Chapter 42- Longing

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Its officially the last month of my trip to Paris. In some ways I'm happy, because it meant I got to see my family again, but I'm others Im upset to leave the people I've met here. I'm still n out even sure what to do about the whole "Alley Cat" thing. Was I still going to need to be a hero even if I'm not in Paris anymore? And what about Chat Noir?

I'm snapped from my thoughts when Marinette shakes my shoulder. "(Yn)? Are you even listening?"

"Oh uh, yeah! Just to confirm...what were we talking about?" I cluelessly ask, glancing around the room at Luka, and Marinette.

"We were wondering if you had any ideas of who to give the last ticket to for Jagged Stone's concert this weekend." Luka says.

"Because my parents got four tickets so we could bring two
extra people, remember?" Marinette reminds me.

"Ooooh right! Well, who do you know that really likes Jagged Stone?" I ask Marinette and Luka.

"What about Adrian?!?" Marinette suggests.

"He likes Jagged Stone?"

"Yeah! He mentioned loving his music a few times, and he really enjoyed the concert we went to when Jagged gave us tickets for our hard work when we went to work at Chloe's hotel!"

"That sounds like a good idea. I bet Adrian would love to go to a concert for Jagged's new album." Luka says to me.

"I'm good with inviting Adrian." I say, turning to Marinette.

Marinette smiles and pulls out her phone. "Great! I'll call him!" Marinette hops up and leaves the room, leaving me and Luka alone together.

I begin to pick at a loose thread on Marinette's rug when Luka pipes up. "So how had your time with Marinette been?"

"I've really enjoyed it! Marinette's done a great job at making me feel welcome and at home here." I respond.

"I'm glad you've enjoyed it. Marinette's an incredible girl." Luka says, smiling.

"You really like her, huh?" I ask, giving Luka a warm smile.

"Yeah...but I know she likes Adrian instead. And I don't dislike her or Adrian for that because I can't change the way she feels. I just hope that if she and Adrian do end up together, she's happy." Luka smiles longing, and looks down at his hands.

I'm suddenly introduced to a new side of Luka. He's a guy who would rather see other people happy over himself. He's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for others. Luka is even willing to give up his love so others are happy.

It made me wonder why Marinette didn't feel the same way.


Hi everyone!! It's Emma🐱(duh, I mean who else did you expect?)

I wanted to thank you guys for 1,000 reads!! It means so very much to me! I hope you all know that you are absolutely amazing!

Love you!!!💚🖤💚

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