Chapter 9- Kitty Section

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Marinette and I have just finished our homework and are eating the banana bread Mr. Dupain brought us.

"I wish that my dad could bake this good!" I say in between bites.

Marinette giggles. "He makes it his goal to make sure everyone who visits tries his bread."

I take a sip of my milk (also provided by Mr. Dupain), suddenly Marinette's eyes light up.

"I know what we should do for the rest of the afternoon!" She says-her mouth still full.


Marinette swallows her bread and washes it down with milk. "We should go watch Kitty Section play!"

"Kitty what?"

"Kitty Section! It's a band Rose and Julika are in! They have a rehearsal today, so we can go visit them! They're amazing!"

"That sounds good! Where do they practice?" I ask.

"At Julika's house-er-boat."


"Yea! Julika's mom owns a boat that they live on. It is pretty cool."

"Well then, let's go!"


Marinette and I walk onto the boat and sit on a crate as we watch Kitty Section play. I see Rose singing, Julika playing bass, A boy-I think Ivan-on the drums, and an older boy with blue hair and eyes playing the guitar. Marinette wasn't joking when she said this band was amazing, they really know how to play together! When the song ends Marinette and I stand up and clap.

"Marinette, I thought you said you couldn't make it!" Rose runs over and hugs her.

"Hey, Marinette. Who's this?" The boy with blue hair asks gesturing towards me.

"Luka this is (yn), She's an exchange student from America! She's gonna be staying with me for the next six months." Marinette says smiling at me. "Oh! and (yn), this is Luka!" Marinette gestures to the boy with blue hair-er-Luka.

"It's nice to meet you, (yn)," Luka says, giving me a wave.

"You too!" I return the wave. "You guys are incredible! Your band knows how to play together!"

"Thanks! I'm glad y-" Luka's cut off by the ship rumbling.

Rose lets out a high-pitched scream. A villain made out of diamond jumps our boat and taps it with her staff, turning it into a diamond! Julika's mom walks out.

"What is the meaning of this, you foul beast?!" She yells with a strong accent.

The diamond villain only gives a sly smirk. "I'm Lady Crystal. I'm going to turn everyone and everything in Paris into diamond!!"

Lady Crystal walks up to Ivan. She taps her finger on his nose. Ivan's almost instantly a diamond statue.

"RUN!" Marinette screams.

I bolt off the ship and hide behind a street sign. Kitti flies out of my bag and gives me a smirk.

"You know what to do." Kitti gives me a wink.

I nod.

"Kitti! Whiskers on!"

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