Chapter 46- Ring

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After Rena Rouge de transformed and refueled her kwami, Ladybug put her plan into action.

Rena Rouge uses her mirage and creates an illusion of Alley Cat. They all jump back down to fight the genie more, leaving me behind on the roof.

"Mist!" I say, activating my power, and disappearing. I slowly creep up behind the genie as the others stall.

Mirage Alley Cat looks up at the genie and smirks. "You think you can stop us that easily?!" She says.

"Foolish kids! You don't even know my full power!!" The Genie says, once again making finger guns. He shoots blue lightning bolts at Ladybug, and Carapace jumps in front of her and uses his shield to block the bolts.

I pick up my pace as they continue to fight each other. Eventually the lightning gets to bad and Carapace uses his shelter power to cover up him, Rena, Ladybug, and mirage Alley Cat.

The genie let's out a low and menacing laugh. "This is so easy!! You just trapped yourselves!! Now I can just wait for you to transform back!!"

Shoot...I have to hurry...

I reach the genie and take a deep breath. "Cataclysm!" I whisper, holding out my hand. I reach my arm up and quickly grab the sash around the genie's waist. It immediately turns to black dust and crumbles between my fingers. Once it his the ground a little black Akuma flies away.

Carapace deactivates his shelter and Ladybug runs over to the Akuma, yo-yo in hand. After she captures the Akuma and repairs everything, I deactivate my mist and walk up to Rena Rouge and Carapace.

"You guys were really great out there!" I say smiling.

"Alley Cat!! It's great to finally meet you!! I've been hoping to run into you, but I haven't yet!" Rena Rouge says, eagerly shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too..." I say, when Carapace joins us.

"Hey dudettes er...girls!" He says smiling.


I brush it off and smile at them both. "It was amazing working and fighting with you two, but I'd better get going before I transform back."

"Oh shoot, you're right!!!" Rena says glancing at her necklace that now only has one colored part on the fox pendant. "It was great meeting you Alley Cat!" She says running off, Carapace close behind.

Ladybug turns around at me and waves, before jumping away with Carapace and Rena Rouge so she can collect their miraculouses.

I quickly run off to the alley way I left Adrian in. As I reach the alley, Adrain looks at me with wide green eyes. He eyed me up and down, and his cheeks turns light pink. "Alley Cat?" He asks in awe.

"I'm Sorry Adrian...I should have asked for your miraculous, but you just weren't yourself-" I'm cut off by Adrian's hand on my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you." He says, smiling. He brings his face close to my ear, and I feel my cheeks heat up and my heart begins pounding. He whispers into my ear. "Personally, I think that you look gorgeous."

He steps away and I look into his green eyes. I now bring my face to his, and give him a long kiss on the cheek. As I pull away, I transform back into my civilian form. Adrian places his fingers on the spot where I placed my kiss.

Slowly, I take Adrian's hand off his cheek, and lay it flat in front of me. I take his ring off my finger, and place it in his hand, closing his fingers overtop of it.

"You may need this."

Adrian smiles.

"Need a lift home?" He asks sliding the ring on his finger.

"You know it, my Chaton."

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