Sleepover pt.1

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Catra yawned sleepily as she leaned against the door of Scorpia's car, eyes half asleep as she absently watched the world go by out the window. Scorpia was chattering away and as much as Catra wanted to listen but everything her friend said went one ear and out the other, it was too early.
"So what do you think, Wildcat?" Scorpia chirped, bringing Catra a bit back to reality, staring at the white haired girl with round confusion.
"Uh. Yes?" Catra answered unsure, but Scorpia's face instantly lit up.
"Oh thank you I knew I could count on you for support! I'm so excited to try out for the football team!" Catra breathed a sigh of relief, she would've supported Scorpia had she known what they had been talking about but she was glad she didn't agree to anything she would regret. As they pulled into the school parking lot Catra stretched out, considering if it was worth it to even leave the warm car. 'It's getting colder.. I hate it.' Catra, lost in thought, failed to notice Scorpia getting out of the car and sauntering over to Catra's side of the car to open the door.
The small girl almost flopped out of the car with a shriek but Scorpia easily caught her, picking her up bridal style and shutting the door. Catra mumbled something under her breath and Scorpia smiled at her friend blushing softly. "Oh, Wildcat, you're so not a good morning sunshine!" Catra raised a brow at her friend trying to make sense of what her friend said but decided against it.
"Put me down." Catra growled flatly, Scorpia chuckled as she placed her friend delicately onto her feet. Scorpia started going on again about the football team, Catra still too tired to really understand simply followed close behind her and did her best to look interested.
"Adora!" Glimmer busted through her foster sister's door and leapt onto the lump under the covers of Adora's bed. The pink haired girl's giggles turned into a look of confusion as she looked down at the lump to see it was just pillows piled under the blanket. "What the-"
"Gotcha!" Adora suddenly rocketed out of her hiding place in the closet and tackled Glimmer from behind, who shrieked from surprise.
"Adora!" Glimmer cried as the taller girl put her full weight onto her foster sibling, the both of them howling with laughter. Angella poked her head in to check on the two, raising a brow at the two of them before slowly shaking her head and withdrew from the room.
"Don't be late." Angella warned sleepily, the foster siblings erupted into even more giggles as they wrestled around together. Adora finally let Glimmer up and the shorter girl glared at her for a moment before giggling again.
"How'd you know I was coming?" Adora shrugged, grinning cockily at Glimmer's question.
"Guess I'm just one step ahead of you." Adora teasingly poked Glimmer in the forehead before sprinting out of the room and down the stairs, Glimmer right behind her. As the two came tumbling into the kitchen Angella peered at them over her coffee cup, slowly pushing a bowl of fruit over to them. Glimmer and Adora started gobbling it down and Angella watched with a bit of horror in her eyes.
"I'm raising goblins." She muttered to herself as she watched them, a small smile pulling at the edges of her lips. Adora and Glimmer giggled around the mouthful of fruits making Angella just shake her head.
"Will Bow and Catra be coming home with you two?" Angella asked softly after her ravenous children managed to shove their mouthfuls down their throat.
Glimmer nodded excitedly as Adora continued to shovel food in her mouth. "Yup or at least Bow is, I don't know about Catra?" Glimmer glanced at the blonde who gave a thumbs up, making Glimmer and Angella laugh lightly. "And then it's ok for them to spend the night, right?" Angella nodded and Adora's stomach did a backflip as she realized she hadn't asked Catra if she wanted to sleep over. 'I hope she does.' The thought crossed Adora's mind as she swallowed down the last of her breakfast.
"Alright, ready to go, fruit monster?" Glimmer asked, Adora nodded quickly.
"Yup let's roll!" The two grabbed their bags and ran out the door to Glimmer's call, Angella calling a goodbye after the two.
Glimmer sped to school and Adora couldn't help but began to think over how she would ask Catra to spend the night. 'Why is this so hard? It's just Catra, we used to sleep together all the time.' Adora's heart warmed as she remembered her childhood friend being curled up in bed with her, sharing warmth on the coldest nights. Adora felt her lips curl into a smile as she remembered every morning waking up to the cranky, wild haired Catra. Glimmer seemed to notice Adora was lost in thought and let her, cranking her music to fill the silence. As Glimmer crookedly parked her car she turned to Adora with a wide grin, making the blonde pull herself back to the present to return the smile.
"Ok first best friend squad movie night, we all meet back here after 6th period ok?" Adora nodded excitedly and Glimmer shook with the same excitement. "Bow and I usually have movie nights every Friday, it's the best tradition." The two climbed out of the car and began their walk to the courtyard, easily spotting Bow sitting at a picnic table with Entrapta at his side.
Adora could see Glimmer stiffen out of the corner of her eye, a forced smile now on her face. They plopped down at the table with the others and Bow's eyes lit up in acknowledgment.
