Chapter 33- Charming

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"Oh...uh..." I blush. "Alley Cat and Chat Noir are pretty cute." I stutter. stupid...

I pick up a chip and eat it in one bite. I stand up and walk to the fruit tray Luka's mom brought out for us. I pick up a strawberry,
And slip it into my purse for Kitti. She gives me a happy smile right before I hear Rose let out a high pitched scream. I turn to see Rose staring at a girl with gray skin and black hair pulled into a ponytail.
She has deep purple lipstick, and eyeshadow on and music note face paint. Her eyes are a golden color, the same as the parts of her suit that aren't black. She has a large guitar case on her back and in her hands, sits a golden trumpet.

"What is she doing here?!" Ivan gasps.

The girl with the trumpet blows a note, sending a ball of light at Ivan, trapping him in a sticker on her bag.

I bolt over to Marinette. "Who is that?" I whisper. Marinette carefully turns to face me, as though she's afraid to make sudden movements. "That's Desparada. She attacked Paris about four months before you came to visit." She explains.

"We need to get out of here! Everyone run!" I hear Alix shout. But Before she can escape, herself, Desperada shoots her with the golden trumpet. Marinette and I run behind one stacks of crates, when she notices Adrian our in the open. "We need to help him!" She says, already running to the open. I take this opportunity to run below deck and into a storage closet. Kitti flies out of my bag. "You know what to do." She chuckles.

"Kitti! Whiskers on!"

I leap out in front of Desparada. "Stop this now!" I yell. I'm suddenly picked up bridal style and rushed off of liberty. "Hey! Put me down-Chat Noir?" I look up to see Chat Noir looking down at me. He gives me a wink. "Hey Snowflake."

He sets me down behind a bridges support beam. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"You've never fought Desparada before, but she's an excellent shot. One hit and its game over, you have to me more careful, Snowflake." Chat Noir explains.

"Oh, Thankyou." I great fully say, giving him a smile.

"No problem, Snowflake." Chat says, kissing the back of my hand.

"Quit being so charming, we have a villain to fight!" I say giggling.

"How can I stop doing something I'm so good at?" Chat Noir teases.

I giggle again and stand up. "Let's go, Chaton!"


By the time Chat Noir and I get back to Liberty, Desparada is already gone. "We should call Ladybug." I suggest, and I pull out my mirror.

"Ladybug?" I call

"Alley Cat! Thank goodness, I was getting worried. Meet at the Eiffel Tower, where Desparada is headed." Ladybug's voice says.

"Okay, Ladybug!"

I hang up and turn to Chat Noir. He looks at me expectantly, and I give his a slick grin.

"We're heading to the Eiffel Tower."

The Eye of the Black Cat (Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now