Chapter 41- Promise

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I let out a small gasp and cover my mouth. Chat Noir looks around quickly before taking a deep breath. "Plagg, Claws in."

Oh no no no no no no no no no no...

I cover my eyes and hide my face in my knees, trying to not let Chat see me, or I see him.

I then hear Plagg's voice. "'re not alone in here."

Chat Noir gasps. "What?! Do you think they saw?"

"I'm not sure..."

Chat Noir begins walking around the closet. "Hello?! Who's there?"

I swallow the lump that formed in my throat, and slowly stand up. "It's m-me."

I looks up at Chat's voice to see...Adrian Agreste?!

"(Yn)?" He asks, his shocked face softening a bit.

I feel another lump form in my throat, as my face turns red. I try as hard as I can to hold back the tears I feel forming. "Chat-Adrian...I'm so sorry...I-I didn't m-mean to see you..." my restraints against the tears break, and fat wet tears roll down my cheeks. "Nobody can know you're or Ladybugs I know..." I gasp for air as I begin crying harder.

Adrian walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. He begins gently stroking my hair. After a few minutes of this, he cups my cheek in his hand and uses his thumb to wipe on of my tears. "You know, a wise girl once told's okay to cry." He whispers, smiling down at me.

I give a small smile back up to him, and wrap my shaky arms around Adrian's torso. "Thankyou. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"And I won't tell anyone your secret, Snowflake."

I gasp and look up into Adrian's green eyes. "How'd you know?!"

"Well I didn't know for sure, but I noticed a few things since you got here. A new miraculous holder a couple of days after you show up, you always disappear during an Akuma attack, and why would Alley Cat trust an exchange student who's barely been here with her miraculous?" Adrian admits, scratching the back of his neck.

"You can come out now, Kitti. The jig is up." I say crossing my arms, smiling.

Kitti comes out and I dig in my bag pulling out a back of dried strawberry slices, a new favorite of Kitti's. After handing her one, Plagg flies over and sniffs the bag. "What are those?"

"Dried strawberry slices. Want one?" I say offering him one.

Plagg pokes the chip with his tiny paw, and then ever so slightly licks it. His eyes light up, but then he catches himself. "Eh it's alright..."

I giggle as Adrian scolds Plagg for being rude. I begin to walk over to Adrian, when Kitti carefully shoves a broomstick over, causing me to trip.

A begin falling forward, but am stopped when Adrian catches me. "Whoa, be careful." He says, smiling at me.

"I usually am...if it wasn't for a certain KWAMII WHO CANT KEEP HER PAWS TO HERSELF!" I shout, turning in Kitti's direction. She flies on a shelf and flutters her eyelids. "Who me?" She chuckles.

I moan and then have an idea. "Hey Adrian...would you like some Strawberry slices?" I say in a exaggerated voice. He understands what I'm doing and smiles. "Why of course I would (yn)!"

"Okay okay!!! I did it!!! Don't give away my strawberries!!!" Kitti yells, flying down.

Adrian and I exchange a glance.

Thats when I matter what happened, we'd figure it out. Together.

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