Chapter 38- Boop

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I silently sneak out of the room, glancing around. A raccoon sees me and sits up on it's hind legs. "Hey everyone! It's Alley Cat! She'll save us!" It says pointing to me.

"Wait no! Sh sh sh!" I say putting my finger to my lips. But it's too late as all the animals begin cheering. Lamina flies down and sees me. She pulls out her bow and begins shooting at me.

I begin doing flips trying to dodge the arrows. As I'm landing, I trip over Nino's shell, falling on my behind.

"Sorry cat dudette." He says.

"It's alright, Ni-NO!!!" I'm cut off as a arrow hits my shoulder. I'm surrounded by a golden glow and I'm blinded for a few moments.

When the glow fades, the world looks larger. I look down at my hands only to find that they've been replaced by fluffy white paws. I turn around to see a large white tail, and a white furry body. I run over to a small puddle on the ground and gaze into it. I have a triangle pink nose, big Aquamarine cat eyes, and whiskers. "I'm a cat?!" I gasp.

"And a cute one at that." Lamina teases. "And now I need your necklace. Here Kitty Kitty~"

Oh no...I'm venerable like this...

I bolt away-thank God cats are fast-and run out of the school building.

I need to find Ladybug and Chat Noir...but I can't contact them! I wander the streets of Paris for awhile, wondering what to do, when a little girl spots me. She has dark brown hair and freckles. She tugs on her mother's white jacket, saying. "Mommy mommy! Look a kitty! Can I keep it?!" She begs.

"No Rosie. You have no idea what bacteria that thing could have." The mother scrunches her nose, as though I smell awful.

Offended, I walk away. A couple of blocks later I see Chat Noir leaping across the rooftops. I quickly run after him, before he gets to far away. When Chat Noir lands in front of Chloe's hotel, I run up to him.

"Chat Noir?!" I yell, pawing at his leg. Chat Noir looks down at me, and kneels down. "Did you just say my name?" He asks, gently rubbing the top of my head.

"Yes, Chaton it's me!"

Chat stares at me in disbelief "Snowflake?"

I nod my head. "I was hit by one of Lamina's arrows." I explain. "And I only have another 23 hours until I'm going to become a complete cat!"

Chat Noir scoops me up in his arms like a baby and silently stares at me for a moment. I can't really read his face...

Chat brings up his finger, and taps me on the nose. "Boop." He almost whispers, smiling me.

I swat at his hand with my paw. "What was that for?!" I pout.

"I've always wanted to do that." Chat chuckles. "Don't worry, Snowflake. I'll get you back to normal if it's the last thing I do."

The Eye of the Black Cat (Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now