"Good morning!" He sang, Entrapta seemed to not even notice them and just kept mumbling to herself working on a laptop that was sat between her and Bow.
"Morning." Glimmer said flatly, not in an unfriendly way but Adora's body tensed with a bit of nerves.
"Good morning!" Adora shouted cheerily, grinning as wildly as she could manage, tapping her foot against the ground in anxiety. Bow glanced between the two raising a brow at the weird behavior, before shrugging and glancing back to whatever Entrapta was typing.
"I'm so excited for the tournament next week, we're gonna crush it." Bow shouted, eyes shining, Entrapta still didn't acknowledge anything but Glimmer seemed to loosen a bit.
"Of course you will." Glimmer spoke in a soft encouraging voice and Adora could feel herself relax a little as the tension around Glimmer faded.
Adora and Catra worked quietly side by side, sketching the wooden figure that sat in front of them on the table. 'Just ask her. Just ask her. She's already coming over just ask her.' Adora's mind wouldn't rest, continuously persisting for her to work up the courage to ask Catra the almost daunting question.
"So about tonight.." Adora finally managed to get the words out and Catra seemed to freeze, eyes turned straight ahead. "I uhm.. uh." Words suddenly failed Adora and Catra looked at her slowly, pausing as if to think over her words.
"If you don't want me to come just-" Adora's eyes went round as Catra started to speak.
"No!" Catra went quiet as Adora cut her off, who quickly turned red from embarrassment at her outburst. "I'm sorry no that's not what I meant at all, I want you there." Catra smiled softly, a small blush covering her freckled cheeks. "So we are meeting in the parking lot after 6th period and then heading to the house. But I wanted to ask if.." Adora paused again and Catra gave her a pointed look this time.
"While we're young, Adora." Catra teased making Adora roll her eyes, glancing down at the floor instead of Catra.
"Bow is spending the night so do you want to spend the night?" The words rushed out of Adora so quickly she almost ran out of breath, face even redder now. Catra paused in a bit of surprise before a slow crooked smile formed across her lips.
"Is that all? Of course I want to." Catra chuckled a bit at Adora's nerves which calmed the blonde quite a bit, who grinned crookedly at her friend.
"A-Alright sounds good." Adora's words were stuttered out and Catra giggled again. The two stayed quiet for a moment, ice blue eyes staring into mix-matched golden and blue eyes, before they turned back to their work sketching much more absently before as they were lost in thought.
'I had that. No doubt.' Adora thought to herself, grinning a little in pride.
Catra nervously picked at the sleeves of her flannel shirt as she stared off into space, the room was quiet as everyone worked on their individual tests. Catra had finished her algebra test easily, the numbers making sense easily in her head, but now her mind was swirling with thoughts of tonight.
'I'm going to sleep in bed with Adora just like when we were little.' Catra's heart sped up as she remembered when they were kids, curled up together under the thinnest blanket on a mattress on the floor of that dirty basement. Catra's skin crawled as if she could feel the bugs crawling on her, but she never felt the cold of those dark scary nights. The memory of Adora and her curled up onto the mattress felt like a bittersweet moment in such a terrible home filled with terrible memories.
Catra sucked in a deep breath to calm her nerves, it felt so crazy to think her and Adora had been separated for so long and now they would be sleeping next to each other. The wild haired girl glanced at the clock, grunting in frustration as it felt like the ticking was going even slower. Catra slowly lowered her head onto crossed arms nails digging into her shoulder blades a little, trying to keep her mind focused on watching the time but she kept drifting back to Adora.
'I wish I had her hoodie, it smells like rain just like her.' Catra scolded herself for leaving the oversized hoodie on her bed. 'Fang is probably sleeping on it, lucky little shit.' Catra wished to be home so badly, curled up with Fang in the large hoodie. 'With Adora holding me..' Catra shook her head as if to get rid of the thought, growling to herself in frustration. 'Adora is a friend, nothing else.' She tried to convince herself of the thought but she couldn't help but feel the tug at her heart that she felt for only Adora. 'It's been years, why do I still feel like this?' The wild haired girl had never felt such a deep pull to someone, such a deep need to have someone in her life, it wasn't an entirely unwelcome feeling but it wasn't natural.
The bell suddenly rang bringing Catra back down to earth as everyone began to take off from the room, eager to start their weekend plans. Catra let out a nervous deep sigh as she headed off towards the parking lot to meet her friend.
Adora bounced from foot to foot biting her lip as she scanned the area for any sight of her wild haired friend. Bow and Glimmer sat on the bench together, smiling with amusement at Adora's mix of excitement and nerves.
