Chapter 30- Hunter

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We all turn around to see a man with ghostly white skin, in a gray suit jacket, white pants that morph into shoes, gray glasses, a white beret overtop black hair and a mustache. Alix gasps and puts her hands over her mouth. "Dad?" She asks, just above a whisper. "Is this about your art?"

Alix's dad's face becomes angry. "I'm not 'dad', my name is Color Hunter! I'm going to rid this entire city of your 'precious color'!" He sneers.

"Dad, please don't do this!!" Alix yells, is fear.

"To late." Color Hunter pulls a paintbrush from his pocket and flicks his wrist, causing the color from a statue to be sucked into it. Suddenly, he spins in a circle causing all the color around him to slowly disappear into his paintbrush.

The floor in front of us begins to turn a deep gray, and spread in our direction. Nathaniel, Marinette, and I begin running away, as Alix stands still as a statue, staring at her father.

"Alix!! Hurry!!" Nathaniel screams. He runs over and scoops her up, bridal style, and catches up with us. "We need to find somewhere to hide." He says panting.

"But where?" I frantically ask.

Marinette suddenly gasps. "I know a place we'll be safe!!"


We're all standing in a small park with a playground, picnic benches, and stalls for food, in front of a gray building, gasping for air.

"How will this help?" I ask, still panting.

Marinette smiles. "The entire interior of this building is white! Color Hunter will have no need to come somewhere that's colorless!"

"That's brilliant!!" Nathaniel exclaims.

We dash inside. The building is just a public locker room, with white walls, benches, and lockers, but it's our best bet for the time being. Alix sits down on a bench and sighs. "I don't like just running away when my dad is akumatized..." she sighs.

"There isn't anything we can do until Ladybug, Alley Cat and Chat Noir show up." Marinette says.

"I'm feeling nauseous..." I say. "I'm going to go sit in the bathroom, just in case." I walk into the restroom, and look around. Kitti flies out. "Look! A window!" She exclaims.

"Good job, Kitti! Let's go save Alix's dad! Kitti, Whiskers on!"

I transform and run up to the window. It's a small window high above the sink, but I should be able to fit. I knock it open, and crawl out.

Now I just need to find Ladybug and Chaton.

I suddenly see the buildings in front of me turning to black, white, and gray. I run up to them.

I approach the building and carefully touch it to see if it will turn me black and white. My gloves finger taps it, and begins turning gray. I jerk my hand away and watch my finger turn white once more. I let out a quick sigh of relief. I guess that means nothing Color Hunter affects is safe... I think. I jump to the top of a building with color, and begin running in the direction of the buildings turning color.

Suddenly a familiar girl is a ladybug jumpsuit, begins running next to me. "I'm glad to see you're already out on the field, Alley Cat."

"Of course! Have you heard from Chat Noir?"

"Not yet...I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up."

"So either he hasn't transformed yet...or he's been turned black and white!!"

"I wouldn't worry to much. Chat Noir doesn't go down without a fight."

I let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly a third person joins me and Ladybug.

"Hey girls. What's up?"

"Why didn't you answer my calls Chat?!" Ladybug groans.

"Sorry, I was about to when Color Hunter attacked. I didn't have time."

"Do you know where he is?" I ask.

"When I was fighting him the first time I slipped a tracker on him." Chat Noir pulls out his stick and checks the screen. "He should be headed to...the Eiffel Tower?!"

"If he gets there he'll be able to turn the whole city black and white all at once!!" Ladybug exclaims.

I gulp. "And I have a feeling we won't be able to dodge that wave of color..."

The Eye of the Black Cat (Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now