the couch together, sides gently brushing against one another and talking as if the awkward week had never happened. 'It's nice to have my Adora back.' Catra thought to herself as they relaxed and came back to their synced personalities. The awkward week had melted away and Catra was left only with the glowing feeling of love she felt in her chest for Adora. She tried to fight it but she couldn't help it, watching Adora stand up for her as if she was claiming her for herself right to Huntara's face, she couldn't help but feel her desire grow for the blonde girl. 'Maybe she doesn't feel that way about me but I sure feel it for her.' Catra couldn't help but stare at her friend through the day, thoughts of crawling onto the bigger girl's chest and catching her by surprise to steal a kiss before Adora could stop her. Catra shook her head as if to shake away the thoughts but they were there to stay. Her mother's words nagged in the back of her mind, making it even harder to resist her temptations. 'Just talk to her. Just ask her what she wants. Tell her how you feel.' She tried to convince herself mentally but she held back still, unable to bring herself to risk the awkwardness again.
'She loves me like a friend. Why can't that be enough?' The question plagued the girl's mind through the day, everytime she looked at Adora a million thoughts went through her mind. Their childhood, their separation, their reunion, the fight, and now the memory of Adora saying the words she had longed to hear for so long. 'I love you..' The words had come so easily for Adora, as if she had said it a million times before but she had never spoken the words out loud, not to Catra at least. 'I love you too..' Catra shut her eyes as if to shut away the nagging feeling of her heart's desire, she hadn't meant her I love you in the same way Adora had. She was in love with her, Catra knew it but she couldn't admit it. 'I don't want to tell her I want her to say she loves me!' She thought stubbornly, the longing in her chest aching all the same though. 'She's my friend, she would do anything for me, I can't risk losing her again.' The thought sent a crashing wave of sadness over her longing heart, the thought of losing Adora again was too much.
"Hello? Earth to Catra?" Catra was brought crashing back down to reality as Adora waved a hand in front of her face smiling in the same goofy fashion she always did. "You ok?" She asked kindly, Catra feigned a smile as her heart did a flip. 'I can live with this, this can be enough for me.' She decided in that moment, pushing away the longing ache in her chest to gaze at Adora with a soft smile.
"Yeah, just thinking." She replied simply, Adora chuckled.
"Well that's never good." Catra shot the blonde girl a withering glare, playfully poking her in the forehead as the two burst into fits of giggles.
It was the same all day, Catra consumed with her thoughts as they absently watched tv and chatted. It felt nice to have things back to normal between the two, Catra never wanted it to end. All she wanted was to stay in the house alone with Adora and feel the closeness of her friend that she so desperately craved. 'I want Adora all to myself.' Catra felt a wave of shame at the possessive thought but it soon passed, she couldn't help but want Adora to be all hers after all. Their alone time wasn't meant to last though and Glimmer was the first to arrive home, making her way into the living room as she called out to Adora.
"Adora I meant to grab Catra before I left but I couldn't find her anywhere is she meeting us there- oh she's on our couch." Glimmer cut herself off as she walked fully into the living room to see the pair, Catra chuckled a little as Glimmer caught sight of her.
"Beat you here, Sparkles." She teased with a wink making the pink haired girl puff her cheeks up a little in anger.
"Glimmer." She corrected the smug girl before turning to her foster sister, who was suppressing her own giggles. "Scorpia is going to meet us there so I brought her outfit with me to school, but we should get ready. We have to get there early to give the team their uniforms." Adora nodded in understanding, jumping up from her place on the couch as Catra crooked her eyebrow at them.
"Outfits?" She questioned, earning her another annoyed look from Glimmer. "Yeah we've been talking about it all week? You told us you would 'be caught dead in a cheer leader uniform' when I asked if you wanted one? Ring any bells?" Catra thought for a moment, but all she could remember from the week was the awkwardness between her and Adora, then the outbreak of the fight. 'Everything else feel's like a blur.'
"Nope." Catra responded after a moment, shrugging her shoulders. Glimmer rolled her eyes and sighed in a dramatic fashion, stomping off to her room to change with a giggling Adora on her heel. "So moody." Catra grumbled to herself, amusement tugging at her lips. The scrawny girl stretched herself out before pulling her phone out to occupy herself while she waited for the siblings, almost completely tuned out by the time Adora came back she didn't even notice. A soft clearing of her throat got her attention though and as she turned to face Adora all the blood in her body rushed to her face, she felt like her heart both stopped and was pounding as she looked at her friend.
It looked like any other cheerleading uniform except it had no sleeves showing off Adora's toned arms, it was a dusky orange similar to their school colors and a alicorn on the front. The skirt was covered in black sparkles, shining in the light as Adora nervously shifted her weight from foot to foot as she waited for Catra to comment. Finally Catra's eyes went to her face, her hair was up again but her eyes squinted as she realized something was off about Adora's eyes. 'Is she wearing eyeliner?' Catra opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it, at a complete loss of words. Adora never really showed her body, mostly wearing hoodies and other form hiding clothing but the outfit clung to her tightly showing Catra just about everything. 'Don't stare!' She scolded herself but it was too late.
After a moment of awkwardness, Catra basically drooling at the sight of her friend in a cheerleader uniform, Glimmer came bounding in wearing a similar outfit but her's was in a light lavender. "What do you think?" Glimmer cheerfully asked, twirling around as Adora shyly shifted her weight as if to wiggle her hips.
"You look amazing." Catra answered, her eyes staying on Adora as she spoke making the blonde girl blush even more. Glimmer seemed to notice the exchange, realizing Catra wasn't commenting on the outfits she grinned knowingly.
"Come one we gotta get going!" She exclaimed, rocketing out of the living room to grab the bag of team uniforms and her keys. Adora stalled waiting for Catra to follow, who slowly pushed herself out the couch and strutted over her eyes, never leaving Adora as she did. The two stared at each other for a moment, Catra still gawking while Adora shyly bounced from foot to foot.
"We uh- We should get going." Adora finally spluttered out, Catra nodding in silent agreement but they still stayed frozen to the spot for another moment.
"Let's go!" Glimmer shouted impatiently, snapping the pair out of their trance long enough for them to both blush and speed off and out the door. Catra plunked down in the backseat of Glimmer's car, careful to keep her eyes away from Adora as they sped off, her heart still thumping out of her chest at the image of Adora in a cheerleader uniform burned itself into her mind. The car was silent except for Glimmer's music as tension filled the air, Catra shut her eyes as if to shut away her desire to stare at Adora again. 'This is going to be a long night.'

A/N: I'm gonna be honest I've retyped this chapter 5 times, and I still don't like it, I think I have been looking at it too long so I decided to post it but let me know what you guys think and if I should take another crack at it maybe I just need fresh eyes who knows? Anyways this is the longest chapter I've done so far and I hope you guys liked it, or if not let me know please I'm really not sure. I'll see you guys soon stay safe and have each other's backs out there. <3

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