"Relax, Adora, she'll be here soon." Bow's cooing voice made Adora release her lip and nod slowly, still a little unsure she kept looking around but much less panicked. "Why're you nervous you guys have known each other since forever?" Glimmer nodded in agreement at Bow's question.
"It's different, we've been apart for so long it feels like we're meeting again." Adora shrugged thinking over her words as she paused. "It's like coming home after a really long time, familiar but different." Bow and Glimmer glanced at each other as Adora spoke, questions loomed in their minds but they kept quiet.
"I guess it makes sense." Glimmer murmured simply. Adora looked like she was going to speak again when she caught sight of her childhood friend, eyes lighting up as she took in the sight of her. Catra's eyes were turned to the ground as she nervously pulled on her sleeves, slowly glancing up her face lit up as her eyes locked with Adora's. Glimmer and Bow grinned at each other, climbing to their feet to head over to Glimmer's crookedly parked car.
"Hey Adora." Catra purred, confidence sparking into her eyes as she grinned crookedly at the taller girl.
"H-Hi." Adora croaked out, they stared at each other for another second before quickly climbing into Glimmer's car.
Glimmer grinned kindly at Catra through her mirror and Catra returned the smile hesitantly, Adora felt pride swell in her chest for Glimmer and Catra. Bow was the one to break the silence, starting to explain his and Entrapta's strategy for the robotics competition next week, the girls listened best they could but after a while it just sounded like a stream of consciousness. By the time they had pulled up to Glimmer and Adora's home all of their heads were spinning, quickly running out of the car and up the driveway to avoid any more robot talk.
As the group made their way into the house Glimmer and Bow headed into the living room while Adora and Catra stalled in the entryway. Carefully slipping off her shoes and placing her backpack against the wall Catra watched with rapt attention before copying her friend's movements. Adora smiled to herself as she watched Catra through the corner of her eye.
"Bow and I are gonna get in pajamas, be right back!" Glimmer called over her shoulder as her and Bow jogged up the stairs. The two awkwardly glanced at one another before Catra smugly smiled.
"Mind if I borrow some clothes?" Adora giggled nervously, grabbing Catra's hand to lead her up stairs and into her room. Adora clicked the door shut behind them, rolling her eyes as she heard the other two shouting with laughter from the other room. As the blonde turned around she saw Catra was quietly stepping through the room, eyes slowly looking over everything and taking it in. Until her eyes fell on the bed, and a very familiar stuffed black cat sat delicately under the covers. Adora blushed as she realized she had left him there that morning and felt a wave of redness wash over her.
Catra slowly stepped towards the bed, plopping herself onto the cushy surface and reaching for the tattered stuffed animal. She picked it up with such gentleness and her eyes were filled with emotion as she held the scruffy toy in her arms. "You kept him?" She finally croaked out, Adora felt herself relax a little stepping forward to sit next to Catra on the bed.
"I told you I would keep him safe." Catra looked up at Adora, emotion welling in her eyes, blushing as she realized how close Adora was to her. Ignoring her good sense she leaned her forehead against Adora's, who blushed in surprise before slowly shutting her eyes and leaning into the touch. 'This feels right.' Adora tried to push away the thought but her heart wouldn't let her. They stayed like that for what felt like hours but was only a minute before Catra slowly pulled away, lovingly placing the stuffed toy back where it had been originally. Adora felt the urge to pull Catra back to her, to feel her presence as close to her as possible, she restrained the urge but it still nagged at the back of her mind as she stared at Catra.
"We better get changed." Adora said slowly as she made her way to her dresser, pulling out two identical pairs of sweatpants one red and one black. She plopped the pants beside Catra as she rummaged through the closet for tank tops, a white and a black one she placed them onto the pile next to Catra.
Turning her back to Catra, Adora quickly changed into the white and black outfit, staying with her back changed for a moment to let Catra change without prying eyes. 'Maybe a glance wouldn't hurt.' Adora quickly shook the thought away, shutting her eyes hoping her blush would disappear already. "Ready to go?" Catra purred playfully poking at Adora's side, the blonde nodded and the two padded out of the room. Catra took the lead down the stairs and Adora's eyes couldn't help but roam over her now exposed shoulders, stomach lurching as she realized the scars on her back covered a bit of her shoulders too. Adora hadn't seen the wounds for years, having been there when they were made it was hard to imagine how they could've ever healed.
In the living room Bow and Glimmer were waiting, Bow in a sparkly crop top and short shorts and Glimmer in a similar outfit but instead of sparkles the top and shorts were two different shades of purple. 'I wonder who's clothes are whose.' Adora thought amusedly as her and Catra clambered onto the crowded couch. Adora on the inside with her side pressed to her foster sibling's, while Catra sat on the end letting her feet hang off the side of the couch and leaned her head onto Adora's shoulder. Bow and Glimmer glanced at the two and then to each other, questions looming in their eyes but they decided against speaking the questions and just flipped on the tv.
