Chapter 26- Consent

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I run back to the park to meet Alya and Marinette. I see Alya scolding Ella.

"Why did you run off? You could've  been taken, or hit by a car!" Alya yells.

Marinette puts her hand on Alya's shoulder. "It's also partially our fault. We should've been keeping a closer eye on the girls." She says.

"I guess so..." Alya admits.

I run up to them. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! I was turned into a kid and wandered off somewhere." I say.

"That's alright, we found Ella!" Marinette says.

"I have something to show you that will make the Ladyblog blow up!" Alya begins. She looks down at her sisters. "But we should probably finish watching these two, first."

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing around the park with Alya's sisters, until Alya's other sister, Nora, comes to pick them up.

We head to Marinette's room to hang out for a bit. Alya pulls out her phone and starts tapping away. "You guys will never guess what happened when Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Alley Cat were fighting Kidtastic!" She begins.

I have a feeling I know what Alya is talking about, but still act intrigued. "Really? What?"

Alya shows us a photo of Me and Chat Noir kissing. "Alley Cat and Chat Noir kissed!!! We always thought Chat Noir loves Ladybug, but he's kissing someone else!! This is going to make the Ladyblog explode!!"

"What are you going to say with the post?" I ask.

"I'm not sure yet. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet. I need to gather more info on their relationship."


I'm not sure how I feel about Alya telling the world about me and Chat Noir, but at the same time, I can't say anything or she might get suspicious.

"Did you get Alley Cat and Chat Noir's consent to post that picture? If they are in a relationship they may want to keep it private." Marinette points out.

I look at her a bit surprised. Why would Marinette think something like that?

Alya looks a bit upset, and sighs. "I guess you're right, Marinette..." Alya puts her phone in her back pocket.

"Don't worry, Alya. You'll find a better story that you can post without potentially hurting someone's feelings." I say.

"Yeah, it's only a matter of time!" Marinette exclaims.

Alya gives us a great full smile. "Thanks you guys."

Marinette and I pull her in for a hug.


I stand on Marinette's balcony with Kitti sitting on my shoulder. She munches on a bright red strawberry in content.

"So, you got yourself a boyfriend?" She teases.

"Kitti, I need actual help right now..." I moan.

Kitti wipes off her mouth and flies over to my eye level. "Do you like him?"

"I don't"

"It's a yes or no question, (yn). Do you like him?"


"I didn't catch that."

"Well you s-"


"I like him, okay?!?" I yell.

"So then what's the issue?"

"I can't date a superhero!! Not to mention I don't even live here! I can't be dating someone that I've never met without a mask on, and it could put me or Chat Noir in trouble with Hawk Moth!!" I lost off with my fingers.

"Oh boy..."

I slump down against the brick wall. "I don't know what to do, Kitti..." I say burying my head into my crossed arms.

"Well you can start by taking a deep breath."

I take a big breath in and let it out.


I nod my head.

"Look, I can't tell you what to do. This is your life, not mine. But if you want my advice, I say go for it. You only live once, so embrace every opportunity!" Kitti does a quick loop de loop.

I open the palm of my hand so she can sit on it. I scratch her left ear, and she smiles and begins purring. "Thanks, Kitti." I whisper.

Kitti flies up and licks the tip of my nose. "You're welcome, (yn)"

The Eye of the Black Cat (Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now