Chapter 49- Black

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As I arrive at the Grand Paris Hotel, I see a teenage girl standing on the roof. She has blush pink hair flowing in curls down her back, a white rose flower crown sitting atop her head, a long white dress, similar to that of a Greek goddess, and piercing blue eyes. Wait a minute...Chloe?!

I bolt up to Ladybug who is swinging her yo-yo at Aphrodite. "Ladybug! Aphrodite is Chloe!" I shout.

"I figured that you know where Chat Noir is?" She asks.

"Awww how heartbreaking...the cat bailed on his lady's. He's probably to busy with some other girl." Aphrodite sneers.

I tighten my lips and look away. Ladybug looks at me and then at Aphrodite. "Hey!! That was too far!" She shouts, angrily.

"Please. That girl doesn't even know who he is behind the can't possibly be true love. Trust me, I should know." Aphrodite snaps.

That's when I snap. I grab my mirror tightly and clench the handle with my fist. I bolt to Aphrodite swinging my mirror in the air, ready to strike. She simply smirks and blows me a kiss when,

"ALLEY CAT STOP!!" I hear an all to familiar voice shout. I turn to the voice to see Chat Noir standing there, a look of fear and worry on his masked face. As I'm distracted by Chat Noir, I don't see the small black butterfly fluttering towards me.

"ALLEY CAT WATCH OUT!!" I turn around to see the Akuma. It's too late. My mirror becomes black, Chat Noir gives me an evil smirk and I hear a voice in my head.

"Catra. I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you the power to punish those who've wronged you."

Alley Cat, snap out of it!

"No...y-you can't make me..." I force out.

"Think of it...nobody shall harm you again..."

Your stronger than him!!!

I begin breathing heavily, trying to force the voice out of my head. "Leave...m-me...a-alone!"

"Those who've wronged you...they'll finally know their place..."

Alley Cat!!

I begin panting and fall to the ground. I press my hand against my head, feeling myself succumb to the Akuma.
"Please..." I whimper.

Suddenly, I feel something different. Warmth. I feel someone's lips on mine, and hand in my hair. I slowly drop my mirror, releasing the Akuma from its possession, and disconnecting me with Hawkmoth. I slowly pull my lips away from the person who kissed me and open my eyes. I see the eyes of my black cat, staring into my (ec) eyes.

My eyes well up with tears, and I fall into Chat's arms. "Oh, Chaton..." I say, tears running down my cheeks. He he gently strokes my hair.

I gently cry. "I-I almost..."

"But you didn't."

"W-what if I...?"

"I would've saved you."

I look up at him, and I can see in his eyes that he's 100% serious. He wipes a tear off my cheek. "You know I can't stand to see you cry, Snowflake." He whispers.

"If you two lovebirds don't mind I kinda need your help defeating Aphrodite!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her yo-yo as a shield against Aphrodite's kisses.

"Oh right!" I shout, jumping up.

"So I think how her power works is that if she blows a kiss in your direction and hits you, you see an illusion of the person you love the most in the world, even though they're controlled by Aphrodite. She can then take advantage of your feelings!" Ladybug explains to us.

"That's genius!" Chat Noir exclaims.

"Now we need a plan! Lucky Charm!!" Ladybug shouts. A swarm of ladybugs circle in the air, creating a polka dot empty balloon, "An empty balloon?What can I do with this?" Ladybug asks herself, looking around. A moment later her face lights up.

"Alley Cat, can you go to the dining room and grab some pepper? Chat Noir, I need you to stall for a bit." Ladybug says.

I nod my head and run to the dining room, as Chat begins fighting Aphrodite.

When I arrive downstairs I grab the nearest pepper shaker and bolt up the stairs to the roof. "Here's the pepper Ladybug!" I say handing the shaker over to her.

"Thanks!" Ladybug says. She stretches the balloon over the lid of the pepper shaker and begins shaking pepper inside. Next, she pops it off the shaker,
And blows up the balloon, ties it, and hands it over to me. She whispers instructions into my ear, and runs to join Chat Noir in the the districting of Aphrodite.

"Mist!" I say, and disappear. I slowly sneak over to Aphrodite, gently rolling the balloon along the ground to not raise suspicion. I walk up behind her and hold the balloon above her head, and using my clawed index finger, pop it.

Bits of pepper float down and land all over Aphrodite's face. Ladybug smirks.

Suddenly, Aphrodite begins violently sneezing, causing her whole upper half to move each time. After a couple of these sneezes, her flower crown comes flying off her head. Chat Noir picks it up and Cataclysms it, causing it to turn to dust and sift through his fingers.

As Ladybug captures the Akuma and repairs everything, I deactivate my mist power, so I can once again be visible. "We did it!!" I happily exclaim, running to join Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Ladybug holds out her fist, and Chat Noir does the same. We put our fists together, and shout "pound it!!" In union.

"Until next time." Chat says to us, dramatically bowing. I giggle. "I shall count the seconds." I curtsy. Ladybug chuckles and does the same.

After Chat Noir launches himself off, I turn to Ladybug, who is about to leave. I quickly grab her wrist. "Wait." I say.

Ladybug turns around with expectant eyes. "Yeah?"

I sigh. "Chat Noir already knows, but tomorrow I'll have to go back to where I came from. I won't be here in Paris to help you guys anymore."

Ladybug looks upset. "Oh...will you come back?"

"If I am I don't know when that'll be..." I say. I point to my choker. "I should probably give you this, huh? It was never mine to begin with."

Ladybug shakes her head. "Keep it. It's yours. Use it to remember our times together." She says. "We're really gonna miss you Alley Cat." Ladybug gives me a sad smile.

I pull her in for a hug.

"So will I."

The Eye of the Black Cat (Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now