"Alright first up, The Breakfast Club!"
It was getting late, the group was yawning and it was hard for any of them to keep their eyes open anymore. They had watched lots of movies through the night, ordering pizza, periodically popping some popcorn, and Angella had joined them for one of the movies before she headed to bed. It had been a lot of fun, the group giggled and made jokes through the movies, Catra had even loosened up enough to crack a couple jokes making Adora proud.
The final movie of the night was almost finished playing, the scary one that Catra had requested called Saw, it didn't bother Adora too much and Catra seemed very invested but Glimmer and Bow were both curled up under a blanket terrified. Catra laughed at the two, stretching herself out over Adora's lap to grin mockingly at the two frightened teens.
"What? Scared of a little blood?" Catra teased, Adora rolled her eyes and flicked Catra on the forehead making Glimmer giggle. "Hey!"
"Don't be mean and you won't get flicked." Adora said matter of factly. Catra sighed, rolling her eyes, she slid off the couch to get to her feet and pad into the kitchen.
"Is there any more popcorn?" She asked looking through the bowls that were full a few hours ago, Bow tore his wide terrified eyes off the screen to look at Catra with bewilderment.
"How're you wanting food?! He has hooks in his skin!" Bow scolded her but she simply shrugged, another chuckle escaping her. Catra seemed to find a snack and reached over the counter to pluck it out of the bowl, Adora watched from the corner of her eye more interested in Catra than the movie.
However she noticed with a bit of surprise that Glimmer's eyes were almost on Catra, more specifically her usually hidden shoulder blades and lower back. Her eyes were furrowed in thought and Adora silently pleaded for Glimmer not to question it. 'Things are going good, I don't need Catra to freak out now.' Catra turned back around, bowl in hand as she picked at the remains of popcorn, and Glimmer's eyes shot back to the TV. Adora felt relief wash over her and unaware of what happened skipped back to her spot on the couch. "Anyone want some?" Adora politely shook her head while Bow stared at her with the same bewildered expression as before. "Fine, more for me." Catra popped more pieces into her mouth and Adora smiled, attention turning back to the movie.
It soon ended and Bow was shivering in fear while Glimmer hid under the blanket. "Is it over? Is it safe?" Glimmer squeaked from under the cover, Bow soon joined her under there where they held onto each other in an embrace.
"Get a room." Catra teased which earned another flick in the head from Adora.
"Alright that's enough, I'm done, I've been scarred for life and I am going to bed." Bow got to his feet, curling the blanket around him like a cape, leaving Bow on the couch. "Goodnight!" The girls laughed as Bow retreated upstairs.
"He's gonna end up sleeping in my bed, thanks to you." Glimmer teased Catra in a mock angry voice, making the wild haired girl giggle again.
"Shouldn't you be thanking me then?" Catra replied, Adora covered her mouth in laughter as Glimmer's face went red and she playfully swat at Catra.
"Shut it you!" Glimmer growled playfully, the three play wrestled for another minute before collapsing into a pile of giggles. "Alright, I think Bow had the right idea, I'm heading to bed." Glimmer got to her feet and the remaining pair called a soft goodnight to her as she ascended the stairs. She stalled halfway up, glancing back at the two she looked like she was about to speak but seemed to think better of it and closed her mouth. "Goodnight!" She called before heading up to her room, Adora silently thanked her for keeping whatever questions she had to herself.
Catra got to her feet, cleaning out the bowl she had been eating from and putting it into the sink. Adora watched her quietly, taking in a breath as she let the events of the wonderful night wash over her. 'This night couldn't get better.' She thought to herself. Catra turned around again, grinning softly as she leaned against the kitchen counter. "Since everyone else went to bed.." Catra spoke softly, eyes shyly looking down as a blush crept over her freckled cheeks. "Do you think I could see those letters?" It was Adora's turn to blush before a slow smile crept over her cheeks, climbing to her feet and extending a hand out for Catra to take.
"Let's go." She replied softly, Catra's eyes instantly lighting up as she took Adora's hand and led her up the stairs.

A/N: Soo I split the sleepover into 2 chapters cause it was getting pretty long with all the letters they read in the second part but! I thought it was important to show them so I am not cutting it just splitting it up! Anyways thank you all for the love it blows my mind how many people are reading and how many people review this story I really didn't expect it at all you all rock. And a quick announcement, this story is getting cross posted to Wattpad and possibly some other sites so if you see it around yes it's me! I am having some glitching problems getting it on wattpad currently but if you prefer that platform it will be up once the glitching is solved, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up so there isn't any confusion. See you guys later stay safe!

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