Chapter 50- Au Revoir

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I slowly set the last of my shirts into my suitcase and zip it up. I look around Marinette's room. So much has happened here...Chat Noir saved my life, I found the white cat miraculous, and I made a lifelong friend. I feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes, and try to force them back.

"(Yn)? Are you alright?" I turn around to see Marinette standing behind me, a sad and concerned look in her bluebell eyes.

I wipe a single tear that managed to break through my defenses away from my eye. "I just can't believe that I'm going much has happened here. It seems like only yesterday I came into this room for the first time." I say, glancing around again.

Marinette walks up to me and pulls me into a warm hug. "We're all going to miss you. It really won't be the same without you here, (yn)." She says softly.

"Promise to keep in touch?" I whisper.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Marinette! (Yn)! It's time to go!" We hear Mr. Dupain call from downstairs.

"Coming Papa!" Marinette calls back. She then turns to me. "Do you need any help carrying anything?" Marinette asks.

"It's alright. I just have my suitcase. You go on ahead, I just remembered I forget something." I say. Marinette smiles and walks down the steps.

I quickly pull a thin box wrapped in teal paper out of my bag, and set it on top of Marinette's desk. I then pull out a small white envelope and set it neatly atop the box.

I walk to the steps and take one last look around Marinette's room before heading down the stairs.


Me, Marinette, and Mr. Dupain step out of the taxi cab, and walk into the airport. I glance around at the crowded room, with so many people such as couples reuniting over flowers, tourists coming and going, families bidding farewell to one another, and teenagers greeting one another. It's hard to believe I was in that position only six months ago...

After going through security and entering the gate, I see Nino, Alya, and Adrian standing by a window, waiting for me.

I let out a gasp and turn to Marinette. One smile tells me she knew about this all along. I hug her and then run over to the three of them and hug them all at once.

Suddenly, the tears that I've been holding in all day finally flow down my cheeks. I cry for a few moments as they stroke my hair and back.

I pull away and wipe the tears from my face. "sorry..." I mumble.

"It's fine, girl. We're all really gonna miss you." Alya says, giving me a sad smile.

Nino glances at me. "It was great meeting you dudette." The D.J. Holds out his fist, and I bump it with mine.

I then turn to Adrian. I begin tearing up, and I can hear Alya saying to give us some space. I tightly grasp onto Adrian and bury my head into his shoulder. I feel him wrap one arm around my back, and the other stroking the hair on my head. After a few moments of this, I mumble something into his shoulder. "I don't want to leave you..."

"I know. I don't want you to leave either, Snowflake." He whispers.

I rise up the courage to ask something I'm not sure I want to know that answer to. "Do you think we're going to see each other again?"

Adrian lifts my head up to face him. His face carries a serious expression. "Listen to me (yn). I know that we'll see each other again. If we want to make it happen." He says.

I'm about to reply when a woman comes on the loud speaker. "Attention passengers of flight C4! We're going to be boarding the plane momentarily. Please make your way to the gates!"

I once again meet Adrian's gaze. "Well, I guess that's my cue to leave." I say.

"Be safe." Adrian says.

Before I got to meet Marinette by the boarding line, I wrap my arms around Adrain's neck, and close the gap between our lips. I feel his hands in my hair as we kiss in the middle of all these people. I imagine some must be shocked or think our behavior is inappropriate, but I couldn't care less. I want to stay in this moment forever.

We pull away and Marinette leads me to the line. Before stepping in the row of people, I look to Marinette. I smile and hug her. "Thankyou so much." I say, feeling more tears forming.

"You're welcome. We'll keep in touch, okay?"

"Of course."

We pull out of the hug and I give Marinette one last smile. I step through the gate and onto the plane.

As I take my seat next to the window, I look back out towards the airport. I'm about to turn away when I see something on top of the building's roof. An all too familiar boy in a black cat suit is standing there. His green cat eyes are staring into my (ec) ones. He winks at me and I wink back, giving him a small wave. He waves back.

The plane jolts forward and begins rolling towards the runway. I take one last look at Chat Noir before he disappears from my sights.

As the plane enters the sky, I look back at Paris. The city of lights. The city of love. The city of my love.

The city where I first saw the eyes of the black cat.

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